Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Ra Ra Rugby

When The (Not So) Small One announced she had spent lunchtime at "Chanting Practice", we were intrigued. She has never struck us as much of a zen goddess. Too much going on.

"It was for the match," she said, with as much wither as she could muster. "The Rugby."

More Echo Park Charming and some Dear Lizzy thickers from Gotta Craft

Aah. Every year the schools round here compete for a cup. The Grand Final is in March and the rivalry is mighty. Most often it's two of the big city schools up against each other by the end. They take it very seriously and the supporters do too.

"Will there be pompoms?" asked Uncle Dave, "and ra-ra skirts?"

We have reached the Final. It's scheduled for next week. I'll watch and it will take me right back. When I was in my last year at school our little country team reached the Final too. It's a special memory because no other team from my school has ever equalled that feat. It was big, big, big news in town The boys had their profiles in the paper and the uniform shop sold out of school scarves.

They tell me it was a blast. I wasn't there. I had to fly out of the country for a college interview. I was reduced to standing in a call box at the airport while my Grandma gave me a running commentary from the televised coverage. I knew she'd be watching. She liked boys in shorts as much as we did. The following night I was still in my hotel room, miles from home. I didn't want to be there. I wanted to be at the celebration commiseration party. Watching a boy in a band.

I'm sure nothing has changed. This year, too, there will be a party and a band and a lack of school scarves. The kids are still talking about college and the shorts are still on show. It's all over so quickly. But they'll remember it forever.


  1. Oh, another wonderful story---and a fab layout. I love the yellow and blue and all your wonderful arrangement of embellishments. I never tire of stars!

  2. Your writing gets better and better ... beautifully told!

  3. Love how you have linked the past with the present.

  4. Oh, Sian, I so love reading your posts. You have such a wonderful way of writing! Great layout & a fun story to remember & connect with your world today.

  5. Loving this post and story! Brings me back to my days sitting in a cold arena to watch the boys play hockey. No shorts for us.... just lots of sweaty hockey gear. Football season was better. Both the warm temperatures and the view, ;) hee hee Love this LO with the large banners and monochromatic look. I love these papers.

  6. What a fab story, and such a shame that you missed your match. Did you get into the college that you went to interview for that day?

  7. Sigh! Happy Days! Great connection with then & now...love the LO too!!

  8. What a fab story, Sian! It made me smile and smile! "Chanting practice" - lovely. Very British Restraint - not "Cheerleading practice", but "Chanting..." that's great!
    And will there be ra-ra skirts and pom-poms? No... surely School Scarves are much more appropriate!
    I wish them luck and a wonderful game - do let us know how they get on!

  9. Gem, now that's a whole different story!

  10. Hmmm, do you think Uncle Dave is dissapointed there are no pom poms and cheerleaders? Hope the not so small one has a great time and memories like you.

  11. really really lovely LO, Sian. Can't imagine Uncle Dave in a ra-ra skirt, somehow, but if the fancy takes him.....LOL....!!!

  12. Chanting practice is a new one for me, we don't really have cheer squads for sports teams and the only chanting done at school was at the swimming or the athletics - never at the football ... we always pretended we weren't watching,or didn't care. Anyway, our netball team always did better statewide and nationally than the boys and their sports ... they should have been watching and cheering for us!

  13. What a delightful story and post, Sian! I mentioned it to my Dad, who was at what I think might be one of the schools himself and he smiled. :) I have memories of standing on a touchline cheering on my then boyfriend and wing three-quarter as he charged down the line ... Happy (and cold!) days!

  14. rugby....shorts....is it any wonder i encourage my three to play! lol! Good luck with the final.

    Beautifully told story Sian and lovely layout x

  15. Lovely story and beautiful layout - as always x

  16. That's a great story! And well done on them for getting on so well with the rugby! I've been catching up on your blog before I hit the sack for the night and start scrapping again for several more hours. I'm always inspired by your stories and it seems odd to be making an album whose stories I will never see!

  17. What a great story, and it resonates because over the weekend our high school basketball team reached the quarterfinals of the state championship for the first time ever. I drove another mum and a car load of boys out to watch their friends and schoolmates. Even though they were well and truly thumped, we stayed until the came out of the locker room and gave them a big cheer.
    I'm sure our boys will always remember that night. . .

  18. Great LO and story Sian...especially love the comment about Grandma loving to watch boys in shorts too!!
    Alison xx

  19. I really love reading your stories,and your layout is wonderful x

  20. Lovely post and a memory well documented! Love your color choices - that pop of blue is so effective!

  21. You Make the story come alive to us in your writing and gosh I love the layout

  22. Your English and mine differ from time to time, but I immediately understood what you meant by "as much wither as she could muster." I've never heard that phrase before, but I've observed that inimitable combination of tone of voice and attitude that teenagers use with their parents. Still, I think it is very cool that you and your daughter have so much in common.

  23. Of course grandma loves to watch boys in shorts! looking is free!
    I love the story, as always it flows so well from your..... I was going to say pen but that sounds a bit old fashioned for this here high tech world. You know what I mean though.

  24. You bring the story to life Sian and I love that wood grain background paper.

  25. Lovely story and fabby LO! :)

  26. gr8 story. sadly i avoided anything to do with ball sports of any kind. found it all rather boring if im honest. now though i have my star footballer friend to go and see play in the not too distant future so will have to gen up on some footie ideas other than ''get it in the net'' or ''ref what were u looking at''!
    jo xx
    ps. i would probs have been more into the cool guys in the band, who wouldnt have noticed me at all.

  27. Beautifully told. I do like your narrative voice Sian!

    Fun texture with that woodgrain paper and the pennant ends.

  28. Another great tale - I like the sound of your Grandma! The graduated pennants on your page are so effective - and tie in perfectly with the flag theme of your page.

  29. Love how the (not so) small one's commentn triggered the memory for you.


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