Sunday 24 November 2013

Storytelling Sunday: Next Week (for the last time)

You know what they say?

Old storytellers never die: they disappear into their own story.

I don't think anyone round here is ready to disappear just yet - please, don't! - even if next weekend's Storytelling Sunday will be our last. Three years we've been storytelling in a Sunday - three years!

It started round about this time of the year in 2010, when I told you a bit of a yarn about my childhood Christmas Club, how I liked to gather the family together and do "Christmas stuff". Every Sunday after, right up to the Big Day itself I invited you to post a Christmas story of your own. Then A blog friend at the time, Kate, (if you are still out there,please get in touch so we can thank you again!) suggested I should turn the whole thing into a Sunday event. And the storytelling began in earnest.

That first year, as we gathered pace, I told you about the day Ted Fred got left behind; oh, and the day the caravan died, and you responded with amazing tales of your own. In the second year I thought we should try to get the photographers to join us with "The Words, The Pictures", and the idea that you might only need a sentence or two if you had a great photo. Of course, most of my stories ended up becoming a little longer than that (remember the one about lentils?); but we did bring lots more of you on board: you and your beautiful photos, your moving words. This year? Well this year we've been celebrating our treasures with "Pick Your Precious"; and I think for lots of us the delight has been in discovering how many of the same kinds of things we love.

And so we come to the end. We have one last Sunday to fill in 2013. Sunday 1st December will be the final Storytelling Sunday and I'd love you to be there. You don't have to bring anything precious (though there are suggestions  in What To Scrapbook The Storytelling Sunday Edition if you are looking for an idea). Bring any story you like! Oh, except maybe one about endings. I'm not good with endings. Let's think about beginnings. Who knows where next year will take us?


Karen said...

Thanks for the reminder. Every month seems to fly by faster and faster. Know just what I want to finish with, and will try to be on time this month! But mostly, thanks for hosting this. I know we've all recorded precious memories that might have gotten lost in the shuffle if not for you!

Barbara Eads said...

Oh no!!! I have thoroughly enjoyed Storytelling Sunday. I wasn't always able to participate, but even when I couldn't, I really like reading other people's stories! Although I'll miss it, I look forward to what you next have up your sleeve! Actually, now that I thick about it, if it weren't for SS, I would never have stumbled upon your blog. I've been happier for that for sure!

Miriam said...

Oh! I do so hope I will be able to join in this time. I have missed the last two... I have lots of bits of me crossed that this won't be the last one ever. It has been wonderful.

Melissa said...

I'm so sad to see Storytelling Sunday come to an end, but I'm thrilled with all the stories I've recorded over the past three years. I've also so enjoyed reading other's stories.

I already have my post set to go for next Sunday! :>)

Ladkyis said...

Thank you Sian, thank you for giving me a focus so that I could get all the family stories and the little moments recorded. I have begun printing them off and making a scrap album with them.
I am so glad that my family can now read the stories and remember their own moments - that's what it's all about. It's been a great time and I look forward to the next three years. Perhaps I'll remember some more daft happenings.

Becky said...

I've so enjoyed reading everyone's stories over the past three years and also grateful for the push it gave me to record many stories that I may otherwise not got written down. Thank you Sian and here's to the last one next Sunday :-)

Susanne said...

I add my thanks to all the rest. For getting us to tell stories, large and small, happy and sad, scrapped and not. You've made us all better storytellers with your encouragement. I'll be working on a good one for next Sunday.

Sinead said...

Thanks for the reminder Sian, and thank you for inspiring people to come together and share stories each month for the last year. I believe that storytelling is an art form, and it's wonderful to see it being promoted so wonderfully here High in the Sky. Though I haven't participated as often as I'd have liked throughout the year, I've always loved reading all the stories, and hope to have Christmas offering next Sunday! Thanks again x

Maria Ontiveros said...

I'm hoping to pull out my Christmas box next week in time to find the Precious I want to pick.

Missus Wookie said...

Oh I'm sad to hear it is the last STS. But thank you so much for organising it and helping us bring so many stories and precious memories together. It has been fun to see how similar and different we all are.

Alison said...

I too look forward to new beginnings...thank you for giving us a place to come and tell our stories...I'm sure that without your encouragement most of us wouldn't have realised we had so many stories to tell!
Alison xx

Beverly said...

I have enjoyed STS so much over the last three years. I haven't gotten a story down but a few times but those are stories that otherwise I wouldn't have written. I always enjoy reading others' stories. Looking forward to what inspiration you have for 2014 :)

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I was here for the first, and I'll be here for the final installment. Thanks so much for sponsoring this meme, Sian. Looking forward to seeing what inspiration will fill this space in the absence of Storytelling Sunday! xo

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

You have created a wonderful community of story tellers. :)
Congratulations and best wishes in whatever project you work next.
To new beginnings. Cheers!

Lisa-Jane said...

I hope it continues into something else because I have enjoyed reading and taking part when I could!

Anonymous said...

Oh so sorry to hear that this will be the last. I've so enjoyed taking part right from the beginning and remembering all those stories I needed to tell. Thanks so very much for doing this Sian - it's been wonderful reading others stories with some even triggering other memories and getting to know others. Now I'm off to make sure I have a photo to share with tomorrow's story.

Lou said...

Like Alison has said, I am sure I wouldn't have recalled so many stories without your encouragement. I have thoroughly enjoyed joining in and look forward to next years 😄 x

Jo said...

I have loved doing Story Telling Sunday for the last 2 years and would like to thank you for hosting it. Long may it continue!

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