Sunday 16 May 2010

How To Make Fudge In Two Minutes

You haven't done any cooking lately, said The Small One, looking up from a steaming plate of beef casserole. I was about to point out stew doesn't stew itself when she added On your blog, I mean. And I couldn't really argue with that, so I had a bit of a think and a rummage through my blog-stuff notebook and I found this:

Two Minute Microwave Fudge

You will need:
1lb icing sugar
1/2 cup margarine or butter
1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/4 cup optional chopped nuts, cherries, raisins or any other fudge enhancer you enjoy
  • Mix the sugar and the cocoa powder together well in a large microwaveable bowl.
  • Make a well in the middle, slice the butter into it and add the milk
  • Microwave for 2 minutes on high
  • Remove and stir vigorously before adding your extras
  • Turn into a very, very well buttered pan and refrigerate
And that is all there is to it. We tested it yesterday and, really, it tastes as if we put quite a bit more time than two minutes into it. Or even five, by the time we'd washed up. That's as fast as popcorn. And that's always a good thing in this house.

If you fancy trying a different fudge recipe I have one for choc and cherry flavour right here


Susanne said...

Oh, that looks yummy, I'll definitely have to give it a try. I used to have a foolproof microwave fudge recipe until my microwave broke and we bought a new more powerful one. I tried tweaking the time to adjust, but never got it quite right, and the fudge would turn gritty. Thanks for sharing, but did you have to point out that it will be as quick as popcorn - that's dangerous information when swimsuit weather is fast approaching.

scrappyjacky said...

Have tried this one before.....and you're's easy and delicious.
P.S. you definately can't miss a bright blue shed!!

Anonymous said...

Yum! And that first photo of the ingredients is such a great still-life.

debs14 said...

Mmmmmm ..... 2 minute fudge .... sounds delicious. Bet I could eat it almost as fast too!

Amanda said...

I bet that doesn't last the day out....looks yummy. I love the fact that The Small One is monitoring your blogging, does she have a notebook too?

humel said...

Oh, my... I saw the title of this post and clicked on the link so fast!! There's me being really good, I haven't had chocolate in about 3 weeks, and you have to share this recipe?! (Is your next post going to be called How To Eat Fudge In Two Minutes? Because I think mine might be!) xx

Maria Ontiveros said...

Great recipe, and I agree with Karen - I love the first shot! It also confirms my thought that what you call icing sugar we call powdered sugar.

JO SOWERBY said...

looks yummy, will be trying that for my friend this week.
Jo xxx

laurie said...

i enjoyed reading this recipe and looking at the pictures - it was almost like being there except i didn't get a taste! we usually make fudge around the winter holidays but your post reminds me that it is a treat in any time of year.

Ruth said...

Who knew it was that easy to make? Apart from you, of course ...

Kirsty.A said...

Mmmm - mmm.
What wattage of microwave do you use?

Kirsty.A said...

Mmm-mm. What wattage microwave do you have?

Jennifer Grace said...

Looks great, I'm going to have to give it a go. Might not be good for the waistline though! Can you come up with some healthy recipies? Second thoughts, maybe not, where would the fun be in that?!

Gillian said...

Mmmn, i love home-made fudge - this looks and sounds yum - sadly haven't got a microwave, though...

Amy said...

It just sounds far too good to be true - must give it a try soon!

Carmen said...

Ooooh you naughty woman! Clicking away, clicking away quickly before I'm tempted :P

Kim Winter said...

Ohhh. I got to try this!

Abi said...

mmmh that looks so good, your making a border feel very hungry! Lol! xxxx

sharyncarlson said...

yum yum! I definitely will be giving this a try!

Scrappi Sandi said...

OH!! Get thee behind me!!!! That looks soooo scrummy, but really not the sort of thing I should be making at the moment!! It would take less time to eat than make for me!!! I have NO self control where fudge is concerned...I've not even checked out the Choc & Cherry variety!!!! BUT...thanks for sharing & I will save it in my favourites for future reference!!

Becky said...

That looks devine! I shall have to have a go at this, but will wait until Penny is away for the weekend as she is working really hard at slimming world and this really wouldn't be fair!

Carrie said...

Looks SO good! For sure going to try this! TFS!

Mika said...

On my way to try this at home. Mika (

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

The dangerous thing about this recipe is that I have all of the ingredients on hand in my kitchen right now...

Mrsjobee said...

Might have to have a go at this - sounds too easy though - bet I make a mess of it!!

Clare said...

This looks yummy and so quick and easy - my kids will love to eat this (and me too!)

Lizzie said...

Nom, nom, nom... buuuurp! Thanks for the recipe, Sian!

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