Sunday 5 February 2012

Storytelling Sunday 2: The Words The Pictures

Happy Sunday, Storytellers! It's the first Sunday of the month, second chance of the year, to join our growing band of dedicated Storytellers.

I'm going short again this month (did I hear laughing at the back? That's height-ist!). One photo, a few sentences; but I think the story's all there. It can be a good writing exercise, trying to distil everything you want to say into the fewest possible number of words. But it can also be a great place to start - a photo you love and the first thought which pops into your head when you look at it. I'm trying it today:

Those Gates

My first year at university. St Valentines Day. I was passing thses gates when a local radio crew ambushed me.

"We're live on air," they said, "tell us how your Valentines Day is going.."

"Argh." I said, "No thanks."

..and I ran away. Which I still think is a shame. Because I'd love to hear now what I said then about a boy who was starting to mean the world to me....

That's my story. How about yours? Short or tall, we'll read them all. Write your Stytelling Sunday post, introducing it and ensuring you link back here so that your readers can join in too. Lots of words or a photo and a caption, or a combination of the two. The choice is yours. We love all sorts of stories all sorts of ways here. Bring them on!

The small print - which I'm not making small because I would like you to read it. I firmly believe we're telling stories in the round here. One person starts and then turns to the next. You can't do it in isolation. So I'm asking everyone who adds a link to be sure to say hello to at least a couple of the other storytellers. Now, let's read..


Amy said...

I am glad to be able to join in again this year, I missed January but I'm ready to read!

I wonder what you would have said?

Melissa said...

I love how you've told a complete story with just one photo and a few lines of text! I wouldn't liked to hear what you would have said about that boy, too.

Unknown said...

It may be short but it tells the story. I wonder what you would have said?

It is already Sunday morning here and as Sunday has yet to reach the rest of the world, I will pop back later to read the rest of the stories. Have a wonderful Sunday :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes it would be so interesting now to look back and see what you had said then. Love how the one picture brings back the story.

Unknown said...

It's my first time participating this month! Yay! Thanks for hosting - I always love reading the others. <3

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Aw, what a sweet little story, Sian. I would have frozen at the "we're live..." bit too. Though Carrie would never shy away from that opportunity. ♥

Anonymous said...

Great short story. I wish I knew what you would have said too. And a great way to leave us thinking at the end... or assuming. :) Your story made me smile.

helena said...

I love how the place prompts the memory. Enjoying the photo and caption form of storytelling, thanks

Ifa said...

LOL! I was ambushed in New York Time's Square last summer. I can't remember what they asked but I said no thanks too. They were flabbergasted anyone would say no. I was in shock...well, I didn't know what channel it was, it could have been a porn channel for all I know.

alexa said...

What a wonderful photo and a little gem of a story, Sian! I was wondering if you'd photographed a painting, or done something very arty with a photo. :)

Jane said...

I would have run away too!

This West London Life said...

I'm another who would have run away! But it's great that we know how your Valentine story really went, and still goes.

Alison said...

I would have said no too.... but I could hazard a guess at the gist of what you might have been thinking!
Alison xx

K said...

You said exactly what I would have done :-)
Got to take the youngest out for a walk in the snow but I'm looking forward to getting back, sitting down with a nice warm cuppa & reading through other peeps stories.

Alana said...

Good turn out this month Sian:) I have a photo and a few words too this month. It whirled around my head last night amongst Ofsted/snow thoughts so got up and typed it. Have a good day....very snowy here.

Anonymous said...

I like short and sweet - I would've done the same!

debs14 said...

Ah, I do love a love story, especially one which has a happy ending! I too would have run away.

Lou said...

awww a lovely story Sian. I would have done exactly the same as you.

Lynn said...

Just proves you don't always need many words to tell a good story -you just need to want to tell it.

Looking forward to some good stories this snowy sunday!

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

A perfect little Valentine tale for February. I was ambushed once at the Banksy exhibition in Bristol, but they wanted the whole family's perspective and my children would not play! I'll be back with my story and to read the rest, once the Sunday roast is done and dusted.

Wanda said...

One of my favorite things to know about people is how they met their mate. I enjoy these stories whether they are romantic, poignant, or funny, and there's almost always a surprise or two in the telling.

Irene said...

