Sunday 1 December 2013

Storytelling Three: Pick Your Precious

Welcome to the final Storytelling Sunday! I can't tell you how much it has come to mean to me over the past three years, how many of your stories are still floating around in my head, how happy it has made me to watch connections being made around the world, all because of the stories. Storytelling Sunday may be coming to an end, but we'll always have the stories, right? So, shall we? One last time?

The Click of a Wedding Ring

I've thought many times, over the past couple of months, of the story I would tell for the end of the year. I had almost decided on the one about Nicky, the doll my Mum dressed for me the year I was nine. She has a real anorak, cut down from one of my own, and a Sunday best blue wool coat and beret, fashioned to look like the one I wore myself at the time. She has trousers.skirts, a kilt and a cardigan that sports the brooch I got in my cracker and gave her almost at once. Or, I had mulled over the story of the dolls house my new husband gave me the first Christmas we were married. He'd saved up and carried it home without me knowing a thing about it and it's still my best Christmas surprise ever. But, in the end, I found something unexpected to bring together our three years of Sundays. It's a little story that can be told in a few sentences and with one photo, and it's definitely precious. It goes like this:

The (Not So) Small One has been suffering school exams these past two weeks; and when that happens, she tends to turn up home at unexpected hours. Physics she'll say brightly, as she crashes through the door at lunchtime. Finished. And so, we decided to use the afternoon for some baking. She begged, I gave in, and we pulled out everything we needed for a first batch of Christmas mince pies.

I'll roll out the pastry and you spoon on the mince she decided, and she made a start. Then she stopped.
No, she said. It's no good. You'll have to roll. That way, she said, that way I'll be able to hear...the click of your wedding ring on the rolling pin. It's one of the best sounds in the world, the click of your ring on the rolling pin.

And I knew she was right. It is. I remember the click of my Mum's ring against the cool white of her wedding gift rolling pin as she made pastry for our Christmas; and a more comforting rhythm I still can't imagine. Sometimes Christmas is in the very smallest of sounds.

And sometimes the story is in the very smallest of scenes. Sometimes we see a circle we didn't even know we had joined, a band we have brought together. So, for one last time..think about writing a post and joining our circle.You have all week to dream up something you'd like to share - as it's the last time, maybe even one of your favourites from a past Sunday? - and a full seven days to pick a few storytellers and say hello.  If you have been following along from the sidelines, now's your chance to come on over: we'd love to have you with us. Let's make this a Christmas Storytelling session supreme.

I'm going to finish up today by sending out my very many thanks to everyone who has been part of Storytelling Sunday over the past three years. It's been such a pleasure to  watch the stories appear and to travel the globe, dropping in for a yarn. There would have been no stories without you and I'm hoping everyone who has taken part feels proud of every one of their posts. And the best bit? Now we'll all have them to remember whenever we want to. Exactly the way it should be.

And Storytelling Sunday itself? I'm sure it won't disappear completely. In fact I'm thinking a few flash appearances now and then might be a boost for the Blog Cos You Want To Club. You know what that means? keep those notebooks handy: you never know when you might feel the need to write....


Susanne said...

What a lovely story - I remember my mom making pies too, and the old wooden rolling pin she used. It has been a pure pleasure hearing all the stories all these Sundays, Sian. And as I suspected that it couldn't really be coming to an end, you'll have to pop over and see how I left open the possibilities of stories to come. Thank you for starting us all storytelling and for keeping us going, even if only from time to time.

Amy said...

Where do I start? This written image brings forth so many of my own and in some ways is related to a cycle in which I write about today too.
Simple moments of connection are so profound and deeply moving.

Thanks Sian - StS has been a staple of my life for the past three years. Your efforts, wit and charm are so greatly appreciated and yes, we'll always have the yarns!

Happy Sunday to you and to everyone else who drops by this month! :)

Melissa said...

What a wonderful story to end the stories and the year! My Mama makes biscuits, patting them with her hands so it was a different sound but still brings back memories of my favorite comfort food - in fact, she made some for me yesterday. :>)

Thanks again for hosting Storytelling Sunday - I'm so thrilled with the stories I've recorded & have truly enjoyed the many stories of others over these past three years!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, Sian, as my mind going in to overdrive by imagining you are thinking of giving yourself more time (by ceasing to host STS) to be able to have time to work on non-blog related writing?? (Hope so! I'd be the first in the queue to read a Sian Fair novel!)......secretly sad, however, that there won't be any more STS.....even if I haven't been able to join in as I would have liked, I always pop by and read everyone's stories.....its been one of the best ideas out in blogland....xxxx

scrappyjacky said...

Such a lovely story to end Storytelling Sunday with....the very smallest of things....are the most important.
Thank you so much for hosting Storytelling Sunday for the last 3 years.

Becky said...

A lovely story Sian and thank you so much for hosting over the past three years - it has been such fun :)

Sheena said...

What a beautiful story to end with Sian x
I know I came to the party late but I've loved being part of Story Telling Sunday this past year & I've shared stories that I wouldn't have if it wasn't for you xxxx

Jo said...

That is a beautiful story. I do hope Story Telling Sunday continues, I really love it x

Anonymous said...

A lovely story to end on Sian. Thank you so very much for doing this, it's made me remember things I thought I'd forgotten about and let me enjoy reading other's stories and get to know them. The past 3 years and that December month that started it all have been great! I'm going to put all the stories I've shared into one book to make sure I remember them all. I'm going to miss Story Telling Sundays.

Lou said... always Sian a wonderful story to end STS.

It's thanks to you that i have told these stories. Some day I might get around to scrapping them too. Thanks for being a wonderful host, sharing with us your amazing stories and encouraging us to share our own xxx

Irene said...

