Sunday 8 January 2012

Photo365+1 Challenge 2012

You will probably laugh when I own up to this one. So I'm going to say it quietly and get it over with. Sometimes I think I'm going to run out of photos.

I do. Two years ago I decided to do something about it. I resolved to take a photo a day; and I found a 365 app to help me do it. I gave up after a week. Without any idea about what to photograph, I didn't photograph at all. And that's why I'm delighted to have stumbled upon Suzie's 365+1 Photo Challenge 2012. I love the idea of a word prompt every single day for the whole year. Check out the blog - if you haven't already (I know some of you are right there with me) - she has a whole bunch of enthusiastic followers with a determination to succeed.

I'll be posting my photos in batches; and I have challenged myself to do a bit more digi by using the lovely templates from Pugly Pixel. Simple to use and free to download. Easy. Like Sunday morning. Hope you have a good one.

1. Celebrate - Santa looked like he had overdone it a bit on New Year's Eve
2. New - my new diary
3. Ugly - peeling paint. Ugly or attractive, or a bit of both
4. Pretty - a little of something I'm working on for a Guest Design Spot

5. Excitement - The Tall One in his suit on his way to work experience at the Law Courts
6. Frost - it was so warm here we turned the heat off, so I looked elsewhere
7. Drink - our coffee machine
8. Cosy - my inside boots. I like having warm feet

So, that's my first week and a little bit more. The last four were taken with the Hipstamatic app and I think I'll be continuing with it for the rest of January. After that, who knows?


Jo.C said...

Love the catch up and santa :0)
Your 7th and 8th are very similar to mine.
Enjoy x

debs14 said...

I've been longing to see what you have been photographing (and I'm not disappointed!) Great pictures and I can see I'm going to have to find a way to group mine into a week's worth at a time. This could turn into an album of the year project!
Enjoy your Sunday x

cookcreateread said...

woohoo! So glad you've joined us :) Your photos look great all together like this! Can't wait to see what you come up for the rest of the year :D

Suzy said...

Great photos Sian. Like you without a prompt I dont think I could do it

Lynn said...

Great photos - I'm enjoying seeing what everyone has been photographing!

Linda said...

great photos Sian!

ForgedinPaper said...

Great template.I'm using my Hipstamatic app as well.

Janice said...

Ha! I chose my slpper boots as well!

Lou said...

I could do with a word prompt somedays!! glad to hear you've found something that works for you - and now you'll have plenty to scrap this year x

Cheryl said...

loving the vignetted photos!

Anonymous said...

You were right - I did chuckle. Like the idea of a word prompt but still don't think I'd carry through on it. Good luck - btw, like that first one a lot.

Unknown said...

Run out of photos! I am laughing my head off! Sometimes I think my loft may cave in at the bulk of photos stashed in boxes up there!

I love the word prompts though, what a great idea!

alexa said...

This looks like something to keep you creatively busy! Lovely groupings and explanations. Run out of photos? Golly, I've run out of words at the very thought ...

Totty Teabag said...

I like your idea of grouping your photos...and good photos they are!

Tracy said...

Great photos, and thanks for the heads up about the templates, I will check them out. Not sure if I will be able to blog daily when I am back at work.

Jennifer Shaw said...

This sounds like a fun project idea! Great to have the word prompts for motivation! I too sometimes feel that I will run out of photos. It comes from many years of scrapping I guess. When the photo supply gets low I usually go on a photography blitz.

Colour Splash by Cath said...

Love the peeling paint photo :-)

Alana said...

Am I reading have downloaded an app? Really? :D loving the pics but I disagree the peeling paint and lock is beautiful in my eyes. But then I like the shabby.

This West London Life said...

An excellent start to 365+1. But I have to ask ... do owners of iPhones ever actually use them for their intended purpose of making a phone call? I'm constantly astonished by what an iPhone can do!

Becky said...

Lovely photos Sian :)

scrappyjacky said...

This looks like a great way to do it,Sian......but run out of photos!!!!!

Lisa said...

