Thursday, 2 February 2012

Hello Tree Skirt

It's an out-of-season page. But I'm unrepentant. That felt banner just had to be used. And where did it need  to go? Well, that was obvious..

and the detail:

Felt banner from "Papermint Mocha" kit by Midnight Rooster
Storytelling Sunday this coming Sunday! Mmm.. a love story, maybe? Or something pink, or flowery, or chocolate related? Newcomers welcome. Old-timers greeted with a hearty cheer. Come one, come all..


  1. Perfect papers and even more perfect embellies for this story :)

  2. I love the background paper you have used, and the ruffle ties in with the photo perfectly - I love the little pops of blue on the page too! x

  3. I am almost ready to go .. see you Sunday!

  4. Gorgeous placement as always. Love the trees and flowers too.

  5. Oh - I love that skirt! The ruffle on the banner id perfect for it too :)

  6. That banner was just made for that LO!!!! How perfectly does it match your skirt?!! Love it all! :)

  7. A perfect skirt for Christmas and it's getting its ornaments now in this lovely bright LO. I love the contrast of the blue ...

  8. Lovely page!! You mentioned a while ago you had noticed your scrapping style change? How do you think it has changed? I'm currently interested in scrapping styles as I think it is hard to recognise your own style! (as in MY own style!)

  9. Just the right background for your tree skirt and how perfect is that banner?! I'm yet to decide on a February story out of a possible three.

  10. Fiona, options are always good :)

    My scrapping style? Was that when I posted the little house album? I think maybe what I really meant was that my ability level had changed! There is still so much to learn (hurray!) but I know now what I like and don't like and I just generally feel confident that I'm going to produce what is in my head. I still like the same elements, motifs and so on, but I'm happy now to peel them back off if they aren't working and try something else. Not sure if that answers your question, but that's where I am at creatively at the minute I think.

  11. Great page to use the banner on!
    Alison xx

  12. I love that skirt - but I want to see it with baubles on ;o)

  13. you could wear your ornaments as earrings with the tree skirt, what a fab idea for a christmas photo about your tree skirt. love. love love.

  14. Lovely! Your photo is as much a design element as anything else on the page and it all flows together beautifully.

  15. Love the banner. I'm always fascinated about scrappers style - I didn't think I had one but if you read my post today you'll find I think I have developed one! I think if I was looking at random unnamed pages I would be able to pick our yours and quite of few others who's blogs I visit regulary.

  16. Perfect page for the felt banner. I love all the wonderful woodgrains that are out now. They always make such a terrific background! We really do have very similar tastes in scrappy goodness! :)

  17. Total perfection on this one, Sian! I love the banner and have always loved the skirt and that shot :)

  18. The banner is just perfect with the it.

  19. That banner is so sweet I can see why you were prompted to use it with this photo - it's the perfect colour.

  20. Lovely layout Sian. Great subject as well :) I too vote yay for such a lovely felt banner.

  21. Great page. Love the skirt. And I'm off to have a go at a month in numbers. thanks for the inspiration

  22. Hmmm, I thought I'd left a comment earlier ...
    Isn't it fab that your skirt now has a layout all of its own?! From what I can see, it looks a perfectly excellent kind of skirt. Although, if my brother saw it, he'd say,"It looks like the sort of thing X would wear." X being our cousin with the dodgy dress sense!!

  23. I got my (Photo) story all cued up and ready to go! I love your tree skirt. Sometime I should share the photo and story about the red felt skirt with white felt reindeer (and gold sequins) I wore as a kid (and took pictures of Clara in, as well).

  24. So many things I love about this! The felt banner and ruffle, the skirt, the layout, the artist... Another successful page, Sian!

  25. Your layout is just to die for. :D I'm hoping to participate in storytelling Sunday. I keep thinking I'm going to do it and always forget. I think I'm going to set a reminder on my phone. :D

  26. The colours in this layout is just adorable, a perfect lift to a winter's day. I am a champion of bright colours after all. A love story for Sunday sounds just like what I need!

  27. The brick background of the photo with the woodgrain patterned paper is just terrific. And I always love your embellishments.

  28. oh Sian this page is fantastic - great colour combo and I just love the photo x

  29. Oh so so pretty and love the skirt too. You were right that banner did need to be used!
    Love how you hung the layout too, Imay have to try that one.
    Have a great weekend.

  30. What a fun page! I love the humour in it and the mix of papers you used! Bravo!

  31. hi Sian :) I've been keeping up with your posts and I have to say I love that skirt! It's gorgeous and the monthly make - very cute and stylish :) I hope to participate in STS - just need a moment to think!

  32. That photo is perfect with the banner!!

    All ready for Storytelling Sunday - can't wait to read everyone's stories & see some great photos.

  33. Perfect photo for a great page

  34. The felt banner is perfect - goes so well with the ruffles in the skirt.


Thank you! I do love to know what you think