Tuesday 20 December 2011

Journal Your Christmas - Deck the Halls

The house is decorated, the cards have been sent and there is more than a hint of excitement in the air here. We have two days of school left, then the holiday is ours.

We are all, each one of us, looking forward to something under the tree. A Scoring Board for me; a jigsaw, a "surprise" (how do you surprise a sixteen year old boy ? Second thoughts- don't answer that); and a phone in the shape of a hamburger for the girl who likes to stay in touch.

This page pulls out from a little brown baf sent all the way from the USA by Deb. Thank you!

It's not long to wait now and my album is building steadily.

I usually finish off on Christmas Day itself, but I'm feeling ambitious - maybe the week after will make an appearance too this year. It looks like I'll have room for it:

If you are busy getting ready today, may your preparations be merry and bright!


Anonymous said...

Your Christmas Journal is coming along so beautifully. I love the photos of the pages completed. Mine is going in an album this year, and I'm a bit sorry I didn't make my own instead.

This West London Life said...

We are slowing the pace down completely today ~ I think it's called for!
Your album is looking terrific!

Cheryl said...

your album looks great with all those layers. exciting days indeed!

Beverly said...

I am really enjoying your journaling, Sian. As a former dancer I think it is imperative that you attend the ballet at least once in life. Don't sit in the highest dollar (pound) section and you won't have to worry about smells and sounds unless it's hearing some of the hitting of the feet on the ground. The music generally covers all that up. We are just entering day 2 of decorating, should be finished tmw :)

debs14 said...

I've spent the whole morning (yes really) wrapping up presents. Because not only do we have Christmas presents to sort out but we have three December birthdays in the family! And a friend with a Christmas day birthday.
Now I have to tidy away the evidence as I have my little goddaughter coming to play for a couple of hours this afternoon while her mummy has her hair done.
BTW after my post about you the other day, Karen suggested you don't keep Johnny Depp to yourself but organise a Pass the Depp instead of Pass the Book next year ;-)

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

If my daughter's reaction is anything to go on, then I think a trip to see the Nutcracker is a magical occasion and one to be recommended:)

Alison said...

Your album looks great Sian...and you really should go see 'The Nutcracker'-you get so engrossed that you don't notice sweat or grunts (at least I certainly didn't!)
Alison xx

Estelle Grace Tudor said...

Beautiful album, I wish I could be more organised. Maybe next year I will get my scrapbooking mojo back! x

Alana said...

Glad to see you winding down now Sian. Yes def do the rest of December, I want to know what surprises the TTO gets.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Your album looks so great and I love the meaningful memories you are capturing. Sounds like your Christmas is well in the preparations. I just have last minute food shopping for the dinner and then we are set to go. {I went to ballet once for a college field trip. It was amazing and I had a new appreciation for how athletic these dancers really are. I must have been far enough back because I heard no panting and everything smelled fine. ;) You should really go!! }

Kirsty.A said...

The album looks great. I have finished all my jobs and we have all broken up from school now. Holidays - here we come

505whimsygirl said...

Your Christmas journaling is so great. Your children will love looking back at this in the years to come.

Enjoy the season.

scrappyjacky said...

Your album is looking great,Sian....and I love all the journaled memories....especially the way you are incorporating stories from the past as well.

Lou said...

Yours are breaking up late Sian -ours finished last week! Your journal is looking great!

Gem's Crafts said...

Your journal is looking great so far! Loving all the pages :)

Melissa said...

Your journal looks great - I love how your pages flow together yet contain unique bits & pieces!

Julie J said...

School finished last Friday and I finished work today - hooray for holidays. The nutcracker is on our list - it's DD's favourite Barbie film (They are much better than you think because they do use classical music), so she knows the score.

That albums looking pretty good. I have some catching up to do but way ahead on last year.

Sandie said...

So loving your album Sian. It sounds very exciting there at High in the Sky.

Unknown said...

Your journal is looking great - our schools finish tomorrow!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Love that silhouette. We're enjoying a lot of "down time" right now. Henry's getting an upgrade to the stereo system in his car. Clara will get either a new phone or a Kindle Fire. We're a one big present kind of family - plus a few things in a stocking

Amy said...

We are just about to embark on some decorating ... wish me luck!

Irene said...

Do go and see the Nutcracker, take your daughter. It is magic! We go every year and this time, I am taking my granddaughter. Can't wait!
Loving the fresh and vibrant journal pages.
Happy holidays.

Miriam said...

Your book is looking fabulous Sian, I love the look back too, I am doing the same, I am thinking it will be great to look back on. I also love the one day one story idea this time. x

Jimjams said...

Well done for keeping up - I am woefully behind, but have a bit more time between Xmas & New Year so will hopefully catch up then!

Missus Wookie said...

Well there are enough Nutcracker performances this year in London... We like live theatre and gigs always better than watching on tv. I'm off to a live performance next week.

Congrats on keeping up - so fun to see how you are journaling.

humel said...

It's building so beautifully, Sian! :) Maybe I'll do a paper bag book myself next year, yours has so inspired me... I shall definitely be doing more journaling next year!

And I received my beautiful card from you yesterday, many thanks xx

B.................. said...

Love your album, I made a Christmas journal just didn't get round to the filling in, maybe I can catch up after Christmas, you have really inspired Me, thank you.

B xxx

Lisa-Jane said...

Your journal is looking fabulous! I did wonder if it would be too small but it seems just fine. I love your dancing lady too. How fab is your little chef?! Merry Christmas Sian xx

Anonymous said...

Your album is looking great! Oh - the Nutcracker Suite - I've always wanted to go see it but somehow that just hasn't happened. But I did luck out this year - a live performance from the Lincoln Centre in NYC was on the US public broadcasting station and I managed to see all but the first 4 minutes of it. Now I really want to see it live. :)

Rachel Brett said...

Your album looks great Sian, I really must get round to sharing mine *blush* :)

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