Friday 5 October 2012

Once I Was a Witch

Friday already? And Storytelling Sunday is two days away! I know some of you are already prepared and some of you are still thinking..

If you are still on the hunt for an idea, how about going with my October-ish plan? Let's Dress Up!

Regulars round here have probably already worked out that I like thinking about clothes and I love to dress up. Every day dressing up is good. Fancy Dress dressing up? Now that's the best!

Not taken at a Family Party. I've been asked to judge the PTA Fancy Dress a few times. They make me dress up. They make me choose a winner. It's one of the hardest jobs I've ever done..  

I get it from my Mother, I've decided: my Mother and her Fancy Dress Parties. Oh, yes. Every year, when we were little, I would look forward to the last day of October, Halloween; and the chance to up-end the dressing up basket and pull together my costume. When my own two were born I was determined the tradition would continue; and, with the willing help of my sister (the-best-auntie-in-the-world), we did, for many years, hold a Family Fancy Dress Party every Halloween.

Now, there are many ways this story could go from here. I could tell you about The Fat Lady from Harry Potter Year; or the Giant Walking Baked Bean from the Year of the Letter B; or the small Willy Wonka in his Mum's best brown velvet evening coat. But, for now, all you need to know is that once we did Thomas the Tank Engine. And also that we never throw anything out. Oh, and that thing about getting a love of dressing up from my Mother? I think it has moved on a generation. Because Sunday's tale isn't about me at all..

See you there?


humel said...

Great photo, Sian :) I'm at the 'still thinking' stage, but at least I have plenty of thinking time while I'm stuck on the sofa with my foot up!! Think I need to trawl through the photo archives, though I highly doubt there are any shots of me dressing up... Wonder if I've got any good pics of the kids doing it though? See, you've got me thinking now!!

Irene said...

What a delightful witch you were. Love the green hair! Halloween sure sounds fun over at yours.
Looking forward to a good dose of memories this Sunday and a pot full of photographs.

Lisa-Jane said...

I think there is much to be said for dressing up boxes of cast off clothes instead of these nylon pre-made creations. Looking forward to Sunday and mulling over some ideas...

Susanne said...

What a fun snapshot. And you have certainly set us up for Sunday with this clever prologue, haven't you!

Jo said...

Lovely photo, I'm really looking forward to Sunday :)

Anonymous said...

And what a wondrous witch you made. I'm trying to come up with something that I can easily lay hands on the picture because I sure don't have time to start searching for one now. :)

Melissa said...

Oh, I can hardly wait to hear the end of that story. Will the (not so) Small One be a witch this year?? I'm hoping to whip out a story (or a few photos) for Sunday if I can find a few minutes before then!

Jennifer Shaw said...

What a cute photo. I think that Halloween was much more fun in our generation where we made our own costumes from old clothes and imagination. Now the costumes are so perfect and pre-made, expensive too.

Scrappi Sandi said...

Loving that photo!! I love dressing up too & home made fancy dress is always the best, where you cobble together bits & bobs to get just the right effect!! I've had some great costumes over the years, but whether or not I can find any photo's in time for Sunday is another question!! I may have to 'star' someone else in my tale too!! ;D

scrappyjacky said...

I'm not a dressing up person at all...though DD1 made a perfect witch.

Ladkyis said...

I have a cunning plan.... and a picture or two... a story of bookworms and paperbacks, invisible goldfish and Mr Bluefunnel in a kilt.

Sandie said...

Halloween has been reignited with my granddaughters. My daughter and her husband LOVE Halloween and go to great effort to dress up and decorate the house. Wren is nearly 2 now so this year she will be thoroughly enjoying herself

Maria Ontiveros said...

Very intriguing! I'm not on-theme for this Sunday, but I do like the story I have lined up quite well!

Lou said...

you teasing us Sian - looking forward to sunday. I had a story all prepared and now you got me thinking along the dressing up route! nice pic!

This West London Life said...

Don't you make a delightful witch!

alexa said...

Looking forward to it already - and if ever they remake Hogwarts, I'll be recommending you for an audition. :)

Unknown said...

Love the photo. I haven't come up with anything yet, so I better get my thinking hat on :) xxx

Nathalie said...

No wonder you are so creative! Now, I know that it comes from your mother and her fantastic Fancy Dress Parties tradition!

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

And what a pretty witch you made. I have lots of dressing up pictures from my student days and plenty of my children when they were small. Witch to choose?!

Clare said...

You make a very atrractive looking witch I must say. I have been charity shop hunting this morning with DD looking for a suitable skirt for her to dress up in for a forthcoming assembly, a good bit of recylcling and some money to charity too!

Sue Althouse said...

Love that photo! We used to love to play dress-up as kids and had a nice collection of costumes. Kind of sad that we lost the playfulness along the way.

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Lovely witch costume! Love the green touches. Sunday is my oldest's birthday so my story will be about that.

Alison said...

Great pic Sian..I'm in the 'still thinking'camp though am just about there!
Alison xx

Karen said...

What a great photo! "Fancy Dress" is a term I've never heard here.

Ginger said...

I agree with the others, you make a pretty witch!

Alana said...

Great story as usual Sian. What a cute Thomas she was. I'm a bit late with my story but it's up now, a short and sweet one.

Wanda said...

I'm playing catch-up and am out of sequence with the order of your posts. All I can say at this point is that your storytelling Sunday entry lived up to the tease in this post. Good job!

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