Saturday 22 November 2014

Christmas Is Open

I had the beginnings of a post forming in my head. It was to be about living with teenagers as they anticipate Christmas. It would probably have tried to make you smile, or possibly nod, in some kind of sympathetic recognition: ask a teenager to write a letter to Santa and she'll roll her eyes and say "Are you for real?" (and not for the first time that day). I've got plenty more where that came from. Maybe it would all have made me sound a little jaded..

..and that would have been completely wrong. Because actually, the shopping is going well this year; that teenager is begging for a first baking of mincepies and looking forward to icing a cake.

So it's lucky, then, that I checked my messages before starting to write and I found that Little E - that ruffian nephew of mine - had sent me some pictures. 

If you've been coming here a while, you might remember how he likes to declare Christmas open every year. And now's the time. Today he made a Winter Wonderland for Teddy Pippin. Oh. Yes. Christmas in this family is most definitely on track. It's open. 


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Perfect timing Little E. We are ready for Christmas to be open.

Lea Lacoste said...

he's just the sweetest! Christmas has definitely been a little different here since my nephew came (he's 3 now). Kids do bring out the magic of Christmas I think. I'm more into the food part of it all myself. also, pretty lights everywhere!

Ruth said...

Given my post yesterday, I would normally disagree, but it's Little E, I agree!!

Jennifer Shaw said...

I am chuckling as I literally was just looking at photos of my little nephew holding one of his favourite toys and thinking how I might post them on my blog with something about how exciting it is to be a kid at Christmas. Then I pop onto your blog with Little E's exact same excitement. Happy to hear that Christmas is open for your family and these photos are precious.He is so cute!

Larry said...

Love it Little E!

Karen said...

Little E always knows just how to bring a smile to our faces! I'm not quite ready for Christmas to be open, but by next week this time, I surely will be.

alexa said...

Ah, I just love Little E's sayings :). Over here, I need at least a fortnight!

Lizzy Hill said...

Awwwww...that is super cute! Enjoy...& it's fab that the teen is looking forward to the baking parts, too:):) No Jaded, then;)

Barbara Eads said...

I'd say little E is right on target! Christmas IS open!! Congrats that your shopping is underway. I'm not at all surprised!!

Unknown said...

Oh Little E, perfect sentiment. Christmas opens here at the Tardis on wednesday with our town's lighting the lights parade and service. Season's greetings to you all Sian.

KraftyKaren said...

Hooray for Little E!! I always start to get Christmassy when my parent's home go on their annual outing to a local garden centre to do Christmas shopping and look at the lovely trees and light displays there - we did that on Thursday, so yes Christmas was definitely open this week!!

Alison said...

YAY! for Little E....and I love teddy Pippin's Winter Wonderland! Xx

scrappyjacky said...

That's a relief....I was beginning to think Little E might have forgotten this year!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see little E again--it's been a while. He brings a serious batch of "cute" to your blog.

Jo said...

Yay for the opening of Christmas! :)

Sandra said...

A boy after my own heart :)

Maggie said...

Great to hear that your teen is getting on with the cooking. Look forward to seeing the decorated cake. Too far awy to taste it! As for cute liiltle E it's so exciting when there are young ones about!

Mitralee said...

It's open here too Little E!

Cheri said...

Little E actually makes me wish I felt ready for Christmas to be open! What a fun sentiment. I think I'll be ready by Friday, once Thanksgiving is done. One holiday at a time.

Susanne said...

Yay, around here I know it is about to begin when husband puts forth reasons we shouldn't even bother putting up a tree. Yes it was on Saturday, and that won't be the last time he makes the argument before he has to drag it down from the attic and assemble it.

Lizzie said...

Little E is wonderful. Thank him for me - I think I needed to know that Christmas is Open.. I've been kind of worrying about that for a few days now.

Melissa said...

I love that phrase - Christmas is open. I rarely get the decorations down before Thanksgiving Day, however since we're traveling . . . I took down the boxes & even set up one tree before we left. So, I can start trimming the tree & putting up decorations when we return home! :)

Sandie said...

So cute!! Little ones really do make Christmas special don't they.

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