Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Photo 365+1

Today is day 52 of Photo 365+1. Already! That means Suzie has faithfully supplied over fifty words and we all have a steadily growing stack of pictures to scrapbook.

Today I have for you:

2nd. Button - on the boot of my car. It was about a year before I realised I could open the boot with this. I had been using my key. Then The (Not So Small) One spotted someone on TV ..she'll go far, that girl.
3rd. Interaction - I often get a phone call from Little E on a Friday. He likes a chat.
4th. Liquid - our white ceramic liquid soap holder on the kitchen window sill between two bulb planters.
5th. Rubbish - I'll tell you what's rubbish: too much half term homework and taking turns on the computer.


6th. Packaging - Mickey Mouse parcel tape on a book sent from Japan.
7th. Damaged - I over-ground our salt grinder, so we're on basic plastic until I buy another one
8th. Fence - I like this one. It's our little ladybird house on the garden fence.
9th. Compact - The smaller Ariel fits in the cupboard. The bigger size doesn't.

..and eight is probably enough for now. Today's prompt?  Sky high! Now, let me think..

Thanks again to Suzie for the inspiration and to everyone who lets me have a peep into their world every day.


  1. Nice set of photos. Interesting that you say you scrap your daily photos. I put mine into a year album but very rarely use them for anything else. Interesting!

  2. love your tight focus on each individual glimpse of daily life

  3. How nice to get a regular phone call from Little E.
    I like how you have got close to the main point of each photo, so there's nothing distracting - especially as you have used the overlay with a highlight in the centre.
    Fun to see glimpses of your life!

  4. Thanks! Though instead of an overlay it's actually the way that particular mens and film combination comes out in Hipstamatic

  5. One thing I especially love about your 365 is the consistency you get with using Hipstamatic. It makes for such a great collection.

  6. Sounds like today's prompt was written just for you! Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  7. I do love how these photo's look & the uniformity you achieve! I'm not going to scrap my years pics, I'm going to order a hardback photobook instead! Ditto Cheri's comment...I thought of you as soon as I saw todays prompt!! :)

  8. I love all the little glimpses of every day life and the different takes people have for the prompts x

  9. Your photos are awesome - the filters you use and the clever composition make the most ordinary objects very special. I especially agree with the homework - I am considered a very strict teacher but I don't give it during the holidays. All my daughters however have lots of work to do and I don't like it.

  10. I wish I could do so well with Hipstamatic - they look great,and thank you for all your kind words over the last few weeks x x

  11. Lovely collection of photos. I'd love to be clever with editing photos!

  12. Great photos! I want a ladybird house!

  13. I'm with you on the amount of homework set during half term. Totally rubbish!

  14. I,too, love the effects you're getting with these photos.Think I may need that app.

  15. Loving this peek into your daily photos. Yay to having a new stack to scrap!!

  16. Love your 4-block photos, and especially the ladybird house:)

  17. Love the Alfa comment - I hadn't realised I could use the key - always used the button. Never thought what the third button on the fob was for :0)

  18. interesting collection of photos Sian x

  19. i'm sure the prompt really makes you look around and think before you shoot!!! sounds like a fun way to document your days.

  20. Our pepper grinder is looking a bit sad at the moment, probably could do with replacing!
    You are using the App really well for this project Sian, I am enjoying your photos!

  21. I really enjoy seeing how you are interpreting the prompts Sian. Gosh, can't wait to see what you might come up with for Sky High! LOL

  22. Scary how fast the year is flying!

  23. oh good - I was wondering what app it was :) You sound as though you are really enjoying this 365 challenge and I love that we get to see a bit of your life. I have been keeping up with Project Life and hope to start sharing soon.

  24. I really need to play with hipsmatic more, as even every day objects take on a good look. I love how you think Sian :)

  25. I love the moody look of these, Sian - they will make fantastic scrapbooking pages. So agree about the pressure of work in half-term: unfair!

  26. Love how you are interpretating the prompts Sian!
    Alison xx

  27. I love the captions you attach to the photo's, I may have to change my one word titles and I still don't know what I am going to do with all the pictures! I can't see me turning them into scrapbook pages. x

  28. I'm not sure what I love more - the photos or the captions you put with them. :o)

    LOVE that bird house photo!!!

  29. Hey Sian, thanks for the lovely comment on my blog, it really made me smile :) I love seeing your everyday photos, a daily peek into a world that isn't completely obscured by dissertations and grammar revision does me the world of good!

  30. I am impressed with all of your photos. One of my dream cars is a Spider. One day...

  31. Oh what neat takes on the prompts and each with it's own little story to scrapbook too.

  32. Hi Sian,
    I am so far behind with my reading, but had to let you know how much I enjoy your photos. I had every intention of doing it this year, but time simply does not allow. You seem to have a lot on your plate too. How DO you get it all done? I think my biggest "problem" (how dare I equate that here) is traveling! I'm just gone too much and then have to cram all my classes in between trips. Even my own blog is starting to suffer. Oh well, what a problem to have....


Thank you! I do love to know what you think