It was with sadness that I read of Storytelling Sunday's demise... I hope though that you have some other exciting things planned/in the pipeline? Capturing our stories in the special way you created for us, has meant an awful lot to me. Your lovely words in my comment box will never be forgotten.
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a well earned rest. x

Barbara Eads said...

OMGosh! I know the exact sound you are talking about! You have just reminded me of my mother and grandmother with your story. I still remember that same sound when they were baking. Sadly, I have been unable to wear my wedding ring for several years. I'm going to have it re-sized this week!!! Too precious not to. Thanks for the nudge!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

What a beautiful story you've told today, Sian. I love how your girl finds pleasure in a simple and comforting sound of your wedding ring clicking...

Thanks for your encouragement to your readers to get their stories told! I hope all who have participated will continue to realize the value of telling their stories. Many thanks and blessings to you, dear Sian! xo

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Great ending for STS! Thanks so much for hosting it for so long.

Jane said...

what a truly wonderful memory to have It's made me think of my own mum and her baking x

debs14 said...

What a lovely story to finish on. It just goes to show that it is not just visual things that form memories but small sounds as well. Things that we don't even notice mean a lot to others. I can hear the sound of ring on roller in my mind, so clearly.
Thank you for hosting this collection of stories, I have really enjoyed joining in and sharing other people's posts. It's been fun!

furrypig said...

Thank you Sian for Story Telling Sunday it has been wonderfully reading all the stories and I have joined in this final one as I felt I couldn't miss it xxx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

The perfect story to round off three wonderful years. Thank you Sian for encouraging us to tell our stories. I have a coffee close at hand and am about to start visiting.

jeanie g said...

I came in very late to STS but have enjoyed my monthly visit so much Sian. I have so many more untold stories I do hope I find and outlet for them. Thank you so much for all your hard work and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
PS. I too remember the click of Mum's ring on the milk bottle as she rolled out her pastry. There's another story there..........

Missus Wookie said...

Thank you so much for the push to record these Sian - I too have enjoyed the collections and this sound is a good reminder that the precious things don't have to be things :)

Karen said...

I use my mother's rolling pin, but it works with ball bearings so I don't think I've ever heard the click of my wedding ring. What a lovely story, and how observant The (Not So) Small One is!

It took me two years to join in with Storytelling Sunday. I think I needed a theme, perhaps, but I am so glad I did. I've loved reading others' stories for all three years, but especially glad to have a small collection of my own. Thanks ever so much for a beautiful idea!

Miriam said...

Oh Sian! Your story has my eyes filled with tears. It is truly beautiful. Thank you so much for your wonderful stories over the past three years. It has been a privilege to be a little part of it all.

Mel said...

What a sweet thing for her to request. I remember making mince pies with my dad where he would use a glass to cut the rounds out and this would be my job.
Thanks for the time and the inspiration you have given to us budding storytellers.

Unknown said...

A beautiful observation from The NS Small One. A great story to end on and I am happy that it may resurface from time to time.
I haven't joined in for a few months due to work commitments, I haven't blogged at all recently which I am hoping to change in the next few weeks as I have missed it.
Your STS posts have been some of the best writing I have enjoyed anywhere and has also prompted me to write some of my own favourite posts. So thank you dearly. x

Sandra said...

I'm a bit sad. It's an end of an era ... I mean ok, I've never actually participated but oh I've enjoyed reading them all and to me you've bought a lot of blogging friends together and that in itself is a precious thing xxx

Abi said...

What a lovely observation. It's a very evocative noise. My mum always taps her rings on her mug of tea. I can hear it now!

Thank you Sian for helping us connect and weave our stories together. It has been a blessing to participate each month. I am sad that this is the end but am so honoured to have been a part of storytelling sunday.

Cheri said...

Such a sweet connection to draw between your daughter's memories and your own! Thank you so much for Story Telling Sunday. I've LOVED participating each month (even if I missed a few here and there) and I really appreciate the nudge to get some of these stories told.

JO SOWERBY said...

I love STS. I might keep going anyway xxxx

alexa said...

Just perfect :). Small and perfectly formed, like your ring and - I suspect - your mince pies! It has been a joy to read the stories down the years and although I have only managed to contribute a handful of times I have valued greatly your energy and commitment to enabling us all to tell our stories, however small. Here's to the memories! (And I too have a doll called Nicky!).

This West London Life said...

What a wonderful story to end on. I know my appearance at STS has been erratic this year, but I have enjoyed all the stories I've discovered!

Maria Ontiveros said...

What a beautiful story. I can hear the click and your description of it made me choke up just a bit. I have loved Storytelling Sunday and will definitely continue on my own now and again. I wasn't sure what to feature this month either, but then Clara arrived in her cape. And it felt just right.

Beverly said...

I love memories that are tied up in sights and sounds and smells. So many smells take me back in time. Sian, thank you so much for sharing your writing gift with us and inspiring everyone to share their stories.

AM Zafaran said...

Thank you Sian for this chance to join Storytelling Sunday one last time. As you have said, sometimes the story is in the little scenes and flashes of understanding.
Hope the storytelling continues in a new avatar.

Theresa said...

oh gosh, I remember that sound too. I never managed to join in, but I have enjoyed a few stories over the last couple of months. And I am sure I will continue to enjoy visiting you.
Have a lovely December.

Alison said...

I love that connection you and TNSO
discovered.....a lovely way to end the year...all I can do is add my thanks to everyone else's!
alison xx

Julie Kirk said...

Well, there's no doubting where she got her instinct for marking a special moment from! How lovely that, rather than think back in years to come about how that was a great sound, she told you right then and there. So special.

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