Thursday 1 July 2010

Everything Is Illuminated

If you drop by here often you'll probably know that I'm big on celebrating small. On noticing the little things, and cheering them on. 

Today I'm thinking about actually seeing the little things. And that means only one thing, of course. I've been back to the opticians. Yes, I did take a photo (very, very quickly this time), but it wasn't really the same without my small accomplice and it's not even worth a look, so moving on...

..Now I can see! I'm fine with my glasses on; but I've been noticing for a while now that close work seemed, um, trickier with my lenses in. So I went. I said  I can't see to cut and stick. The optician ( lovely girl ) said ( something like ) Don't worry about it Sian. We're all getting on a bit. Try these..

And I did. And they work! Too well, almost, as it turns out. First day in had me reaching for these..

Was I really walking round with my eyebrows like that? Please don't answer that. Bookshops, magazine racks, they'll all be seeing a lot more of me, now I can see. Just in time for me to make a start on this too:

I shouldn't have broken into it really. It was supposed to be for the holidays because it comes with everything, even little scissors, but when I opened it up and saw this:

it was too hard to resist. It's from inspire co and it's coming along quite nicely.

Today I'm loving..what's that? The optician photo? Oh, go on, then..

I'll be seeing you ..


This West London Life said...

Those tweezers are terrific, almost too lovely to use.

Cheri said...

I've gotten to the point of asking my kids to read the small print on pill bottles. Ugh.

scrappyjacky said...

How come every problem you mention to any kind of 'medical' person and the answer is 'well,you're getting to that kind of age'!!!!

Maria Ontiveros said...

I just ordered my "progressive" lenses last week - LOL! The optician said, Well, you're getting them a bit later than most. I got some cool sunglasses, too, to make me feel better.

Unknown said...

Yup I need to get the boys to read some small print too!

JO SOWERBY said...

ooh im worried people think ur older than u are! surely they can tell ur still 21, ;-)
Jo xxxx

Denise said...

I love your little sewing kit and I can so understand the clarity of everything for you now! I'm looking at a pc screen all day and lots of figures/numbers and at the moment can feel the need to have my yearly eye check as I can feel myself squinting ...x

Jennifer Grace said...

my golly gosh I love those tweezers! How much cool stuff exactly do you own sian?

Amanda said...

....mmmm I think I'll be joining you soon :) Close work is tricky with my contacts in. It's ok when I'm wearing glasses as I can take them off and see perfectly.

debs14 said...

My eyes aren't getting worse ... it's just the label makers are using a much smaller font and my arms aren't long enough to hold things far enough away to be in focus. If only I had longer arms, wouldn't need glasses. Ho hum. The joys of getting older ;-)

alexa said...

Yep, I suffer from short arm syndrome too! Glad all is now clear, Sian, and the world is fresh and new! :).

Amy said...

I've worn glasses for close work since I was about 17 so I completely understand what it is like to need a new prescription! And my-oh-my, what gorgeous little tweezers .... as you know, I'm quite fond of my tweezers, but, they are are of the industrial sort and not divine lovelies like those ;-)

Clair said...

Pesky eyebrows! There's always a stray one or two that you don't see until you're out and about. Love the cute tweezers though!

Scrappi Sandi said...

I so know where you're coming from on th eyebrow front!! In my case even worse as all those stry ones are now coming through white!!!! I have invested in a 5X magnifying mirror, so hopefully won't get too caught out...but you can bet even your best friend wouldn't tell you!!! Love your opticians photo & can't wait to see how that embroidery project comes along!!

Liberty :) said...

lovely kit!

Anonymous said...

I have quite a few years on you and the older I get the more often problems get attributed to your age! The last one was my increased shoe size--guess your arches fall with age and your feet get longer. Strangely I can see better close up without my contact than I can with it. Still need it for distance, though. Darling kit!

Lizzie said...

Yes, I'm so glad I got brave and went early for my eye-test. I now have the new (varifocal!) lenses, which means no more peering at print over the tops of my specs. I also have some special glasses, for close work (though I do still find I need to take those off and use "naked eyes" for very close work, like cutting lino stamps etc).
It's much better to have the right prescription for my glasses - even if it does mean I'm "getting old"!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I LOVE the piece you are stitching, Sian. I REALLY need to get in and have my eyes checked as I am in the same situation that you used to be before your new lenses!

Cute picture at the end too. xo

humel said...

I'm another fan of your tweezers!! Mine are very plain and boring.... I love that little tin of goodies! xx

Unknown said...

I wanted to see the specs :) I'm a contact lens wearer - far too vain to wear my glasses in public now.

Unknown said...

P.S. Thanks for the lovely comment, maybe your little one will come round eventually. One hook is easier on the eye than two needles though ;)

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