Wednesday 9 January 2013

52 Cards Challenge

So, new projects for the New Year. The 52 Cards Challenge at Kool Kitty Musings is the one I'm aiming to keep up with: a new prompt every week, right through 2013.

Making cards is feeling like a fast papercrafting fix at the minute (though I seem to be even untidier on small projects - why does it take more stuff to make less?) and I'm enjoying tucking the end result away and knowing I can use it for something useful.

Working backwards:

Week Two: A Clean and Simple Card

using Pink Paislee rub on I think I got in a kit about three years ago and a little October Afternoon tab stamped with a Citrus Twist stamp. I backed the tab with  brown spotted paper and added a little strip inside. Is that too much for clean and simple? I've got a lot to learn!

Week One: Something New

This one started off as a New Home card because I found the Studio Calico wood Veneer houses; but then I also found a "January" rub on and changed it into a Happy New Year card instead. The background paper is from Basic Grey's Aspen Frost 6x6 pad and I cut the little fence shape with the Slice.

and lastly
the Christmas Card extra challenge. A Christmas card a week following the prompts? I like this idea - it will make a change to have a range of  cards to send out in 2013. I enjoy choosing different pictures for different recipients, so I put together a little wooden tray of festive bits and pieces and I'll see how much of it I can use up before I need to add anything else. That's my first card right there, and it might be the last one I post until Christmas comes round again. I'll be keeping them in reserve!

That's me for today. Before I go I'd like to thank everyone who joined in the first Storytelling Sunday of the year. Thank you! We had five new storytellers this month. Welcome! If you haven't had a chance to check out our January "precious" collection, you really should right here.  And, if you still have a story to tell, don't forget the Linky stays open all week.

I'll be back with another So This is Scrapbooking later in the week.


JO SOWERBY said...

Oh I'm so glad I'm not the only one doing some 2013 challenges Sian. Love the week 1 card best and the idea of doing ur Christmas cards early is brilliant,
Jo xxxx

Estelle Grace Tudor said...

Love your cards Sian, what a fab way to create something new every week!
Hugs, Estelle xx

Cheri said...

May need to add this idea to my bag of tricks for 2013!

Miriam said...

Your cards are beautiful Sian, I just can't seem to make one card, it's a whole desk, windowsill and floor full or nothing. No discipline see.

Barbara Eads said...

For your card challenge, why don't you challenge yourself further by using the leftovers that are already out from your latest layout? That's a great way to use up bits and pieces. LIsten to me---I'm all talk. I don't even do it. But it sounds like a good idea. Maybe I'll start. Maybe. Probably not. But maybe.

This West London Life said...

You know I'm not one for cards, but I do always admire what you produce.

Nathalie said...

I am so very tempted by this challenge after seeing your first cards and working all year on Christmas cards is such a brilliant idea...

Julie Kirk said...

I know what you mean about the amount of supplies needed for cardmaking! I think it's because I like to mix lots of elements together. Then sometimes I think I should create more layers using die-cutting ... then I can't face getting the Big Shot out *as well*!

Lovely cards Sian - I'll look forward to your year-full.

Elizabeth said...

I'm headed over to Kool Kitty Musings right now to check out the 52 Card Challenge. At the very least, it will give me something to talk about on my blog. '-))

dogmatix said...

Great cards. I have been thinking of joining the challenge this year. At the very least, it should keep me on top of birthday cards!!!

debs14 said...

I've seen this challenge on a couple of people's blogs now and part of me is saying 'join in, join in' but the other half is saying 'you're not a very good cardmaker, step away - now' but maybe if I did this challenge my cards would improve?! What a dilemma!
I love that first card especially - so good. But then again, the 2nd one is great too, your layering and cutting and sticking is just so effective.

Jennifer Shaw said...

The card challenge is a great way to keep a good stash of cards on hand! Your cards are lovely. I totally agree that making one card seems to create more of a mess than doing an entire LO. Weird!

