Sunday, 19 February 2012

I'm Thinking of Marie

I've loved seeing The (Not So) Small One's photos of Paris. Along with the fun let's-all-waer-silly-hats-in-McDonalds ones, there are several beauties. She's old enough now to take pictures which reflect her own interests; and interested enough to enjoy looking at them with me. One in particular caught my eye.

A view from the Eiffel Tower. It's Paris spread out before us. But the focus is on those bars. Any other city, any other view and I wouldn't have thought of it - but I saw those bars and suddenly we both became Marie Antoinette. Of course the Eiffel Tower wasn't there when she was imprisoned. But we looked at that beautiful city through the bars and we wondered: did she see it too? Like that, through bars, many years ago?

I used some red, white and blue, lots of old Maya Road rub-ons and a cockerel, cut on The Slice, for France and the Revolution. Oh, and it's based on a sketch I spotted at Elle's Studio because it featured banners. Again.


  1. I am always amazed by your beautiful pages Sian but this one is over and above your normal page and is just outstandingly stunning.

  2. I love this page and the story behind it- I wonder if that is exactly what she saw! xx

  3. It does make you think,doesn't it.

  4. I love the paper and everything about this. If I used that paper my page would look like old chip paper with a picture on it. I am still going to try though, because you have inspired me.

  5. Great layout Sian, I wouldn't even know how to start to try and emulate this :)

  6. Lovely layout. Great way of looking at that photo too

  7. an interesting thought process about the photo - which is a great shot. such a very beautiful page with all the elements so perfectly chosen and placed. I love the subtle elements you've used (the colour and the cockerel) which are spotted at second glance. And I just can't seem to do a page without banners right now :-)

  8. Love, love, LOVE this, Sian! So beautiful, and the journaling so thoughtful. I found a book printed in French and have used the pages on projects before. I particularly love the printed paper you used as your background. Lovely.

  9. Love your thoughts on this photo! But I'm guessing the city didn't look quite the same when Marie saw it.

  10. Beautiful page and I love how your Not So Small One thinks

  11. I love that you can both talk about the feelings TNSSO's photos evoke.

    How is the felt zoo coming along? Or was it a circus?

  12. It does make you wonder!

    Very pretty page Sian.

  13. Such a pretty page and beautiful photography!!!!

  14. Glorious page and idea for a new slant of a photograph's story. The colour combination is perfect.

  15. There are days when the history doesn't seem so far away aren't there. Such a great page Sian, love this post.

  16. what an amazing idea. i remember being at the bastille and wondering what it had been like back in the revolution. love the layout sian,
    jo xxx

  17. I do think this is one of your best pages ever!!! It just keeps drawing the viewer. I love the shape of this banner, plus the different images on them. And the rubons topped with the swirls are so fantastic!
    Plus, a great mother-daughter moment captured.

  18. Wow Wow Wow!!! This page has me very excited!! Loving EVERYTHING about it!!! The background paper, the layers around the photo, the banner, that amazing title and the thought behind the photo! That photo is stunning!!!! You blew this one away!! :)

  19. Love how the picture inspired you's a lovely LO!
    Alison xx

  20. I see someone has been taking notes from her mother and letting her creativity flow with photos :). Your layout and idea is fabulous

  21. I love the way you have thought about this photo, I find myself doing that as I often use the same photos on several layouts ... we have both said it before, there is always more than one story!

  22. I would never have thought of it like that but I bet you are right. I wonder how much it has changed since then other than the really obvious stuff, obviously.

  23. I love the perspective on this photo, and the page is just stunning.

  24. Beautiful, Sian....fingers crossed the bloomin' blogger lets me leave the comment........LOVE the LO, just fabulous,

  25. I just love this page; the printed, shaped paper is so perfect for this. I'm quite sure I would have never thought of Marie when I saw the photo, and I love the connections you've made. I never tire of banners!

  26. What a lovely layout to showcase that great photo!

  27. Gosh, this is a really lovely page, Sian. Extra-Sian I think!
    Like you, I have sometimes wondered about the French Queen and her last days. She seems to have faced them with dignity and grace, which must have been immensely difficult.
    I have never been to Paris - perhaps I'll go there one day and then I can go and look at the City through the bars!
    Great combination of colour and pattern, Sian. I like your cut-out pieces too - did you cut these by hand, or with your Slice tool?
    An altogether inspiring piece, I think!

  28. Very pretty to look at and very moving too ... Your banners work pwerfectly.

  29. Gorgeous delicate cutouts behind the photo. I like that you've used the red/white/blue/bunting in such a subtle way. Lovely.

    Really like the way you've hung the page to show it too - keep admiring all these artistic ways to photograph projects.

  30. simply gorgeous....and i love the bar thought, one day I will see that beautiful city. sigh.

  31. What a fun perspective you had on her photo - and the page is perfect (imagine me saying that in French, please).

  32. I love the combination of TSO photo and your beautiful layout. You banners look so pretty. I saw a pattern today for a Marie Antoinette doll :)

  33. Gorgeous! & what a 'deep' thought-line behind it too!! So glad The (not so) Small One is back safely & with lots of stories to tell! :)

  34. love how you're scrapping your daughter's pics :-)

  35. What a neat looking layout. I love how you've used the banner idea on it. It's funny what different people see in pictures. I hadn't thought of your take on it but it is so appropriate I think.

  36. The scalloped edges and newspaper print background is terrific and somehow seems to set off the embellishments you used better than plainer paper might have.


Thank you! I do love to know what you think