2013 has so far seen me knitting ( just got one sleeve left to finish on another sweater), card making, scrapbooking and dolls dressmaking. I like them all, though I'm the master of none. But it's always good to have something new to learn! Sometimes I wonder which would be the more satisfying - to be able to turn your hand to anything you liked? or to excel, really excel, at one? What do you think?
There are plenty of things I can't do at all
- I can't draw, I can't paint and I can't ice a cake
- I can't waltz, I can't dive and I can't eat mayonnaise without gagging
- I can't ride a horse or remember chemical equations or reach the highest cupboards in the kitchen
- I can't rule a straight line. I can't crochet and I can't type with more than two fingers
- I can't whistle or click my fingers or hear a brass band without getting a lump in my throat
- I can't retain numbers and I can't pass a bookshop without needing to go in
- I can't balance on a skateboard or think about exercise without breaking out in a cold sweat
- I can't see much without my glasses on or buy a pair of trousers without having to hem them up
- I can't code my own blog or use most of the functions on my phone or open a can without asking for help...
....and a whole lot more besides. Oh. Well. Never mind. Life's about what you like to do, what you need to do and what you might do in the future. I don't think my future includes skateboards. But you never know..
One thing's for sure: the future includes Storytelling Sunday. Next week. Pick your Precious and I'll see you there?
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Keep Calm and Sew On! from A Flair for Buttons |
I can't whistle or click my fingers either... And with me it's bagpipes. When played well, goosebumps and emotional wreck.
Gorgeous page... I often think I'd love to master painting but then of course I'd need to master drawing too... It's never just the one thing - they all interlink.
LOL! I loved your journaling. There are far more things that I can't do than I can. I might as well try to focus on the cans :-) And for the things that I can do, well I am a bit of a "Jane-of-all-trades but a master of none" :-D
P.S. Touch typing is one of the things I CAN do. I am very grateful to my mom for forcing me to take typing at school when the other choice for that timeslot was so much more exciting. The funny part is that I can't remember now what the other option was!
I often wonder what it would be like to be able to focus on one thing and keep re-doing it until I mastered it. I'm far too eastilty bored by repitition and emphaise my willingness to try new things.
....and you write lovely and tell just perfect stories!
there's a lot in your list I can relate too including a skateboard....there's something to be said about a scooter though!!
Super layout love the rub-ons in the white space x
Ah Sian - but now sit down to write a list of the things you CAN do! It's a lot longer than you'd expect!!
Love it! I have so many of those things too but actually I don't really mind.. I tell my crowd that I don't have a danger gene, or that it was removed after having 4 of my 5 children at home!
Cheri is right I guess we should do a double layout and on page 2 embrace the things we can do..in my case make tea, have two conversations: one in the room and one on my phone, and blog or take photos at the same time ;-) xxx
I love the list and it is a great way to look at it.
We would be bored if we could do everything :D
I think you are very good at what you share with us, that layout is lovely.
There's a lot of those things I can't do either.....and I can only type with one finger!! Though I am pretty fast with one finger these days!!
Mostly I'm happy with what I can't do...but I do wish I could crochet....just can't get the hang of it.
I do personally prefer having a go at lots of things.....rather than excelling at one.
what a fun list of "can'ts" although i know your list of cans would be a mile long. :-)
Great layout. I would rather be able to do lots of things than excel at just one, that would be boring :)
What a fun LO and terrific journaling! I think it is great to reveal what we can't do! Hey, I can never remember how to use my cell phone because I rarely use it, can't work the DVR, struggle with the computer and always need help opening up any packaging. ;)
I see quite a few things on your list that are true for me as well, but your gifts are many and probably too long to list!
Love the layout - and you're right about the white space, it just looks balanced and writing on it would have spoiled the whole page. Pull-out tag is a good plan.
Life's definitely more about what you CAN do, than what you can't; but what you can't do can add interest and tell people lots about you.
Something You Can do, Sian, is make a brilliant Scrapbook Page!
I'm hoping to learn to crochet this very week...most of your 'can't's are mine too!
Alison xx
But you can make friends you may never meet and you can inspire people to stretch out of their comfort zone and try new things and write better than they have ever done.
Love the Journalling, love the page.
