Thursday 5 July 2012

Sail Away With Me....Ginger

Today on Sail Away with Me I would love you to give a big welcome to..Ginger!

 A Prairie Girl’s Advice on Sailing
I want to thank Sian for the opportunity to see the view at “From High In the Sky!
I will never profess a love for large bodies of water… you see I grew up on the prairies in Western Canada where my more common childhood memories are of beautiful wheat fields dancing in the wind under clear blue skies, but most of our summer weekends were adventures planned by my parents. They included camping and fishing in our clear beautiful northern lakes. Now one might think that sounds like a lovely time but honestly, I believe this is where my fear of large bodies of water came… that story, however is not the one I am about to share with you today.

Six years ago Marvin and I had the pleasure of planning a 10 day Caribbean cruise for which I was sceptical as I had never been on one and I had some concerns… big concerns… like how was I going to deal with the motion sickness, more importantly, what if the boat sunk? I knew we were not travelling near any icebergs but hey… you never know eh?
My experience in planning this trip resulted in three very important suggestions I have for anyone who might have water related fears:

 1)      Do not listen to the news for at least 3 months prior to setting sail. Trust me… this is good advice! Shortly before we were to set sail I listened how a fire had started on the boat of the same cruise line we were to travel with… now just so you know, my second biggest fear after drowning, is a house fire... House fire or boat fire? I don’t know about you, but if my house was on fire – I would just jump out the window… not a problem… I might have a few broken bones, but isn’t that preferable to jumping in the water where who knows what is underneath you?!

2)      Do NOT watch anything like “60 Minutes” or “W5” especially with stories on “Missing Persons” from ship vacations… oh yeah!  After watching, not only was I worried about the boat sinking, but I became worried about falling off the boat in the dark of the night, and let me tell you when you are in the middle of the ocean, unless it is a full moon… it is VERY dark! 

3)      Never, and I mean NEVER watch the “Poseidon Adventure” (old or new version – the boat still sinks!). I think this one is fairly self-explanatory, and there is no reason to go into great detail on how only a handful of people survive after a Tsunami hurls the boat onto its side – see what I mean?!

I hope I haven’t scared you off too badly from sailing away on a cruise… and just so you know it’s really not all that bad… I actually love cruising, and now we are planning our third one this September – an Alaskan cruise… where there will be Icebergs!

Ginger, thank you! Amazing, eh? This girl never fails to blow me away with her colourful creations. Hop on over to Ginger's Life of Spice. You won't regret it! Oh, and you need to check out her Mail Art Exchange too. It has brought a lot of pleasure to a lot of people.


Carmen said...

I can totally get on board (see what I did there?) with your 3 things not to do. My OH has a fear of flying - mine would be downing without a doubt. Still can't swim at the age of 35!

I adore your art work and am just off to investigate your blog further :)

Cheri said...

gorgeous piece of art! Is that a scrapbook page or a canvas?

scrappyjacky said...

Just gorgeous,Ginger.
I would echo your cruising advice....but having taken the plunge [so to speak!]....we also now love them.

Susan said...

Wow, that's a beautiful piece of art. Love the story too. I could never go on a cruise - I'd be petrified surrounded by all that water and don't think I'd be able to relax. I've been known to lay in the bottom of a rowboat, screaming, when a wave hit the side of it!

Missus Wookie said...

I've yet to convince Wookie that a cruise might be fun let alone possible sadly. But it always sounds fun to me - love the idea of the smell of the sea, the stars above and visiting new places.

Beautiful piece of art too.

alexa said...

Stunning piece of artwork, Ginger! I'm going to sit and look at it full screen with a cup of tea later :). Glad your worst fears were not realised. I'd have added Titanic to my list of DO Not Watch This!

Nathalie said...

Beautiful canvas Ginger but I DO NOT like cruises... went on one when I was a teenager and was SO sea sick that the thought of going again never crossed my mind!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Fabulous art work and an entertaining story to add to the enjoyment of this post. I agree - Ginger is awesome.

Ginger said...

Thank you so much Sian for the your kind words and for the "invitation" to guest post on "Sail Away With Me"!

Ladies - thank you all for your lovely comments. I'm happy to see a few of you can relate to this story!!

Yes Cheri - it is a canvas :)

Irene said...

Such a great post and the canvas is gorgeous. I love the colours on it. As for the sea, I adore it, the deeper the better for me. Perhaps I was a mermaid in another life...

Alison said...

Gorgeous canvas and great post have reminded me of yet more reasons not to go on a cruise! We have friends who love them, but it's just something I could never bring myself to do
Alison xx

Scrappi Sandi said...

Love your canvas & laughed out loud at your post!! I'm tempted by a river cruise...say in Austria...where you're never actually in deep water!!! :D

Melissa said...

That is an amazing canvas, but it's your advice that has me laughing outloud today. Here's my confession - when Robbie & I were on our cruise this year, we actually watched the Poseidon Adventure movie on New Year's Eve!!! :>) Robbie planned it all out & brought along our DVD & player. I guess it's a little strange, but it was a nice way to spend the evening watching a movie we enjoy, then being lulled asleep by the waves! And it makes a unique story . . . along with getting married on a frozen river, it's now one of my favorites.

Lou said...

your canvas sure is a wonderful work of art Ginger. Loved your post and am yet to convince dh that a cruise is the way to go!!

Abi said...

Beautiful canvas. The colours are beautiful.

Jennifer Grace said...

Gorgeous, so full of life, and colour, and beauty! x

Maria Ontiveros said...

Awesome artwork and very fun advice! Maybe I'll share my cruise stories next story telling sunday. . .

Wanda said...

When I read your intro, I thought you might write about "waves of grain," etc. I'm a plains girl too, having grown up in SW North Dakota.

Anyway, I'm so glad you conquered your fears and enjoyed your first cruise--and I must say you do have some pretty creative ways of minimizing them!

This was a good read--thanks for sharing with us!

Lisa-Jane said...

Love that art work!

Lizzie said...

Oh that is simply very beautiful! I love the texture, the technique and especially the colour choices.

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