Jo said...

They are gorgeous cards. I've been planning on making more cards this year so that I can use up all the scraps I have so may well try this challenge.

Anonymous said...

Love your cards Sian. What a good idea to start on your Christmas cards this early.

Unknown said...

Great start Sian, I love them. I followed this for a while last year but cards aren't my fave thing to make. Enjoy.

Oh and I am 3/4 way through the layout for Storytelling Sunday so I will be late to the party, but hoping to get there before the slow dance.

Lou said...

I so wish to join in with this challenge...but i'm not sure it will happen. Great cards, I was trying to work out if the tree was a stamp...then i read on! great use of a rub on! x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Lovely cards Sian. I'm taking part in this challenge too, but I haven't done my card for this week yet.

Alana said...

Oh yes it is so nice to have a few cards ready for any event and what wonderful cards they are:)

laurie said...

what fun and interesting cards! the idea of making a holiday card each week is genius! if only the week was a bit longer...

Beverly said...

Funny, I've not seen this challenge but have planned to do at least 2 cards a week this year. I tend to do multiples of a design since I sell them so hopefully it'll be more than 2. Your cards are fabulous, I especially love the second one.

Irene said...

A fun idea and your designs are delicious and translate so well from a scrapbook page to a card. A great idea to always have some crafty bits handy too. Love the tray.

Sue Althouse said...

Lovely, lovely cards. You are so right, I always have the biggest mess just trying to make a card or two. Can't explain it. Great idea about a Christmas card a week!

Alison said...

Fab cards Sian....I may pop over and have alook!
Alison xx

alexa said...

I think you've got the hang of clean and simple rather nicely, actually! You might even tempt me to come and learn, as my card-making skills are zilch... The colour contrast and balance are just perfect.

Jimjams said...

I think that's a VERY c&s card for you - beautiful! Good luck with the card making - I'm struggling to craft at all atm, dealing with post-Xmas clutter which is rather sapping for the old mojo :o(

Becky said...

Lovely cards Sian :-) looking forward to seeing what you come up with over the year xx

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Your cards are lovely, Sian, and I really like the idea of making a Christmas card every week. I make a card to send to my grandma every week, and the add-on of a Christmas card may be very doable! I'm off to check out the details at Kool Kitty Musings. :o)

Missus Wookie said...

Oh pretty - I'd count the first as clean and simple, and I'm a clean and simple kind of a gal ;) Like the idea of creating cards throughout the year, was thinking - as I went past my trolley for the nth time this week that I'd like to make up some cards soon. They are quick and fun to make without the worry of photos or anything else. Tempted by the idea of the prompts but trying hard not to add stress to my life right now. So - instead I'll just enjoy yours.

Lorraine said...

What a great idea and I love the extra Christmas card challenge. I always have good intentions for Christmas but get so busy. Thanks for the link.

Unknown said...

I love your clean and simple card. What a great way of using up some old stash. I have a pile of rub ons that I will never use!

Jennifer Grace said...

Lovely cards, I like the first especially, as I struggle with simple cards too and this is so serene. I like the idea of making a Christmas card a week all year, that will help with the last minute rush!

I have taken a photo and written a story for Storytelling Sunday, but I think I might blog it after I've made a mini-book page with it. So watch this space...!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Just when I decided I was no longer interested in card making, you're making me want to sit down and create a few!

Ginger said...

I'm following Kool kitty's challenge too and having lots of fun with it!

Love your versions!

Karen said...

I love having cards in reserve (for whatever occasion). I'm hoping that my 2 challenges/week goal will eventually create a stash instead of having to work quickly in order to get them in the mail. I especially like the CAS one, and it's definitely CAS! I have the Storytelling Sunday link open on my browser as well. Being off line for two weeks means lots of catching up to do on blog reading!

Sandie said...

I'm slow catching up Sian, but loving your cards. It is lovely when you can use up stash and cards are the perfect place!

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