Wednesday 28 August 2013

Let's Sit and Have a Cup..

Come on in! It's good to see you today as I finally got round to laying out the coffee cups and stacking up the biscuits to join in with Abi's hostessing at Creating Paper Dreams. I can do tea if you'd rather, but you're definitely in a houseful of coffee drinkers here!

Sorry about the dustsheets. We're in the middle of repainting the hall and we're rushing to get finished up before our visitors from San Diego arrive on Saturday.

I'd love to hear all your news, of course - if you like we can go upstairs where the paint smell isn't so pungent. I know I'm not the only one who suffers with a sore head!

But I'm feeling pretty good today and full of chat myself. It's been a busy summer here - never known one to go so quickly (though maybe I say that every year?) and now we're thinking about our trip to leave our boy across the water to begin his Law course. We got him that new coat I've been promising, half price at the Outlet Village, and stocks of tshirts and sweaters. he's worried about making his money last, but I've said I'll send food parcels..and what's student life without a touch of penury, eh?

His sister is going to miss him. We all are. Is now the time to admit that I've never used Skype? There you go, I knew you'd laugh. But at least now I'm willing to try. That's the way to look at this whole new chapter for us all, right? A chance to search out the new. He's going to need help bringing his stuff backwards and forwards and I think we're all going to grow to love his new city.

But I'm rambling now, and I can see your hand reaching out to those two fat albums on the coffee table. Yes, of course you can look. They're school albums and I began putting them together not long after I started scrapbooking. One each, a double page spread for every school year, with handcut titles and a pocket for reports and the like, all prepared in advance of the classes ahead. We stuck down everything for this year just yesterday. keep going and you'll see one is full now. One school career done, one with three more years to go.

I'll still have one hungry teenager arriving home in the afternoons, so before you go, let me show you my new slow cooker book. You can borrow it if you like, because I think it's brilliant. Or make a note of the title? The Slow Cook Book by Heather Whinney has each recipe two ways, for the slow cooker and the oven. I spotted it on holiday for £16.99 and set it back on the shelf. Then I found it at The Works for £5.99 and brought it home. Oh, go on then, one more book recommendation before I let you go with the promise of a nice beef stew the next time you come: a novel this time The One Hundred Year Old Man who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson. Very funny and it finishes well. No, now don't say I've spoiled it for you: sometimes you need to know what to turn to when you need a happy ending..

..and I'll end here for today. Drop in on Abi and join her for a cuppa. She'll make you very welcome!


Sandra said...

As always I feel at home visiting you, and no I don't just mean because if the decorating supplies. Buy hey while I'm here, I could always help you :) and well although I didn't laugh, I did sort of giggle that you'd not used Skype before:) you'll love it x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I'm definitely not laughing Sian, I've never used Skye either!

Susanne said...

I love slow cooker books too - and I think that it is indeed brilliant to include an oven version - because sometimes I forget to start the slow cooker in time! Surely that's a sign of a busy life and not an age thing. It was a lovely chat, and not to worry, I'm sure that new technologies can be conquered - especially when you will be quite motivated to make it work. See you for stories on Sunday.

Cheri said...

I only used Skype a few times when Sarah was in London. Haven't since, so it has been two years and I wouldn't know how if you asked me!

Melissa said...

We always enjoy painting & home improvements and have learned to use Olympic paint because it has the least amount of odor! :>)

We learned to use Skype when Robbie traveled overseas for the first time & it was wonderful!

I've just added that book to my to-read list!

Sinead said...

Thank you so much for coffee Sian - after a year of working in a school with all coffee drinkers, I've been converted too (though I still love my tea as well!) Those school albums sound absolutely fantastic, and must be so lovely to look back on. That slow cooker book sounds great, and I'm always on the lookout for new novels to read so will look out for that Jonas Jonasson one. X

Miriam said...

Thank you for making me tea Sian... I have only just got 'into' skyping really. It took my brother to go to France for 5 months for me to make a better effort! I chat to him while I am preparing and cooking our evening meal, it seems to work well for us. I'll be thinking of you when you ferry your son and his possessions to UNI, it is a very strange time for a mother! He will have fun. Your albums are beautiful, what a wonderful thing to have.

Ladkyis said...

a delicious cup of coffee and a delightful chat with my young friend. Makes a day perfect that does. I am going to try Skype just as soon as I can get it onto my computer. I have tried several times to do this but the computer simply refused to accept it, as it does with most new programs. I have to wait until it is distracted and then pounce. I will be able to talk to my cousin in Mexico then. The first week after he goes will be the worst and then, while the ache remains it gets easier to cope with so that when you are my age you can smile about it even though you still want them all under your own roof - SAFE!

Linda said...

Wishing your son good luck for his university career:) And good luck with skype to keep in touch. I've seen that book, might just download it onto my new kindle - thanks for the recommendation:)

Jo said...

