Thursday 5 May 2011

Captured in a Card (2)

I've made another one. With a quote inside this time:

"I don't like helicopters. They are big and scary. A bit like chickens."
The Small One

Turns out you like the idea of one card, one memory. (Great! Because I like it too). If you feel like playing along, leave me a link and I'll be sure to drop by. Maybe we could start a Flickr group?

Lizzie thoughtfully suggested that a collection of cards in a little album would make a nice gift. I'm thinking it would be perfect for a "Good Luck In Your New Job" present, or for an eighteenth birthday. Or what about  baskets of cards on the tables at weddings or parties? You could ask the guests to choose their favourite and write their best bit of the day inside.

Today's card is a different style and colour to last week's. I like the idea of being able to move them around in an album, swapping and rearranging to get a combination I really enjoy. It sounds a bit like playing with Grandma's old button box. Mmm..sorting and rearranging. I think my librarian genes are calling me home.

Have a good day whatever you are up to!


alexa said...

Lovely Spring colours, and The Small One has a wonderful way with words! Yes, having a collection made, really to pop in where you need them sounds great.

Amy said...

TSO and my father share their fear of the common chicken, though he is considerably older and should realise after a life on the farm that they are not going to do him any harm! Just don't show him an egg!

I love the colour palette today Sian, very spring-ish :-)

JO SOWERBY said...

i love the cute chick and the colours on this card. it reminds me of spring sunshine,
Jo xxx

Cheryl said...

:-) hmm chickens indeed. i think that means i like helicopters. i like your wedding card idea - in fact we are already planning something similar - memories/anecdotes that will be read out on the day. it's a nice way of getting everyone involved.

WendyB said...

Love these ideas Sian. I've used the photo page protectors with mini scrapbook pages in as a snapshot of each month of the year (and that turned out ok) but I LOVE the idea of pulling out a card to reveal what's within.

Cheri said...

sorting buttons... librarian genes... Sian, you do have a way with words and today they are speaking to me.

Amanda said...

Such great ideas I particularly like the wedding one and such a bright sunny card.

You have such a wealth of material to pop inside yours maybe I could use favourite famous quotes?

Kelli said...

oooh my! As someone who works in the wedding industry I highly love this idea :) Fun!

laurie said...

oooo, you really have me thinking of all the possibilities! such a gift great idea that many people can contribute to: milestone birthdays, baby showers, and, like you mentioned, weddings.

Unknown said...

I really love this card and the little bird is so cute! I have not been around for a while and it is nice to be greated by a lovely bit of eye candy! love annie x

Jennifer Grace said...

Lovely bright card, the little chick is very cute. I was thinking the small one is silly for being scared of chickens, then I remembered I'm scared of moths, which are harmless too, and much smaller. So each to their own! x

Susanne said...


Jimjams said...

Lovely idea - great for scraps too.
BTW helicopters aren't as bad as chickens because they don't follow you around pecking at your feet!

Clair said...

I don't quite know how I missed your first post (but I went back to visit) and I love this idea so much. I think it would work really well with all of the memory drawers that are popping up all over the place as well.

Great to see someone who's found their inner card maker too - I love your colours x

scrappysue said...

Still loving this idea Sian! Its so much nicer than handwritten scribbles in a box labelled "quotes". Might even use up some stash (or rather all the card kits I have amassed over the years sitting unused. Very cute card too!

Scrappi Sandi said...

just did a mammoth catch up & a mammoth comment & blogger swallowed it & spat out an error message...grrrr!! So to the card book idea & thanks for taking time to pop over & leave such kind words!! Now we're all 'back to normal' I'm hoping to do a better job of keeping up!!!! :)

Lizzie said...

Ooh yes, Chickens are huge, fluffy and very, very scary... ?!
Please Sian, would you share the story behind this comment some time? Pretty please - it sounds like a fab story!

I love the colours of your card - springtime and flowers come to mind; yellow, orange and green are my absolute favourite colours anyway, so I'm a fan of (almost) anything in those colours.

Thank you for the plug/link! And yes, I do think your Librarian Tendencies are coming out a bit - but then, playing with and sorting the cards would be such fun!

Beverly said...

The card is adorable, I love the colors. And the Small One definitely has a way with words lol

Jennifer Shaw said...

This is so cute with the stitching, twine and button. Loving the idea for a wedding!! What an amazing keepsake that would be!

Maria Ontiveros said...

I love this idea Sian, especially because I've been trying to figure out how to capture a whole bunch of random memories I have of visiting my extended family in Houston, Texas during my childhood. I could definitely see doing a series of cards with a memory per card.
Would you be willing to share the inside of one? Also, what are you thinking about in terms of an "album" where they are stored?

Lou said...

I'm back....from Lizzie's blog, i clicked your link and then spent ages enjoying her blog. Book binding has always fasinated me.

Great card Sian,i was thinking along the lines of doing these to record some of the boys quotes, thanks for your comment early too - made me smile xx

Alana said...

I like helicopters and chickens (but mostly roasted). Cute card, love the yellow! Sorting and re-arranging, isn't that a crafty person thing?

Gem's Crafts said...

What a cute little quote from the Small One :)

Anonymous said...

It looks so cute! Still loving the idea.

Alison said...

Love that card...and I too would like to see how you decide to store them
Alison xx

scrappyjacky said...

Love that card,'re really getting into this....and the idea of cards full of quotes really appeals to me.

Sandie said...

Gorgous card again, Sian. Where have you been hiding that talent - just think of all those wonderful cards you could have made but never mind, it's never too late to start!

Jen said...

I love this idea - as I think I said before on the first post. This card is so fresh and pretty - and the chick is cute! i have been busy scribbling random memories down to use! I loved my mum's button box - it still is full of treasures - I keep hoping she will let me have it!

Denise said...

I'm so loving your idea and there are so many possilities springing from it too as you said. Another lovey card Sian x

Bubbles said...

Lovely card - love the zingy spring colours rather than the expected pale or pastel spring choices.
Still sneezing glitter here *lol*

Miriam said...

I love this card Sian the colours are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Love the colors and the stitching is perfect. So cute! And lovely idea!

Curlywiggles said...

Haaaaa! the small one is sooo funny! Love the card, it's so bright and fun, the scallops and stitching are my favourite.

Thanks for your comment about the JBS feature, i was so excited and flattered.

Wanda said...

Such a pretty card. I like how the circles on the background paper echo the button embellishment. This idea is a coup!

Rachel Brett said...

Brilliant! The quote made me smile, I've never thought of comparing a helicopter and a chicken before! :)

Ade said...

Love your most adorable card! And I love the idea of it. hmmm...thinking...

This West London Life said...

I laughed out loud when I read that comment from TNSSO ~ brilliant!

Missus Wookie said...

I'm over a year late reading it (and my finger slipped on the iPad whilst going for the comment button) but this is perfect for what i've been mulling over. What to do with the lunch box I've filled with one liners and short stories. Don't want to scrap 'em - but.... PERFECT :) Thanks Sian!

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