Thursday 20 June 2013

Dinosaur. Roar.

Auntie Sian; if you asked me about going to the museum today, but not in the car, only on the bus, I think I would say yes

Oh, I see. Little E, how do you fancy going to the museum, but not in the car, only on the bus?

Auntie Sian. I'm saying....YES!

Auntie Sian: if I said that maybe I might be a little bit scared, but that I wasn't going to run away would you say that's alright?

Little E, I'd say, let's hold hands. I think we'll be just fine.

Little E, if you eat your lunch up like a good boy I would say let's go and have a look for a small something in the gift shop. 

...and then I would say oh, yes, the woolly mammoths are the nicest. Though not the smallest...

Auntie Sian, if you asked my Mum if she thought it was going home time and could we get back on the bus, I'm sure she'd say DEFINITELY.

And that is the story of an unexpected Wednesday trip to the museum and of our first capture for Rinda's Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt (check it out!). Number 20: a dinosaur.


scrappyjacky said...

Sounds like such a fun way to make your first 'capture'....I wonder how many more Little E can help you with?

helena said...

your dinosaur hunt was much more fun than mine - hoping Little E will help with more items (although could get expensive on little mamoths)

Estelle Grace Tudor said...

What a roar-some adventure! Have fun on your next one :)

Hugs, Estelle xx

Unknown said...

Your dinosaur hunt looked like so much fun!

Julie Kirk said...

I'm quite envious here. Not just for finding a dinosaur - but because your day out looks perfect + I'd like to have joined you!

Amy said...

What an adventure!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I love this post, not just because it is a tale of Little E, but because it reminds of adventures with my aunty when I was little F!

Lou said...

I think we'll be visiting a museum in the holidays for exactly the same reason! Had to smile at your day looks like you had fun x

Kirsty.A said...

Sounds like fun was had by all

Barbara Eads said...

Sounds to me like you had the perfect museum going partner. And those blue eyes---one glance and I would be in love!!

Susanne said...

An adventure with Little E - how fun for you all!

Karen said...

What fun! And a great capture for the scavenger hunt.

Miriam said...

I'm not sure that adorable little face should be called a wooly mammoth! ;) This sounds like the perfect day out. I do so miss having a little one to spend the day with.

Well done with your scavenger hunt item! a great find.

Becky said...

What a great post! Love the way you did this and love your dinosaur photo. Glad Little E had a nice time :)

Melissa said...

It sounds like a perfectly wonderful day - really enjoyed reading your conversation with Little E today!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

What an adorable post, Auntie Sian! Love the conversation flow and also your sweet photos.

Beverly said...

Now that is the most glorious way to capture a dinosaur that I have ever heard :)

Jennifer Shaw said...

Sounds like the perfect day with Little E. Loved seeing these sweet photos of the two of you together. :)

debs14 said...

How lucky to have Little E with you to help find your first hunt picture. Now you just need to let him take you to 20 other places!

Mel said...

So cute! He sounds like a real character.

Susan said...


This West London Life said...

Hooray for Little E and adventures. Only another 20 trips out with him and your scavenger list will be done!

Rhona said...

Lovely to see Little E on your blog again and what a fun adventure you had :). xx

Anonymous said...

Love your post and I sooooooo want a Little E of my own!

Ladkyis said...

We have Woolly Mammoth envy! Little E is the most exciting museum companion. I look forward to lots more adventures

Sandie said...

As always you had me captivated with your unique story telling. I bet Little E loves having you as his aunt - lucky him!! A great trip and photo for your summer hunt.

JulieJ said...

Hoorah for museums and dinosaurs. What a great day out.

Heather said...

Such a precious conversation! And the photos are also wonderful xx

Wanda said...

I'm wondering? Are you wrapped around his finger or is it the opposite? Whichever, this is absolutely precious!

Sue Althouse said...

Engagingly written, as always and some great photos. Fun to see you in the pictures, wondering who the photographer was.

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

This is so great! I wish we had a museum we could go to on the bus.
Or even just the bus to take us anywhere.

Such wonderful conversations!

Unknown said...

Such a lovely adventure story! How cool that woolly mammoth DID get to go home with 'Little E'...& on the bus too!! Great first scavenger capture too!! :D

Alison said...

I wish I had a Little E in my life...fab post!
Alison xx

laurie said...

Sounds like a perfect day with good company. :-)

Alana said...

If I was to say'That Little E is such a cutie' would you agree?

Lizzie said...

Fabulous - Little E is amazing and I would like to meet him.
Looks like a great day out too.
I may have felt just a little scared of that big dinosaur - do you think Little E would've held my hand, to help me feel ok?

Lovely post, Sian - thank you for sharing your day out with the wonderful Little E!

Missus Wookie said...

Oh what a lovely day out - we have to take a train and a bus to get to the dinosaur museum but it is a great place to take people - especially small ones :)

Sandra said...

I've loved this post Sian, really loved seeing the photos of you two together ... Oh the love in your eyes :) .... You're smitten for sure

Maria Ontiveros said...

I adore this dinosaur post Sian! And so glad I played a small part in such a wondrous day.

dogmatix said...

Love this post and great pictures xx

alexa said...

A beautifully written spots :). Oh, and some great vintage- look photos too.

Jo said...

It sounds like you had a lovely time x

Nathalie said...

What a great time you two must have had! Loved reading your dialogue :D

Anonymous said...

What a great Little E adventure the 2 of you had. Love the photos of you both and congrats on your first find!

Carmen said...

What a brilliant post. I love little E but I love your relationship even more. I say it again - I hope you are printing these stories and making a book for when he's older. Maybe to tell his own little one.

Jimjams said...

See ... I CANNOT manage without Reader which is where I found this unread post!!! Brilliant take on Rinda's prompt - Little E had a great day out :-)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Thanks for linking up. Can't wait to read the platypus story

Miriam said...

I came by again and enjoyed this lovely post again.... Oh for a little E of my own.

BJ said...

excellent dinosaur. BJ

Nicky Stevenson said...

Great way of approaching this challenge, a win-win for both of you! :)

Textile Recycler said...

So cute! Made me giggle out loud..

ForgedinPaper said...

Great story and love the mammoth. My boys would adore him.

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