I'm back on the photo a day wagon again this year. I flipped out last year but did it the four years before that! I love it but it can be challenging at this time of year with lack of light and then I have quite a routine week which means I have to be creative at looking "through the lens". I find a daily prompt can be great for when I come up blank. I'll be checking out your link too but I use Katrina Kennedy's daily prompts. I love how this process has improved (parts) of my photography.

I love your captures and the hipstamatic is a great way of keeping up without lugging the camera! I use it every month for my 12 on 12.

Looking forward to seeing more of your captures in the coming months ;-)

Anne said...

I absolutely love your excitement photo of the tall one. Gorgeous !

Micayla said...

I love taking photos but doubt I would keep up. But I am doing Project Life this year so will take one most days but with the pressure. Have you checked out katrina Kennedy, she sends you prompts in your inbox daily.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Love the excitement and "ugly" pictures. I love my uggs!

Kirsty.A said...

Well done for starting this. I know I wouldn't keep up and would get cross

Anonymous said...

Great photos..S xx

Unknown said...

loving your photos! ive been using the BeFunkyPro app which im loving!

Jo said...

Really great photos, I might try and join in with the challenge because it looks really good

Beverly said...

Love your grouping and my fav pic is of TTO in his suit :) I have never had a fear of running out of photos, I have a fear of somehow having wayyyy too many!

Sandie said...

Great shots, Sian, I have been thinking of sharing my 365 photos as a weekly college too. It may help me to keep on top of organising them this year. Usually I just download them onto my Flickr site.
Look forward to seeing more of your photos, they do make a lovely record throughout the year.

Ginger said...

Your photos are Gorgeous Sian!! I have iPhone envy and Hipstamatic will be the first app I purchase the day my carrier contract runs out!

This seems to be a popular challenge and I will enjoy seeing your creative interpretations :)

Amanda said...

I won't laugh at you suggesting that you might run out of photos as sometimes I feel the same. Last year I was particularly poor at taking photos. I should have signed up for this.

I love your photos and that is a great use of the templates they really look good.

Scrappi Sandi said...

Isn't this a great project to take part in! I love your photo's....I'm doing weekly batches too...I stand more of a chance of keeping up that way & then I plan a photo book for all 52collages at the end of 2012!!

My pics are on a seperate page on my blog...still getting the hang of that!!!...& just for the record I think that peeling paint looks very attractive in the photograph..very rustic!! :)

Alison said...

Great pics just having a quick catch up and have seen a few people joining in with this!
Alison xx

emhowl said...

I love www.blipfoto,com. I've been uploading a photo a day for more than 400 days and making lots of friends.

Anonymous said...

I'm back in again, too, after I said "never again!" I'm using an iPhoto app called Photo 365, and also posting at Capture Your 365 with Katrina Kennedy. Katrina sends an email prompt every day. I use them sometimes, but not always. I'm not intending to post all my photos, but may do a monthly posting of some of them. LOVE your photo of the lock!

Ifa said...

Please let us know how the Tall One gets on at the Law Courts. My "tall one" has also applied to work in a law firm after his IGCSE.
I think that peeling paint is beautiful ( only not in my house LOL ). Looking forward to more photos from you.

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

Great shots. I love the way the hipstamatic app makes them look. I too tried to do a 365 in 2010, I don't think I made it 'til the end of January!!

Melissa said...

Looking forward to seeing all the photos you take this year Sian.

I'll be posting some of my plans for 2012 this week (hopefully) and one of them is to take some photography classes to learn about our new camera (my reward when I reach my first little weight loss goal this year).

Miriam said...

I'm trying the project 365 iPhone app but I like the sound of a daily prompt. I did the challenge last year and made a weekly layout but I was hopeless at posting my pages and then decided you would all be so tired of looking at them! and to answer Ruth, no I hardly ever make a call on my iPhone! :) :) Peeling paint & lock is gorgeous!

Gem's Crafts said...

Loved looking through your photos for the year so far. And I'm going to have a go at grouping photos together like yours as it looks fab!

Sandra said...

I just knew that when you did this challenge your take on it was going to be amazing :)

Rachel Brett said...

Great photos Sian, I actually quite like the peelin paint photo too :)

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