Thursday 24 November 2011

Not Doing Nothing

So in the middle of my busy week (and my Christmas card making), I grabbed enough time to get my hair cut.

I wanted something simple and classic, so I made these. The tree is a Martha Stewart punch and the stamp is from a Banana Frog set I won last year

I don't actually like going to the hairdressers - I'd almost just as soon go to the Dentist. Don't know why. I can't remember any hair-trauma childhood incidents. And I do like my hairdresser. When he sees me coming, he plays a bit of Morrissey specially.

but then I prettied some of them up with a seam binding bow

Anyway, I got the fake ginger auburn painted on, and I got out my notebook because I wanted to write a post or two. And then I thought to myself: Know what? I'm going to have a coffee and read magazines instead.
And then I made some blue ones with a snowflake cut with the Slice Mistletoe card. A few more to go, and I'll have a pile ready to go out to friends and followers across the world.

I opened the first one on the pile and it had in it an article about Elizabeth Gilbert of Eat, Pray, Love. I've never read the book, but I caught a bit of the film over the summer. The bit about "dolce far niente". The sweetness of doing nothing. Now, that sounds like something good for a blog post, I thought, and I got my notebook back out again..

..but then of couse I realised that it's not the best time of the year for talking about the wonderfulness of doing nothing at all..

..until I remembered about Thanksgiving today. So now I'm hoping some of you at least will be able to spend part of today relaxing in the company of friends and family. Have a good one!


Jimjams said...

It's good to take a breather! Lovely cards

Anonymous said...

Such pretty cards.

Denise said...

Lovely cards- and it's good to take time out :-)

scrappysue said...

What beautiful cards Sian! Also dislike going to the hairdressers, but now I always take DD with me, so its more of an adventure!

Amy said...

For a non-card maker you seem to be doing extremely well!
I had some hair painting this week myself, I don't mind the process, well, the head massage is my favourite part!

Lizzie said...

"dolce far molti" is my motto just now, Sian! Busy, busy and more busy... getting ready for the Bloggers' Weekend (well, actually it's obvious I am not, since I'm commenting on your blog post... time to go and DO Stuff!)
Great post though and the Christmas cards are so simply designed, that they're positively elegant!

Melissa said...

Your cards are absolutely lovely Sian!

We'll be busy cooking this morning, then enjoying our Thanksgiving meal with my parents here . . . but the afternoon will be about relaxing on the couch as we watch the Dallas Cowboys football game . . . and then a little bit of nothing as we reflect on all the things we have to be thankful for. Have a lovely day!

This West London Life said...

I do like the idea of painted hair ~ mine is just speckled with grey naturally, no painting required!
Your cards are simply beautiful! DS has made a card at school, which is turned into a proper card so I guess I'll be sending those!

Lisa-Jane said...

So wonderfully clean and crisp.

Unknown said...

They are beautiful Sian, mine would have smudges for sure. We are having a card making party this evening, if the kids and I don't get them made's not happening :) They will be bought!

I am hair painting next week, even my mum spotted the greys and she doesn't usually, diy though here I don't love the hairdressers, it's bad enough to be there for a trim :)

Jennifer Shaw said...

Your cards are beautiful!! Simple and yet stunning!! :) I too never look forward to getting my hair done. Don't know why but it seems like a waste of time. My hairdresser is lovely and we always have a great visit and I am fine once I get there. I too get some "colour" painted on. Right now the roots are looking quite sparkly silver! hee hee

Alison said...

Gorgeous cards Sian....I have just realised that my hair-painting appt coincides with our Keep Fit Christmas lunch...guess which one I'll be going to? Hopefully my lovely hairdresser will be able to fit me in the following week
Alison xx

alexa said...

Oh, if I stay here any longer I will weep - the loveliness of dolce far niente (impossible for me right now) and the beauty of your cards is just wonderful ...

Lou said...

beautiful cards Sian....I used the exact same "merry christmas" stamp!!

its always good to have days to relax - hope you enjoyed yours!

Susan said...

Lovely cards. Simple but so beautiful. Fun post to read - I like the way it was written. I also hate hairdressers and I don't know why either so I just avoid them totally and chop off the ends of my hair when it gets too long! I've never dyed my hair and I'm okay with that. I'm supposed to be grey at a certain age and that's fine.

Anonymous said...

Love the simplicity of your cards a d hope you enjoyed your 'me'time,x

Gem's Crafts said...

Love your cards, have you got lots to make? It sounds like you had a lovely rest whilst at the hairdressers, sometimes everyone needs a break!

Anonymous said...

Love these CAS cards! I have about half of mine completed and will get the rest finished when I get home. We're having a relaxing day with Sarah and Adam after a very busy week unpacking and organizing their new home.

Nathalie said...

Great cards Sian! I really like the tone on tone of the snowflake one. It's my favorite!

Becky said...

Love the cards - especially the snowflake one - might borrow that idea if I may?

Beverly said...

Thank you Sian, I was able to fully enjoy Thanksgiving with family. I did do alot of cooking and washing up afterwards but the rest of the day was idle, happy time. The cards are so pretty! I got my hair really, really cut yesterday and surprisingly today I like it lol

Sian said...

Becky, of course you may borrow it. I'd be delighted.

Gem, I've got about 30 to make. My non-crafty friends are getting bought ones!

Amanda said...

Such beautiful simple cards Sian. The snowflake with the blue ribbon looks stunning.

......I find going to the hairdresser a bit of a chore and it's about time I made another appointment.

Cheri said...

For me Thanksgiving involved a day of cleaning, a day of prepping (rearranging furniture, pre-making certain foods, etc) and a day spent in the kitchen cooking, baking, basting, etc.... then chatting it up with family that I haven't seen in two years. I was so busy I forgot to take photos of almost everything!

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

Love the simplicity of your cards, especially that pretty snowflake:)I hate the hairdresser too, that's why I haven't been for 3 years!!
WV=spendo How did they know that I really need to step away from the credit card now!

Lisa said...

your cards are so lovely. personally, I love going to the hairdresser as I have no choice other than sit and just "be". I love the whole process as long as the cut turns out ok :-) I have a lot of teenage trauma salon experiences but I've got over that. I like to just sit and watch the comings and goings. ;-)

Ginger said...

Now that I have a newer hair dresser I don't mind seeing her as I love how she cuts... Cute simple cards! I made more the other night... almost caught up :)

Cate Brickell said...

beautiful simple cards! I can't wait until my hairdresser is able to colour my hair again (she has a small bubba and is working from home)

Maria Ontiveros said...

I love, love, love reading People magazine while my color is setting. And I'm getting my hair done tomorrow.

Sandie said...

What lovely cards, Sian. Sometimes simple is best. They are very elegant. I much preferred the Eat, Pray, Love book to the film. Parts of it were quite thought provoking.
As for "dolce far niente", that sounds so tempting!

Missus Wookie said...

I like the simplicity of the cards, have to confess if I go to the hairdressers I do take it as a chance to not do much.

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