LOL funny page - who cares what you can't do, when the things that you can do are done so well :-)
You've made me smile! My own list would never fit on a page. I love the design of your layout, with the main column split into three like this. And I smiled again when you couldn't write in the 'white' space - I know just where you are coming from. The whole thing breathes beautifully and I'd like to say "Amen, sister" to what Jimjams said :).
Sigh ... it's best not to focus on the can't dos ... I have numerous, namely I cannot sing and it is something I'd love to be able to do!
Your pages are always so unique and totally interesting! I can't whistle or snap my fingers either.
I also cannot crochet, and I can't tell right from left without thinking about it for a bit. But like you said, it's all good. I can play the piano, and I'm learning to knit, so that keeps me quite happy.
I can relate to many of your "can'ts." I can't reach the top shelf and I have to have my pants hemmed too. But some of my can'ts are more related to my ocd tendencies. I can't do what I like to do until the "work" is done. I'm working on changing that. I spend a lot of time doing what I should rather than what I would like.
I didn't expect this journaling to be associated with such a pretty photo, but the contrast makes it even more interesting! Your page is adorable and I loved your list. It is funny to me as I have been making a list of 5 reasons (that's all I have for now) why I am not cool! :)
I can't sew or sing or skate board, but I whistle pretty well!
I read your post and now I have "I can't dance" by Genesis whirling around in my head :)
Beautiful layout - and to answer the question... maybe I'd like to be able to do a lot of things okay-ish rather than one just really really well.
I can't touchtype, skateboard, eat Kentucky Fried Chicken (oh, how I miss those!), make a mini-album in a day (or even a week!)... and so much more.
Oh, and I'm with you all the way with the whole mayonnaise thing...eugh! *lol*
He he! I can't whistle either and also have trouble reaching the top cupboards. So excited for S.S. The month seems to have gone so quickly!
OK, the mayonnaise gagging got my attention first. I cannot and will not eat anything with mayonnaise on or in it. Just cannot handle the taste or smell of it. So happy to learn there is another one in this wide world who feels the same! Beside that comment, I am all for trying new things and becoming a master of none. How boring it would be for me to do just one thing. I like to spread my inabilities around.
I can't knit but I can crochet. I can't draw or paint but I can color artistically between the lines. I can't use scissors without it being a disaster yet somehow I can make a quilt. I can skateboard, sort of. I am not going to be playing on a half pipe but I can manage on a flat surface. I can't do word problems.
I'm looking forward to Sunday!
I could never skateboard either....I have enough trouble staying on two feet let alone four wheels. Super cute layout Sian. That dolly is still looking pretty....still think she needs a skiing outfit though:)
None of those things are really worth the worry, I'm just in awe of what you can do. I must admit though I thought you did crochet ... You learn something new all the time :)
I can't draw either, but I'm hoping to have a story for Sunday!
LOL at your list and all these comments! I like to have a go at lots of things too, but sometimes I get frustrated that I don't concentrate on 1 thing only. I love your page especially the little doily over on the left of the page.
Lovely layout Sian, and inspiring story. it's all about accepting who we are at the end of the day, isn't it?
Lots of things I can't do and I'm usually fine with that. Used to be able to ride a skateboard, used to sew/embroider and ..... nah, don't want to go down there either.
Thought of you as I met a Q from your home town, almost said, "oh I've got a friend from there' and then realized i'd have to explain I'd never met you and figured it was easier not to start :lol:
My list would be longer & share some of yours too! These did make me smile though!! I can't hear Silent Night without sobbing...embarassing while out shopping at Christmas I can tell you!! :D
I really love your layouts Sian, I must, must, must start back on the kids books! In the meantime I am enjoying your inspiration.
Take care, Estelle xx
What a great post Sian, bet my list would be longer than yours and a few would overlap.
I like this page and that you have a list of can`ts, I think it`s a fun page and I like that you included the button which tells us something you can do :)
What a great looking layout Sian. I can totally relate to most of your can'ts and could add a lot more. :) I prefer doing a lot and being master of none.
I totally love your page. there are lots of things i can't do but i love celebrating those that i can - like scrapping :)
I would say you do excel at scrapbooking and cardmaking! You are a master! You sewing looks pretty good too, as far as I can see through a computer screen!
I like your list of 'can'ts' too though. Especially the skateboard thing, I've never understood them!
I love the layered butterfly-with-thread-on-a-doily area on the page! x
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