Thursday 11 March 2010

A Bit Of Better Blogging

When I started blogging, and it's still not really very long ago, my blog looked like this:

But since then I found out more about what I think looks good and I've found new ways of doing things. I just love to learn something new; and because my most clicked on link ever was this one about bloggers block I'm guessing that you do too. So I've gathered up some of my favourite links and tips on blogging and I'm posting them today for  (I hope) your blogging pleasure:
and a few other useful bits:

So, that's it for now. I'm going to keep on collecting and, if you like, I'll do another roundup of favourites soon. Let me know if you see anything great!


humel said...

Wow, these all look amazing and interesting and helpful - thank you :-) I have no useful links, sorry.... I just make it up as I go along! Does it show?! ;-)

Carmen said...

Going to need to go make a cuppa and have a read through these I reckon :) Thanks Sian and for making me go 'ooooh, meeee!' at seeing my name in your post! :P

Maria Ontiveros said...

Thanks for the list Sian! My first click was for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo link, but too many spoilers for the movie - so I'll go back to it later.
My favorite change you've made is your picture - I love the current one.
Working on my blog is on my list of things to do (but since it's below all my art projects, I haven't gotten to it yet). I really need to tag/organize my posts and update my blogs I love list.

Clair said...

Oh, fantastic! I've just been through my blogger's block (winter - bleurgh) but I'll keep these in mind for those blank moments. And, of course, winter comes around, doesn't it? :)

scrappyjacky said...

Thanks so much for these links,Sian...will definately take time to look at them....and the book looks gorgeous.

marta said...

thank you for the shout out and all the awesome links here. this is a topic i never get sick of discussing. happy to meet you!

xo. marta

Lizzie said...

Super wonderfully uber cooool Sian!
Thank you for sharing all your favourite blog-busting places. I must make a date to go through this post and check all the links!


Alana said...

I gonna pull up a comfy chair and a hot cuppa and browse through your links. Thanks for the inspiration Sian.

Denise said...

Well, what an interesting post,I shall also grab a cuppa and pull up a chair and do some browsing - thank you x

Abi said...

hey Sian

Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while but have loved catching up with ure blog! These links look awesome, will definitely have to check them out!


Amy said...

Thanks Sian - will check these through the course of the day.

Cate Brickell said...

thanks for more links... you linked up problogger about 5/6wks ago, and that started my journey to better blogging... and Marta Writes rocks!

Melissa said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to put all this together. Looking forward to checking all the links out.

Anonymous said...

I just found "marta writes" last week during her workshop, and found so much helpful and interesting information there. Thanks for all the other links, most of which I haven't seen.

colleen said...

Thanks so much for mentioning my blog, Sian! I'm glad you found it helpful.

And now I'm off to check out some of those other blogs...

Scrappi Sandi said...

Thanks for all of that...I will have to save some of those to check out fully at a later date when time is more plentifull...I particularly like the look of the web2pdf one!!

Anna said...

Just what I'm needing! I shall be sure to check up on all these links later. Thank you :)

Micayla said...

OOOH lots of things to look through Sian. Thank you for sharing. Looks like this page will be bookmarked for when I have a hour or so!
Have a lovely weekend.
Micayla x

emhowl said...

I think my blogger's block is reading everybody else's blog and having no time to do anything. These look like wonderful links, to be read while the family watches TV, definitely starting with martawrites. It's amazing where not being able to click your fingers leads.

JO SOWERBY said...

wow u have found some amazing things sian. if i add anything else to my blog following list i'll never catch up!!!!! glad the small one liked the comment about the dolls. i thought they were fab and i'm the children who receive them in haiti will treasure them forever. i saw a little girl on the news the other day who is over here having medical treatment for a severe skull and bone infection, maybe she could make another one for her?
Jo xxx

Fun Mama - Deanna said...

What a wonderful list! I've bookmarked it so I can browse. I've been meaning to pick up a copy of Artful Blogging for a while. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Blogging Bliss.

Anonymous said...

Oh! These are great links. I think I used two of these to start the remodel on my blog too. I go back an forth between clean and modern like your blog and crammed full of scrappy things. Dualing personalities I guess!

Laura :)

Miriam said...

Hi Sian, I 've just found you. (& this post.) Love it, & love to learn, blogging is new to me, I can't wait to browse your links. thank you for this.

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