Tuesday 31 July 2012

My Month in Numbers - July

It's the end of the month (what? already?) - and of course that means it's time for a Month in Numbers, with our Numero Uno Julie Kirk.

Some months, the numbers I want to remember lodge themselves easily in my brain. other months, I'm not sure what to count because mostly, to be honest, I retain colours and textures and words better than numbers. That's why I find the challenge of this so enjoyable! 

But for Jluy I knew exactly what to count:

How far we travelled.

We drove 450 miles to Southampton. And then we sailed 
- 216 nautical miles to Zeebrugge
- another 707 nautical miles to Copenhagen
- another 20 to Helsingborg
and then 254 to Oslo
with a further 765 nautical miles back to our starting point. But that wasn't our trip finished! Oh, no. We then took in
- 5 university towns 
- in 2 countries
travelling a further 1000 miles by car until we reached home.

Playing around with the confetti trend - numbers cut with the Slice and sewed into a glassine bag

The nautical miles slipped by easily (no, I didn't count the number of times we went to the buffet..). The miles in the car? 

We did our best. I haven't decided yet whether to go ahead with a layout called "Contentious Car Music". But if I do, you'll be the first to know..

Are you counting with Julie this month? Find out more right here. And browse the numerical anthology that is the dedicated Pinterest board right here.

A map of the UK shaped into a heart. Cut from a sheet of Studio Calico paper - the piece with Scandinavia I used on the companion page to this one; and I blogged it here


This West London Life said...

Another great page ~ good that you counted the number of universities because TTO will forget in the years to come.

scrappyjacky said...

That's a lot of miles,Sian!!

helena said...

fabulous page - keep seeign new details and loving each one

Ifa said...

Gorgoues LO. That was a fair amount of travelling. Hope you enjoyed the university visits. I am looking forward to hearing what he decides to do.

Carmen said...

Wow am tired out just reading about all those miles :D Love the number confetti idea.

alexa said...

My, I am feeling exhausted with all this mileage! I am quite sure the boat miles were more pleasant than the automobile ones. :) If ipods had been around in our day ... There are some story tapes I can recite from memory.

Julie Kirk said...

So gorgeous - lots of my favourite things: yellow, stripes, maps, patterns; stories! Love it. [Don't eny the 1000s of miles in a car though. Wow. Either you really liked each other at the end of that ... or not.]

How about next time you're on your way to scandinavia you just drive past my house and scoop me up? You don't even have to stop ... just slow down. I won't take up much room ... [you know that's true!].

All pinned now: http://pinterest.com/notesonpaper/my-month-in-numbers/

Thanks for joining me once again. xx

Sheena said...

Wow thats a lot of distance in one month. We start Uni visits in September trying to find the right place for our biggest!

Great Lo too, loving the confetti numbers :)

Karen said...

So many details to love on this page. Are the car and ship cut with your Slice? Love the quote at the top of the page and the bits of Washi tape.

Cheri said...

boy oh boy - that's a lot of miles!!! I love to travel, but after that I'd probably love to park my butt at home.

Sian said...

Karen, yes, cut with my International Travel card

Susanne said...

Travel is made better by a sunshiney attitude isn't it. I can't wait to hear more about the car travel music.

debs14 said...

You certainly have a lot of numbers in there for July! Lots of mileage on land and sea. Just popping over to have a look at that stitching on paper link now to see what I've nearly missed!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Lovely layout and great numbers. Did the TO make any decisions about the Universities?

Sandie said...

That's quite a journey Sian, and a lovely layout.

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

That is a lot of traveling. Car music makes a great layout

Clair said...

Such a beautiful layout full of texture and colour - strange that those are the things you said you remember most about your trip!

Becky said...

A great page Sian and although I am not counting every month with Julie and you, I am intending on doing a 'holiday in numbers' layout for my trip to California - I've got so many ideas in my head and not enough time to do them all!

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

That is a lot of mileage to cover! At least you could share the driving between you. Love the subtle colours of your LO and the little packet of confetti :o)

Lisa-Jane said...

I didn't realise you were so close! I could have come to wave you off from Southampton. Loving the colours on your layout again.

Lou said...

you saw some lovely places....and spent lots of time together in the car! we have no problem with car music, the boys take their ipods and sit with there headphones on!!

super super layout...all the bits and pieces really look good x

Alison said...

have just had a catch up Sian..you saw some lovely places on holiday-AND clocked up the miles! Great LO too
Alison xx

Amy said...

You were very busy while you were away - I'd love to the see the Contentious Car Music layout! I can just imagine!

Ginger said...

That's lots of travel miles and at least when TTO makes his pick there won't be all those combined miles!! Love the layout Sian :)

Alana said...

Fantastic numbers Sian. I struggle with numbers too, cannot remember any phones nod except my own lol.

dogmatix said...

That is some amount of miles to travel...but then from previous posts, so totally worth it.

Anonymous said...

Great looking layout Sian. Wouldn't mind those ship miles but the car ones my back aches just thinking about them. :) Think I'll be skipping the month in numbers again this month - can't think of anything.

Jimjams said...

That's a LOT of miles, nautical or otherwise! Do you take turns driving?

Sian said...

"Turns" maybe wouldn't be exactly the word, but I will drive the big car if pushed! Me, I mean, not the car..

Melissa said...

Lovely layout as always, Sian. What a great way to track the numbers of your trip!

Jo said...

You certainly covered a lot of ground last month! Another great layout.

Sue Althouse said...

Nice numbers! This would be a challenge for me. My husband told me we traveled about 2000 miles round trip on our recent vacation.

Nathalie said...

Oh, I would love to hear more about the music played in the car... lol, no seriously though this is one awesome page Sian! I love the subject, love the design and particularly love the glassine bag with the numbers in it! I always wished I had scrapped my numbers when i visit you at the end of the month!

Missus Wookie said...

Great use of the UK paper and confetti. Always fun to see what you count.

The buffet comment made me smile - was trying to tempt Wookie into a cruising break...

But he quoted Billy Connolly who says a cruise ship is like a prison but with a better buffet or something like that. :lol: Think I've got some more work to do!

KraftyKaren said...

I love how cruises generate so many lovely stats to use for a month in numbers (got to wait until December till I have more nautical miles to log). I always love the stats they give you at the end of the cruise to tell you how much cheese, eggs, milk, wine and beer were consumed on the cruise. I must remember to keep tally of all my cocktails in December LOL!!!! Hope you had a fab time xx

Wanda said...

I almost commented on this a few posts ago when you were also talking miles traveled--I was quite surprised to hear you speak of miles as I thought the UK measured distance in kilometers. Of course, it won't be the first time I'm way wrong!

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Impressive amount of miles. I´ve enjoyed your trip pictures so much! Many cute details on this layout.

yyam said...

This rocks! I love how you've documented your July. The little bits of embellies and the stitching just pulls everything together beautifully!

Miriam said...

Hello Sian, spending some time today catching up with my visiting. Your Lo is fabulous I keep seeing more as I go back & forth. Contentious Car Music! Been there! and best forgotten.. Love that you met with Rinda, how wonderful that must have been, and so glad you got to Sweden. Thanks for having me visit this afternoon.

Jennifer Grace said...

Fabulous page, I love the UK heart! It sounds like the miles flew by. x

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