Monday, 11 January 2016

Memorandum Monday

...and Monday rolls round again! After I posted last week, I realised that the one thing missing from our new plan - Memorandum Monday - was the wave at the end. It's not the same if we don't send out our good wishes for the week ahead, is it? I know I always appreciate it when someone gives me a wave. Let's reinstate it!

So, how'd it go for you this weekend? Did you do anything for the first time, learn anything new? I did

..although, if I tell you about it, it's going to draw attention to my outrageous procrastination. It's many Mondays, now, since I shared my new laptop. And, um, yep: that would be the laptop I finally turned on yesterday.It hasn't been completely idle. My technical support here did load it up with Photoshop and some other bits and pieces. But, still, you know, change and all that..

I got the push I needed this weekend, when Uncle Dave said he couldn't bear to watch me crank up the old laptop any longer. He took pity on me and spent Saturday evening transferring files to the new one. Which means that today I have no escape. Windows 10 let's see what you can do. I'm going in. If you don't hear from me again for a bit, you'll know why. Don't think of it as change, Uncle Dave said. It's just a new kind of sameness. Right.

Last week Fiona, Jane, Melissa, Rinda, Mitra, Susanne, Karen, Deb, Louise H, Becky, Barbara, Eileen, Miriam and Ladkyis all took the challenge and made a note of something new. I can almost guarantee, if you click through to read, you'll discover something you didn't know before! What about this week? What did you do? Inquiring minds would love to know..

Have a good week!


  1. Oh good luck with the new laptop. I received a new tablet for my birthday in November and after Christmas I actually started to use it. It is fantastic - to the point of making me think that I should upgrade my phone as well. Still procrastinating on switching from Windows 8.1 to 10 on the desktop though - because the desktop is my anchor!! Have a great week.

  2. Son Dave had to help me with windows 10, good luck!

  3. Isn't it nice when someone just takes something in hand for you? So nice to not have do tackle *everything* for yourself!

    Have a lovely week - I hope you get to grips with the new laptop soon.

  4. a new kind of sameness sounds a good approach to so many things - hope all is going well with your new laptop and have a good week

  5. I bet that now you've started using it you wondered why you left it so long!

  6. Oh I couldn't have done that! I would have wanted to fiddle with it straight away. Well done Uncle Dave for coming to your rescue. Just as well you "lost" his passport!

  7. Everyone needs an Uncle Dave to give them a gentle shove in the right direction! Wishing you and the new laptop hours of fun togetherness!

  8. Oh, I LOVE Windows 10!!! I had 8 for just a short time after having 7 for as long as it was out. Didn't like 8 so much because it seemed it was made more for people with touch screens; like a tablet. So far I haven't really found anything that I don't like about 10! Play and have fun! I think you'll like it, too.

    Waving at you from Savannah, Georgia!!

  9. What a glorious turn of phrase Uncle Dave has - another wordsmith in the family! I am going to tuck that one away ... Wishing you lots of happiness once you get used to your new laptop. Himself is downloading Windows 10 as I type.

  10. Good luck with Windows 10
    I'm rubbish at anything technical & usually get the kids to sort!!

  11. That did make me smile. I'm a terrible procrastinator too, but usually new laptops have only come into the house when the previous one has died so there's been no choice but to launch right in. I didn't get on with Windows 8 at all and I'm quite comfortable with 10 now. I'm sure you'll settle into it in no time.

  12. Oh, best of luck and have FUN with the new laptop. I downloaded Windows 10 to my desktop to try it out. It's not too much different, but just enough that I'm still trying to find a few things and get used to it . . . then I'll download it to the laptop that I use all the time! :) Best of both worlds - I get to learn the new stuff but still have old that I use most often.

    Waving from a cold gray Texas today! Have a fabulous week!

  13. Hope you are getting to grips with Windows 10! I keep putting off doing the upgrade!

  14. good ole uncle dave. I don't like change and find it really hard to switch to something new. Hope you get to grips with it soon enough x

  15. Oh dear, does that mean I have to say how I haven't really got to terms with my new Apple Mac that I got for my birthday in September

  16. Good luck with the new laptop and windows 10 - I have 7 and as I'm a kind of 'if it isn't broke don't fix it' girl, I will stick with that for now.

  17. Good for Uncle Dave! You'd get no reprieve here as Tracy would have your new machine up and running in the first few hours you had it!

  18. Windows 10 is almost user friendly. I like it and at 69 years old I only like easy.
    Windoze 8 was pants I will confess now that I am a gadget freak. I would love all the whistles and bells that you get on DSLR cameras but I know I would use them once and then set the camera to auto for the rest of its life. I am a bit like that with puters although we did start with the ZX81 and the Atari so we have had a good grounding.
    Remember it's a machine and has an off switch so if it plays up just cut the power.
    Oh and I blogged this week too

  19. I have to confess to procrastinating about putting Windows 10 on my laptop! Xx

  20. Ooh a new laptop! I agree with Ladkyis, Window 8 WAS pants. It was so difficult to use whereas windows 10 is much nicer :)

  21. I can totally relate! I would be lost without my husband to figure it all out and point me in the right direction. Hope the learning curve goes well. I'm still mourning the loss of my old laptop, on occasion.

  22. Yeah for technical support who help you try new stuff out. Hope the new machine is now feeling familiar - but faster :)

  23. Thank heavens for Uncle Dave! Glad you're all up and running now and a beautiful new machine. Enjoy!

  24. Hope you've come back out. Without too much hassle. Mine takes about 5 mins to boot up, then I have to leave it til it blinks off, then all the bits load up on the desktop THEN I can touch it! So I know that time is coming but I'm pretty much ignoring it cos new computers scare the hecky peck outta me. Lucky you've got Dave around!!!

  25. I am always wary of new updates.
    And I often ignore new technology as well!
    I need to learn some new photo editing software, and I keep putting it off, as well as buying ink for my newish printer.

  26. So I'm catching up on some reading today. I'm so the opposite---when I get that new computer, I can't wait to get started. By now, I know you are familiar with your new machine and probably lovin' it!!

  27. Oh I am with you here Sian!! My computer struggled through the last half of the year and technical problems gave me such grief. The computer finally gave up and my son tried hard to get it working, but it turned out to be the motherboard. A new computer was ordered, and thank goodness I have someone too who can transfer everything across and set it up for me. I already had Windows 10 on my laptop so this wasn't too scary but even so, it is a big learning curve and sometimes it is easier (or more comforting) to struggle on with what we know! lol
    Hope practice is making things easier. Sometimes we have to put on our big girl knickers and just go for it!

  28. I'm surmising everything went ok, good for Uncle Dave providing that push.


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