I shall look out for both of those books. Good luck to your son x

This West London Life said...

I'd so love to be in your kitchen these next few days and weeks.

Lisa-Jane said...

I'll have to look out for that book, I've been using my slow cooker a lot in the last couple of weeks and I'm very pleased with myself!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed that visit very much. Now that we've found John has a sister in Turkey we're using skype a lot to get to know her. That cookbook sounds good.

Abi said...

It was so good to stop for tea with you today Sian. I would tell you that I need a flick through of that cooking book because one of my housemates is bringing a slow cooker with her and i have never used it before. I hear great reviews though so am eager to try!

I would also tell you that before i headed off to uni my mum had never used skype before either. She worked it out soon enough after a week of phone calls with her thumb over the camera! It will be an adventure for both of you. Cannot wait to hear how he gets on!

Thank you so much for joining me this month.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Oh I loved this post! Wish I really was over for a visit. : Best of luck to your son with his studies. I understand the worry that comes with that first entry into the empty nest, or almost empty in your case. It is a weird thing and Rob and I still don't like eating alone. It's been a couple of years so we had better get used to it. The slow cooker is an amazing thing and that cook book sounds great. Thanks for the book recommendation. I've looked at that book so many times at Costco debating whether to pick it up. Maybe now I will.

Amy said...

We use Skype with my parents and I have used Skype to chat with some of my blog friends ... I can say that it is quite marvellous and I am sure you will love it and appreciate it quite dearly when the time comes!

Nathalie said...

I am avidly reading (and maybe I should take notes!) about your transition, or I should say your son's transition, because I am not too far behind you in feeling those heart strings being pulled... It is also the second time someone recommends this "old man out of the window" book so I will see if my library has it.
Enjoy your San Diegans! :D

Anonymous said...

I had never skyped until Gracia went to Uni and now it is our Sunday lifeline. I love it when I get this (Skype?) text during the week because she has something else to chat about.

Missus Wookie said...

We love Skype and Facetime (the mac to mac equivalent) and use them often. Lovely to sit and have coffee with you - hope the decorating gets finished in time :)

Estelle Grace Tudor said...

Thanks for the lovely welcome, I do enjoy your posts! Love the school albums, such a great way to preserve those school year memories.

Hugs, Estelle xx

Ifa said...

Oh, exciting! We use face time on ipad to connect with in-laws in Australia so that's another option to Skype if you are an apple household. Coat ? What's that for ? I thought young men go about coatless.

Kirsty.A said...

Thanks for the tea. I really enjoyed The 100 Yr old man too. Love my slow cooker - one of the many things I enjoy about the Autumn

Beverly said...

Oh it seems like the Pirate just left for his first year and here he is in his last. I love when he is home but after the first summer he stayed there. Fortunately he is less than and hour and a half away and we have football season starting this weekend so I get to spend lots of time with him 7 weekends :)

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Sounds like you are all getting ready for the new transition, Sian - even getting on board with Skype! It will be wonderful to actually "see" your boy and have conversations with him. I loved doing that while Carrie was away at college. All the best to you and your family as you enter this new normal. :o)

alexa said...

Oh, I have really enjoyed this! And just sorry that I am late to tea and hoping there will still be a nibble in the biscuit barrel. I guess the paint smell may be on the way out if the visitors are arriving tomorrow - unless you are just finishing the skirting boards and hoping they dry in time :). Looking forward to hearing how TTO gets on and I have every confidence he will manage - the parents he has will have taught him well!

Karen said...

Having had to rely on FaceTime (the Apple equivalent of Skype) for several years now, I can tell you how grateful you will be for technology now that the Tall One is off to new digs! I was amused that your decorating project is just prior to company. Around here that's when we almost always get our big projects done. Thanks for a lovely visit.

Carmen said...

Tea for me please and I've never used Skype either. I downloaded The 100 Year Old Man in the January Kindle sales and have heard nothing but good reviews since. I'll have to get to it soon :-)

Exciting times for TTO and you too :-)

Maria Ontiveros said...

I've never skyped either! But I think we'll be doing face time. Henry and I went and did some shopping today for things for his room, as well as a few clothes. We need to do a bit more clothes shopping before he heads off, but we have a few more weeks.
I also remember hearing about the 100 Year Old Man. Will have to look in on it.

Lou said...

I read your lovely post last week and never got around to commenting. I facetime my sister and nephews in London...frequently. I'm terrible at it and get moaned because they end up looking at the wall etc!

ohshagoofa said...

The hall looked beautiful! Thank you so much for a lovely visit. I wish it was more often. It's always sad to leave. We're already talking about the two of us coming early next year. Can't wait to hear how The really, really tall one is doing at Uni!

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