Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Pass The Book Year Two - Tantalizing Textures

Today I'm passing on a book from the lovely Melissa's Pass The Book Year Two.

It's Tantalizing Textures by Trudy Sigurdson. Any book on texture is bound to be a winner with me! This one is going to get you going back through your stash looking for flowers and fibres and metal and all kinds of bits you might have in hiding.

It even helped me to find a little mini album I'd tucked away. It's one of the first scrapbook-y things I ever made, and when I remembered about the metal label on the front, I went to find it.

Inside is a no-ugly-spared view of our house, not long after we moved in. I wanted to record the worst so that I could see how we changed the place. Take the utility room, for example.

Funny, the other thing I notice now is how my paper crafting has changed too..

But, back to Tantalizing Textures. If you'd like a look at this one (and are happy to pass it on through your blog when you are finished), leave a comment and I'll draw a winner in a week's time. Everything you need to know is on Melissa's page right here. Good luck!

Oh, and if you have a Pass The Book Year One book sitting on a shelf - would you think about passing it along soon? Many thanks!


  1. this has reminded me of an album I wanted to do about our home x

  2. OOH that was the first Shimelle thing I did! The resulting mini album is in the guest room where poor house guests can see how my scrapping has changed over the years. please don't include me in the pass the book as I have so many bookcrossing books here at the moment that I couldn't do it justice or pass it on in a reasonable time. I just had to say about that mini album

  3. Love the look of that little album...would love to be in the draw for the book
    Alison xx

  4. How fun! I'm guilty of hanging onto a Year One book - just found the other day buried in a pile of stuff - will pass it on next week - hoping to use it this weekend at my crop - the Card Making book WAS from Year One, right?

  5. What a fabulous mini-book - you'll have to do another one with how things have changed - including your scrap style!

  6. I have that Shimelle kit, still waiting to be finished!
    Would love the chance to read / pass on this book x

  7. This sounds like a fabulous, creative read! I would love a chance to read it!

  8. I'm so glad the book reminded you of that cute mini-album & you've shared it with us. I really like looking back & seeing how my scrapping has changed over the years . . . but I still love all the old stuff just as much.

    I definitely agree you should do an updated book with similar photos showing the changes in your home.

    Thanks for being a part of Pass the Book:Year Two.

  9. This book sounds right up my street,Sian.....would love a turn.

  10. Looks like a fab book - would love to have a peruse then pass on x

  11. Ooh I'd love to get my grubby mitts on this one. Thanks for the chance Sian and Melissa.

    Do you know it ws receiving abook in Pass the Book Year 1 that started me reviewing. True fact. And you know how lucky I've been with that - so it's all thanks to you really Sian!

  12. Oooh, please put me in the draw for the book!
    (and I love your old mini, and I loved writing that phrase - LOL!)

  13. That looks a great book, Sian. I'd love to have a browse and be inspired to use up some of my stash.
    It is so good looking back on things we have made in the past. It is amazing how style develops and changes. It's a lovely book you made and good to record your home when you moved in.

  14. I was having that discussion with a fellow scrapper at school yesterday - she was talking about cringing when she looks back at her old pages - I'm just pleased I can see the improvements and am just grateful that I have things scrapped. Styles change :0)

  15. Some of us might still have utility rooms that look like this AFTER a remodelling! This looks like a great book, but I've been the lucky recipient of two so far, so I feel I ought to pass on this one!

  16. I quite like to see how my style has evolved as the years have gone by. This is a lovely mini book & one worthy of revisiting methinks!

    The Texture books sounds awesome too....so please include me in your draw!


  17. I have been saving a few bits to make an album about homes I have lived in this may just prompt me to get going! Thanks for the offer of the book it looks great xxx

  18. As my word for this year is create, would this inspire me do you think? I would love to go into the draw Sian. I love your mini too!

  19. I've not done a Pass the Book before but I really like the look of this one. Maybe I should buy it with my stash money? I really would like more texture on my page and I tend to resort to buttons and ribbons every time.

  20. What a good day to put my head o'er the paraput and read a couple of blogs. I'd love to take part in a pass a book and adding textures looks lovely. Isn't it interesting seeing how our paper crafting changes? I've got a post on that coming up.

  21. What a good day to put my head o'er the paraput and read a couple of blogs. I'd love to take part in a pass a book and adding textures looks lovely. Isn't it interesting seeing how our paper crafting changes? I've got a post on that coming up.

  22. Would love a chance to read this book.

  23. It is always fun to check back on old project! I am glad you shared this mini because it has a great subject that inspires me.

  24. Hi Sian ~ I'd love to have a chance of borrowing this book, so thanks for putting me into the draw.

    It was really fun to see a project of yours from the past. It's a sweet little book, and I have to admit to thinking how much your style has changed and blossomed over the past few years. I really need to get some of my "before" house photos printed and in a book similar to this. Thanks for the inspiration (as always). xo

  25. That book looks interesting.
    I always think it's nice to see how things have changed or improved over time.

  26. What a cute little album, that has just reminded me about my house album I started this time last year!!! Must finish it!!!! :)


Thank you! I do love to know what you think