It pays to be cautious. Imagine if you had said something about your hopes of that boy and he had heard them and been the one to run away... You obviously played it just right!
I like your photo and few choice words. Must try it sometime. I am always too wordy.

Head's full of flu and I have linked my story up without using it's title. Can I change it? It should say Table for Two.

furrypig said...

great opening story to the February edition of Story telling Sunday! Sweet sweet sweet! I hope to write a story and join in with you all later today xxx

Jimjams said...

It's awful being put on the spot like that - I doubt if you'd really have bared your soul even if you'd stayed to talk - lovely snippet - short AND sweet!

Julie Kirk said...

I love short short stories too, which is partly why I love Twitter so much. But even before that I loved Haiku and have books of 'Very Short Stories' and 'Mini Sagas' on my shelf still. I even once drafted out 2 stories for a 50 word story competition ... but never sent them in!

I enjoyed the glimpse into your past, like a single scene from a longer film. [And one with a happy ending a that!]

Julie xx

Miriam said...

I tried this approach this month Sian, thank you. 20 minutes before I posted I had nothing 'worth' writing about.xx

Cheri said...

I would love to hear the rest of the story...

Cheryl said...

that's a VERY cute story :-) funny how only a few sentences can mean a whole lot more. x

Sian said...

I'm half way through reading and I've been smiling, laughing, shedding a tear..wonderful stuff everyone!

Alexa, I edited a photo in RADlab for it. I wanted to add a bit of a nostalgic look to it

scrappyjacky said...

I'd love to know what you would have said.

Lizzie said...

I'd have run away from "live radio" too!
Anyway, in such cases, it's perhaps best to be cautious - after all, "Least said, soonest mended"!
How lovely to see a photo of your university and have a little hint of your own love story...
A great little tale for February, Sian!
(by the way, Linky no. 35 won't work for me - it tells me the blog can't be found...)

Missus Wookie said...

Not surprised you ran away, I would have too. Delighted to join in this month - thanks for hosting!

Sian said...

I don't think it's number 35, I think it was number 31 which was a duplicate and has now been removed. I see the numbers have cleverly realigned themselves, so everything should be working perfectly again now

Becky said...

Oh, I would have frozen too - I've only been approached by a journalist from the paper before and I froze!

Mel said...

When my sisters and I were younger we used to try and get on late night love all the time - but we were like 11 and so had no real love stories and they always just listened bemused then didn't put us on air!

Jo said...

A lovely story and it would have been great if you had of spoken to them :)

Sandra said...

I have to say, I too would have made a quick exit :)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Love the photo editing, and I like thinking about you at the early stage of falling in love!
Personally, I hate Valentine's Day, but that's a sad story for another day.

Scattychick said...

It would be interesting to know what you would have said Sian :)

Melissa said...

Just had to pop back over & say "Wow" - amazing participation this month. I've been around to at least 30 of the stories and truly enjoyed them all. Thanks so much for hosting this each month, Sian. Have a great week!

Lisa-Jane said...

That is just so perfect! So few words but such a big story.

Beverly said...

Perfect length to tell this story and I love that you edited the photo, definitely feels from a different time. I wrote my entry weeks ago and then got so wrapped up in responsibilities I haven't posted it then changed what I wanted to write about @@ Hopefully, I'll be linked up soon.

Sandie said...

Could be another story, Sian? Imagining what you might have said, not knowing what you know now!

Unknown said...

I missed January and nearly missed this month. Late to the party again, but I came! :) Off to read some stories...

Unknown said...

Have been catching up and reading the rest of the stories. They are GREAT! I have laughed at many, cried through a few, thought deeply about one, and enjoyed them all. This is the best idea I have come across in such a long time. Thanks Sian for hosting this.

Amy said...

Oh Sian, I adore the way you've written this! It's just perfect! SS seems to really be taking off now, off to have a gander at the other 50(!) entries!

Unknown said...

Perfect storytelling as usual :)

I too echo that I would have loved to know what you would have said....what you would have said at that time and at that age might have been somewhat different to the feelings though :)

I don't have anyone to share Valentines with, i'm not bitter or sad about it, although mildly irritated by cheap tat for sale everywhere:) I truly admire a love story and I know they don't come easy or effortless and that they are something to treasure.

Happy Valentines to you :)

Sian said...

Jennie, thank you. A lovely comment. I'm sending a bit of love your way too :)

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