Friday 1 November 2013

You Must Be The Doctor

So Halloween has come and gone. Little E has picked his costume, pulled it on and then packed it away again. Or has he?

I mean, you know how it is: a Time Lord never really takes a break. When you've got the bow tie, you've got to work it. And then there's that collection of sonic screwdrivers to keep an eye on. No, never a dull moment when Dr. Who's around.

Maybe there will be a Tardis in his (Christmas) future...

For this page I started out playing around with bits of October Afternoon's older Rocket Age collection; but in the end I went with more pieces from their 9 to 5 line, for a retro Dr Who feel. Sometimes it's good to forget the idea you had in your head and just go with the flow! The blue felt pinwheel is from a kit by Citrus Twist.

Don't forget..Storytelling Sunday this weekend! I'd be delighted to welcome you with any story you'd like to tell. Or if you need a few ideas, I have a list right here in What to Scrapbook When There's Nothing to Scrapbook: Storytelling Sunday edition. Hope to see you there


Jane said...

lovely layout and I can't wait for the latest Dr Who!!

debs14 said...

He rocks the bow tie, I see a bit of a James Bond about him too!

scrappyjacky said...

I was sort of thinking James Bond as well....whatever he is....he's looking good.

helena said...

what an adorable Dr Who - with a Scottish one coming soon, an Irish one must surely follow?

This West London Life said...

When he's done with Dr Who, he can easily morph into James Bond!

Mel said...

What a cutie and a great layout too.

Ladkyis said...

Oh I love that page! The pictures and the way you have made it flow, That has really taken my eye! Clever girl.
Am I the only person who can't watch Dr Who because it is too scary?

Missus Wookie said...

Oh what a cute Dr. Have you seen that Lakeland have lots of Dr Who cake bits?

Jo said...

Great layout and Little E makes a fantastic Dr :)

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Little E is the cutest Dr ever! :D
Love the cluster on the left hand side of the layout with the letter stickers and the blue paint.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Oh he looks so cute! Love how you used the OA collections. Very true that their retro feeling is perfect for this!

Sandie said...

How cute is E?!

Melissa said...

He is such a cutie & your page is perfect to highlight these photos!

alexa said...

Brilliant page, Sian. I love the placing of these secretaries - you are so very clever :). And your colour sense, as ever, second to none. Little E deserves a whole book to himself.

Linda said...

Aww! Little E makes a cute Dr Who! Not surprised he wanted to keep the outfit on. Good luck with those sonic screwdrivers!! Love the LO:)

Nathalie said...

We're still a few years behind on the Dr. Who series in my household but I can appreciate Little E's costume and your page just the same!!! Love the title and love how everything coordinates SO well!

Amy said...

He makes such a dapper Dr Who! Goodness, when I was his age I used to scream and run and hide behind the couch whenever I heard the theme music start!

Carmen said...

The cutest Dr of them all!

Love this page :D (Also a big fan of the Sarah Jane Adventures too!)

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

He is adorable! Great looking layout!

Karen said...

Dr. Who couldn't be cuter! I love the page, and it reminded me I still have a bit of October Afternoon paper in my stash.

Susanne said...

Yes, he is working that bow-tie, isn't he. And you are right, sometimes a hairpin turn in the middle of the process can be a good thing.

Abi said...

Little E is a sweetie and I like his bow tie. Looking forward to storytelling sunday although I am wracking my brains for another precious that is up in Durham!

Lisa-Jane said...

Aha! I recognised the Rocket Age bits! I still love using them too.

Sandra said...

Oh what a little sweetheart

Anonymous said...

You have got to love the style of Little E.

Cheryl said...

Absolutely darling! Love the Tardis blue pinwheel on your LO. :)

Jimjams said...

Just BRILLIANT! Little E is such a character - a perfect subject for a quirky scrapbooker like yourself!

Lou said...

there really is a retro feel to your layout. the small photo college looks wonderful...but them they do feature one very cute little man x

Anonymous said...

What a delightful layout and costume! Good choice E. That reminds me - did you see the pattern for the Dr's scarf? Someone shared the link on facebook earlier this week I must look it up.

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