Saturday, 25 February 2012

It Went Like This..

Events took an interesting turn this week when the doctor said "Sian, get yourself to Accident and Emergency now, or I'm sending an ambulance for you."

So I went. But I'm home now. In the end I didn't need most of the tests and I'm not going to bore you with the rest of the details. I'm taking it easy for a few days. Though you might see me popping up here and there: I'm sure I won't be able to resist a bit of gentle scrapbooking soon. Tomorrow, maybe...


  1. Sian you take it easy I'll be thinking of you.

  2. Oh my Sian! I was only thinking earlier, if you didn't post today I would email to see if you were OK.
    Take good care of yourself xx

  3. Goodness Sian. you take care. xx

  4. Sorry to hear that. Look after yourself

  5. Look after yourself and take it easy.

  6. Oh dear, this is not the sort of post I like to see first thing in the morning! Take care, dear friend!!! Glad to hear you say you'll be taking it easy...

  7. Was wondering if anything was wrong. Take care of yourself.

  8. I'm so glad it turned out to NOT be serous!

  9. Sorry to hear this Sian. Get well soon!

  10. Wow. Glad you are home. Take care!

  11. Glad to hear you're home and taking it easy. Hope it wasn't anything too serious. Take care of yourself, Sian xx

  12. sending gentle hugs and healing thoughts.

  13. I'm happy to hear you are home and resting, but hope it wasn't anything too serious! I don't mind being spared the details but a little hint would be okay so I don't have to let my imagination fill in the blanks.

  14. Sendng best wishes to you Sian - make sure you keep your feet up until your 100% again! x

  15. Goodness! It sounds a bit scary, but I was relieved to hear you are home and resting! Take good care of yourself.

  16. Sian, take care of yourself. Hope it's nothing too serious. I'll be saying a prayer for you.

  17. Oh Sian, my, what on earth has happened? PLEASE REST. Will be thinking of you (writing with tears in my eyes - really hope you are OK).....

  18. hope ur recovering well, love Jo xxx

  19. Take care and rest. So important to rest. :-)

  20. Oh no.....please do take care of yourself,Sian...sending you hugs and best wishes.

  21. You look after yourself and take it easy.

  22. I was just beginning to wonder if everything was OK...make sure you DO rest...feel better soon
    Alison xx

  23. Oh my gosh, sending love and hoping your ok. Xxx

  24. Oh my - that doesn't sound good at all. Will definitely be keeping a good thought for you. Be gentle with yourself friend.

  25. Get well soon, don't think February has been the best of months for a few of us - Roll on March x

  26. be really good to yourself the next few days and get lots of rest. i hope you are feeling better very soon.

  27. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{huggles}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}Sian hope you are on the mend now.

  28. Oh Sian, i'm so sorry to hear that. I hope it wasn't as scary as it sounds and that your family are taking good care of you. x

  29. Sian, look after yourself! I am glad to hear that you didn't need too many tests, rest up and get better soon!

  30. oh no Sian....sounds like you have had a scare. You take it easy now, will be thinking of you xxx

  31. Rest up Sian :) Hope you are on the mend soon!

  32. Oo, that must have been a bit disconcerting, Sian...
    I'm glad it turned out to be less serious than it may have first seemed - hope you are alright and very much on the mend.
    Have a restful weekend - hope to see you around in Blogland soon.
    Lovely roses - did the family buy them for you?

  33. Oh Sian, do take good care of yourself and get plenty of rest!! Sending prayers for healing & rest your way.

  34. Lifting a prayer for your healing and for you to be patient and give that tiem to take place. Glad that you listened and the ambulance didn't have to be sent!

  35. I'd say chillax - except that it might upset the blood pressure :) - hope you are fighting fit again soon ...

  36. Imagination now on overdrive, what on earth has happened? I do hope you are feeling better and that your visit to hospital was short and sweet. Sounds as if you are taking the doctor's advice and resting at home. Take good care of yourself xxx

  37. That doesn't sound good, Sian. Sending love and hoping that a good rest is all you need.

  38. Oh my. Glad you followed his advice and that you are back home now. Sending a little prayer that all will be well.

  39. Oh! Get well soon - and quickly! x

  40. Oh my goodness, Sian, I hope you are recovering well. So sorry to read this ...

  41. Flippin eck Sian! Hope you are looking after yourself darling! xxx

  42. I hope you're feeling better. :-)

  43. Oh Sian, big hugs for you, you take it easy and I hope everything is okay now

    Suzy xx

  44. Oh Sian, sending a hug & a prayer.

  45. Hope you are feeling better Sian, I am just catching up with your blog posts and missed this one on Saturday. Big hugs x

  46. Hope your on the mend now, thinking of you! x

  47. Oh dear - I see this is from a week ago. I hope you are well and nicely recovered now. Glad to hear you'll have been taking it easy for a few days. Take care.

  48. Trips to the ER are never a good thing in my experience. Glad you didn't need the tests and are feeling up to posting.

  49. Sian, I'm sorry I missed seeing this in a more timely way. I do hope you are feeling back to your normal self. Take care...


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