Friday 10 May 2013

Turned Out Nice Again

We talk a lot about the weather here in the UK. We have to. It's all around us all the time: changing every day, but almost never in quite the way we'd been hoping for. I read somewhere once that blogging about it - the rain, the clouds - was A Bad Idea, to be avoided except in extreme cases of hurricane and tempest. I'm ignoring that.

no photo page by Sian from From High in the Sky
A no photo page..the sun didn't stay out that long

I've been moaning for weeks now about how cold it is. But on Tuesday everything changed!

flowers from a Quirky Kit by Crafty Templates

Just for a few hours. But at least we can say we have seen the sun this year. And that has to be a good thing.


Sandie said...

What a pretty page, Sian. I agree, it's fine to post about the weather unless it is just a passing comment. Yours nicely points out that in UK we do have to take opportunities when they come. This was pointed out to me in another way. Along the roadside there was a blaze of beautiful yellow dandelions in full bloom. They looked amazing and I thought I must pull over next time I am passing to take a photo. Sadly I was not quick enough. The heat and the sun turned them quickly into seed heads and now that fleeting moment is past. At least I captured it in my memory. A prompt for a post perhaps?

Jimjams said...

LOL - celebrate that sun while it's out - we've had 3-4 days of sunshine and heat and now the rain and wind and cold are back with a vengeance!

Eek to reading The Snowman - not my ideal way of finding out about Norway (Nesbø's earlier books are less graphic and less stomach churning)!

Amy said...

You know, it's not just the fine folk of the UK who 'discuss' the weather ... plenty such conversations down here too! Perhaps diplomatic discussions should focus around shared weather experiences!

This West London Life said...

It's like winter here today!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely sunny layout. I thought that was a Canadian thing to talk about the weather. :) Pretty dismal out here right now, looks like we're going to get a dump of rain very shortly.

Lea Lacoste said...

could you please stop making such cute layouts! <3 i don't know what i'd become without pretty teal and pink!
Good luck with the sun, it disappeared in Paris too

helena said...

yes it does feel like each patch of summer needs to be celebrated - love the cloud paper

Barbara Eads said...

I just love the way you cluster little bits and pieces. And the trim you used at the top? Well, I have that exact same trim, but would never have thought to use it that way. I'm "copying" you for sure!

Cheri said...

I hope you get LOTS more sun this year... because it truly is glorious when it is out!

Susanne said...

A very sunshiney page even without the photo.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Oh I love this photoless page! It is so delicate. I think it is great to blog about the weather. It really is a big part of everyone's life! Glad you finally saw some sun and that you actually got out in it. Grey skies sure can effect the mood. :( It has actually been nice around here after our winter that never wanted to end. It is so great to get out walking the pups in enjoyable weather. Here's hoping for some sunshine for you! :)

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Lovely page! I like how you timed the sun's appearance. We have the sun for the first time in over a week today.

Ladkyis said...

Three chickens and me standing in the cellar doorway with shoulders hunched, watching the rain. Says it all really.
I gave them some Blueberry and cranberry muffins for their special treat and they went into their house happily pecking and clucking.
I was not so easily appeased

Karen said...

It's such a lovely page, and I'm just as obsessed with the weather. We had a wonderful two weeks of sunshine, but now that Matt is headed home and the Lilac Festival about to begin, rain and cool temperatures are forecast for the next several days. I'm trying to remember the glorious weather, and not to complain!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely, lovely page Sian.

Lisa-Jane said...

LOL! So true! We had about 3 days of sun but it was over a bank holiday which is a rare treat indeed. I really hope that you get more sun my dear!

stephanie said...

love how you used the flowers. i hadnt got a clue how to use them!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my...I remember reading years ago that Seattle has the highest per capita sales of sunglasses in the U.S.--because the sun shines so rarely that everyone loses their sunglasses between sightings. Do you have a similar phenomenon there?

Susan said...

Such an interesting page. :-)

Unknown said...

Oh those papers :) Lovely.

That duck is just the nicest thing I have seen this week :)

My Mum went to Lundy for 4 days, went on the boat in a heatwave, my toes were even in flip flops for two days and then she had mist and gale force winds and had to be helicoptered back. Not that she minded ;)

Unknown said...

After living in Ireland for seven years discussing the weather constantly seemed normal. Coming back to Australia you realise just how much is was discussed as only extreme weather is talked about here. LOL I'm glad you got some sun.

Lou said...

a topic that should be you say we talk about it often enough. We really do have to enjoy the sun when it makes an appearance. A very pretty page Sian and the bouquet of flowers look sooo good x

Missus Wookie said...

I love that you marked the time it appeared and how long for. Sitting here watching dark clouds roll in and the tree tops sway.... wouldn't want to sit in the garden with a book today.

Miriam said...

Gorgeous sunny page Sian. I love to hear what kind of weather people are having because I attribute (wrongly) certain, constant, weather to places! I like to hear if it's raining in hot places, makes me feel better ;)

scrappyjacky said...

I certainly think it's worth celebrating the sun on the odd occasions it deigns to pop out!!

Ginger said...

Haha! yes we are enamored with talk of the weather here too as you well know :) I love that there is no photo with this layout yet you manage to capture the essence of the topic clearly with the bits and bobs and of course the beautiful cloud paper (one of my faves)!

Sandra said...

The first thing that struck me was wow, what a beautiful layout, I only then realised no photo! Amazing. Another winner Sian

Maria Ontiveros said...

Glad you ignored conventional advice. This is such a soothing page.
Thanks for sharing it!

Carmen said...

Since the bank holiday weekend we've been pretty lucky here. Sun every day - alright, the past 3 or 4 days has been accompanied by wind that could almost lift you off your feet... but still there was sun with it. Yesterday we went to Hastings. It was raining, raining, raining all the way out of Kent, then immediately as we crossed from Kent to Sussex... dry roads. I kid you not it was like a straight line. So weird. And same on the way back. Dry, dry, dry....into Kent RAIN.

I really thought that was a photo of blue skies on your LO. It's another cracker :)

Lizzie said...

Pah! to not blogging about the weather! I like to mention the weather from time to time; it's interesting - especially when the sun makes one of its rare appearances.
I also took a book into the garden for an hour, on Tuesday lunchtime. It was so nice to get a bit of brightness & woke me up (at last!) after the long, dull and dreary winter.

Your Weather page is very pretty. I love the blue skies and sunshine you have built into it, along with all the flowers. Very appropriate, very nice - and definitely very interesting!

"Don't blog about the weather" - phoey!

Becky said...

What a great layout :-)

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I love your layout, Sian, and having recently been to the UK I can now say I completely understand why all of you talk about the weather so often! LOL! :o)

alexa said...

Another very charming page, Sian, with a pretty look and feel. It is such a great topic, the weather! I wish we ad something bette than 7C here today. Longing for something as bright and optimistic as your layout in my field of vision!

Nathalie said...

Very pretty page, and without a photo!
I don't mean to rub it in but it sounds like your proportion of grey days to sunny days is on the opposite of ours ;)

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