It's Monday, how did that happen? But maybe it's a good thing. Monday morning seems like a good time for me to pull out My Dangerous Notebook and see if I can raise a smile. If you're a regular here, you'll have heard of it before, My Dangerous Notebook. They call it dangerous round here because they are never sure what's going to go in there next. .
I'm not sure myself, until I find it: something someone has said, a funny Little E moment, even stuff I see on the street might fit, if I think it's worth remembering, worth considering a page about. A typical days-worth goes a bit like this:
- Just spotted a little boy on his way home from the shops. He was dressed in a Superman cape. I hope he feels like Superman for many years to come..
- A song on the radio in the car: Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Love Back. There has to be a layout in that! It made me laugh..
- The Tall One got to drive his sister to school on Friday. We ran upstairs out of the way to watch them go. They appeared to be having some kind of disagreement. .."I hope she doesn't distract him," I said.
"They'll be fine," said their Dad, "It'll do him good. Every man has to learn how to drive whilst listening to a nagging woman.."
I'm saying nothing.
So that's one day's worth of entries. Let's see what Monday brings. My page today first appeared in the August 2012 issue of Scrap365 and was based around a Tall One quote recorded last year. He's not a fan of caravans. But that's understandable, I guess. He finds it hard to fit in..
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"And man made caravans because sheds don't have wheels.." |
I'm drawing the winner of the Flair For Buttons giveaway tomorrow morning. Have a good week!
Smiling at those dangerous entries - you never know where they lead with your way with words. Though The Accountant clearly has a nice line in patter himself. Not to mention the tall one :). Lovely way to begin a wet and windy Monday.
Love it!! I think I may just need a book like that! Great Layout too! x
Definitely liking the "dangerous book". I see your whole family has a way with words and not just you. :) That's a great looking layout.
I really cannot believe you ever nag,Sian!!!!!
I'm loving the dangerous book too - may need to start one of those myself methinks :) Love the thought of a caravan as a shed on wheels! :D
Wow super page and I just love love love that title well said The Tall One.
That's a lovely page for a simply brilliant thought - I think every mother needs a Dangerous Notebook!
Love it!! great title and fabulous sketch too
Fantastic! And it's funny how men interpret helpful, constructive comments to equal nagging isn't it? My map reading skills are affectionately known as the Sat Nag ;-)
Great page - and I see see how it would have come from something you jotted down in your dangerous notebook.
Love your layout--made me chuckle remembering things my brothers said. Also like the idea behind your dangerous book.
I laughed out loud at the quote about the driving! Unfortunately I can really see myself like that with my brother!
Love everything you have jotted down, seems a great way to reach for inspiration :) Why do men believe women nag?! lol
I love the idea of your notebook! SO great to remember these funny quotes and random stuff. Love your husband's comment.... and probably true. ;) Such a fun LO and I love the idea of documenting these thoughts in a LO!
Lovely layout as always. I so enjoyed the snippets from your Dangerous Notebook - especially the little boy in the Superman cape because I've been thinking I need a superhero to come dust all the toys in the toy room! LOL
I can HEAR the tall one saying that - totally perfect! I think I"m going to pull out my paints today (that's kind of dangerous).
In the journal of the Scottish Trip there is a bit about Kelly being a good nagavator even with maps that don't work so some things never change do they? The dangerous notebook is an essential piece of kit. I have one in my handbag and several around the house, can't live without them.
i did see your page in 365 and it made me smile as much then as it has now! That's a very fine quote you have there and a super page...the mixture of patterns and fonts looks so good.
I think my husband would agree with yours! :)
and yes to dangerous note books.....i've had mine since i started scrapbooking x
Great entries---the one about the driving made me laugh. I'm quite sure the husband here would make the same comment!
One day that dangerous notebook will be discovered by your descendants.... & published! ;D
A notebook is such a good idea. I jot down notes on snippets of paper and then file them later. I can see where a notebook and possibly a highlighter would be the perfect thing for me!
it's those phrases that define a personality, an activity and, when all put together, a life. so glad you "collect" and share them in such creative ways.
What a great sense of humour your son has. Man Sheds has just taken on a whole new meaning to me...
You made me smile thinking about you and the Accountant running upstairs to sneak a peek of them driving off.
Lovely layout, it has a feel of Autumn about it.
I had a notebook on holiday where I noted amusing things that were said or happened and I found it the other day. Some things still make me laugh now. Reading your post today has made me think that I should keep one for everyday too.
I enjoyed reading about your Dangerous Notebook in Scrap 365. I love the comment about driving with women! Well done for biting ylour tongue!
It was women who created sheds so we could get Man the heck out from underfoot. Caravans just take that a step further.
LOL! I have discovered some things I jotted down that the kids said when they were younger. Might have to do something with them.
Every man has to learn how to drive whilst listening to a nagging woman.. That totally made me laugh out loud!!! I also love the quote on the page! I love that kind of pages! I need to do better at keeping track of things I hear!
Wookie loves his shed but does not love caravans...
I'm another always writing things down - or emailing my evernote account with tidbits and other things. Never thought of them as dangerous...
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