Thursday, 1 March 2012

My Month in Numbers - February

It's time to count along with Julie and her excellent Month in Numbers. A strange kind of month, February was here; but the good thing about counting is that it helps you rediscover the bits you actually liked. A box of Violet Creams and a dozen red roses? Now there was a highlight. And this summer's holiday booked. Norway - we're coming back!

I used a couple of MME papers I've had for a while to make a soft, Valentine page for February. That script could be a love letter, maybe.

There are two words in the English Language I find impossible to spell and February is one of them. The other is soluble - I always think it needs a "a" in it. Soluable. Mmm, don't think it'll catch on..

At least March is easier! and I hope yours makes a good start today. Storytelling Sunday this Sunday - are you ready? What about a story about some mad March weather? or St. David's Day? or St. Patrick's? Or anything else you fancy! Long, short, we'll read them all. See you Sunday.


  1. Love those colours. I struggle with February as well and not just the word - it seems such a short month - I suppose we did gain an extra day this year.

  2. Glad you have managed to scrap your month - bet you are glad it's over!

  3. February is full of birthdays in this family, three grandchildren, two friends, a cousin and Mr M and yet it used to be my worst month of the whole year.

  4. Love the page. The colours are great.

  5. February is not a good month for me but we can always find something positive if we look hard enough!!

  6. Another gorgeous page, Sian. Subtle colours and I love the columns of handwriting with their differing tales to tell.
    Hope all is now well for you.

  7. A lovely delicate pretty page to record Valentines month. Let's look forward to March shall we?

  8. Beautiful colours,Sian...and I'm glad that this month [or make that last month!] you were able to document 'a new beginning' healthwise.

  9. I love the way you do these recaps. I have my February folder here on my desk and hope that a similar layout will be made by the end of the week. I love the soft colors and the handwriting!

  10. counting up the moments as you count down the days = the math of life.

  11. I love how you do these monthly pages. :-)

  12. Lovely layout - the colours are so soft and I love the scalloped edging. x

  13. Another lovely page Sian. Love the clusters.

    I've never had a Violet cream, but they sound like something I'd like [what do violets even taste of? Other than violets...]

    I'm so pleased you're enjoying counting with me - thanks for joining in [especially as you've not been on top form]. You're pinned to the board now:

    Julie x

  14. Violet creams - sigh! It's a long time since I had one ... Hoping March is better than February for you, and enjoying your skill in making sich a lovely subtly layered page out of the month you have just had. Yey! for Norway.:)

  15. I love how those flowers look like x's. I have trouble spelling nuetral or is it neutral???

  16. Lovely page Sian....great that you have your holiday to look forward too!
    Alison xx

  17. oh Sian I do love the patterned paper..a very pretty month in numbers.

    i'm ready for storytelling Sunday, my post is scheduled!! Still got my month in numbers layout to do though.

    Hope you are feeling better xx

  18. This is so pretty! Everytime I come to check out your Month in Number, I wish to scrap my numbers... maybe one day, i will actually do it! Great work once again!

  19. Almond is my word, not so much the spelling .. but the pesky L really annoys me!

  20. I always have to slow down for f-e-b-r-u-a-r-y since I don't say that first "r" and thinking there needs to be an "a" in soluble makes perfect sense. My Mam;s was throat, every time she had to write an excuse not for school bec we had had a sore throat she'd say "I'm really not sure this is right"

  21. Yes, I have to say "Feb-RU-AR-eeeey" to remind me! My best spelling adventure, was writing an entire College assignment - a computer game program - with the word "Label" spelled wrong the whole way through (a Label being a part of the program structure in Visual Basic). I transposed the "e" and "l". My BF had fun teasing me about my "Lableees" for days... sigh...

    February (!) was obviously a mixed month for you. I'm glad it's ended on a positive note, with some effective treatment for your headaches (and presumably some reassurance that it's not a tumour or other nasty - with all the tests and so on, it must have crossed your mind?).
    A Dozen Red Roses? Wow! (though I was very happy with a large vase, containing a mixture of pretty red, pink and white flowers, with a large, red and shiny heart-shaped balloon floating above it!)
    I wish you a very enjoyable - and relaxing - March, to make up for the yukky bits of February!

    Looking forward to Storytelling Sunday, though I'm still scratching my head for a story... I'm sure I'll come up with something. See you on Sunday!

  22. Sorry to hear you weren't well but glad you are on the mend. LOL...I know what you mean about some funny English words. I don't have a problem with the spelling but do need to think twice ( maybe more sometimes ) before pronouncing lavender ( lavandula would be easier! ). I will try to join in this Sunday if I can think of something funny to write.

  23. Oh my word, don't tell me you're a voilet cream fan too :) nothing beats them.

  24. It was a strange month here too and it's funny we also booked a trip. Seems our Februarys were a bit parallel.

  25. Beautiful layout, I love the colours x

  26. What a lovely page. I have my Month in Numbers layout about half done - hoping to finish it today!

  27. soluable. I honestly thought it was spelt like that. who'd have known!?

  28. Oh, it's exciting your going back to Norway, I'll look forward to seeing your photos again!

    I always have trouble spelling February too. x


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