Thursday, 12 January 2012

A Bit of Better Blogging - Part Seven

I'm tying up loose ends

on several projects this week. So I've put together my latest collection of better blogging finds for today. I hope you see something of interest:

  1. Pinterest - Good or bad for bloggers? This is a must-read. It's persuasive, it's heartfelt and I couldn't agree more. If you love Pinterest, read this! By Darcy of Life With my 3 Boybarians
  2. Clean Slate Blogging by Judy of Cats Eye Writer. There is always somethng to think about here. I also enjoyed her Harry Potter Headlines.
  3. Blog Posts that Start Life as Something Different - using comments to create content. By Sarah Arrow at For Bloggers by Bloggers
  4. Keeping up with the New Facebook by Paint The Moon. Tips for setting up a fan page. I need to have another look at this one myself!
  5. Also, How to Get More Likes on Facebook by How To Make My Blog.
  6. And finally, I had to include an older one I like Ten Most Overused Words on Craft Blogs from Crafterminds (thanks Sue for recommending this site!)
Have a browse and think about blogging goals for 2012. Or maybe you've done that already?


  1. I need all the help I can get to become a better blogger in 2012. I think consistency is my main aim for this year, but there is always room to add a few more goals. I'll be checking your links out later Sian, as they're sure to be good ones:o)

  2. the overused words article made me smile :-) here's to tying up loose ends - I could do with some of that medicine right now!

  3. Some good points there - especially the absolutely fab "Most overused words" link ;o)

  4. looking forward to digging in and reading... and maybe I should set some intentions for myself, something I can strive for more realistically

  5. thanks for the links, will get a coffee and have a good read!

  6. I really need to take better pictures for my blog! Thanks for the links x

  7. There's plenty in those links to keep me interested/distracted for weeks!

  8. Great articles! I finally took the plunge and created a Facebook Page for my blog, so we'll see how that goes. Love the Crafterminds article. Those aren't words I overuse, but I do need to work on commenting a little more creatively.

  9. Just had a read through them all. The Pinterest one is interesting indeed. Have seen pins with really long spiel, didn't realise they were direct lifts! Naughty!

  10. Some great articles here,Sian....particularly the Pinterest ones.

  11. Thanks for sharing some better blogging. I really enjoyed the link to Clean Slate Blogging - some sound advice.

  12. Great links, and the last one made me laugh (guilty as charged!).
    I think being inspired by something (anything) makes for the bests posts, although putting in time on the writing of it helps a lot, too.

  13. Thanks so much for the links to these interesting articles. I strive to be a better blogger!

  14. I've enjoyed browsing your interesting selection, Sian - though I find myself in disagreement with some of no.6. Perhaps I ought to write a blog post on it! Good luck with finishing up your creative projects.

  15. I think my goals are going to just be blog as and when! Because I have absolutely no idea what to expect when Baby arrives!

  16. Some great links as always Sian - I've dipped into a few but will no doubt be back. My blogging goal is to blog! I'm hoping to dive back in this weekend end.

  17. Thanks for the links Sian...hope to get round to reading them!
    Alison xx

  18. That's my evenings 'sufring' taken care of...thanks!! :)

  19. That's a great post, Sian. I don't have time to read it right now but I'll be back over the weekend when I can linger and enjoy. Looking forward to it, and thanks for putting this together. It looks really interesting and thought provoking.

  20. ooo I do like a post with links - off to have a read.

  21. These are great links and I enjoyed browsing through them. The Clean Slate Blogging was my favourite and so so true. Thanks so much. I want to improve my blogging this year - food for thought.

  22. Great links Sian - definitely some things to think about as I plan my blogging for 2012. I'm glad to say I rarely use any of the ten most overused words!

  23. This is an great list that I need to spend the time and read! TFS!

  24. Lots of great advice there, thanks for posting.

  25. Thanks for sharing these links, Sian. I've already added a couple to my reader and expect to learn a lot from them.

  26. These couldn't have come at a better time, thank you

  27. Excellent links Sian. Thanks so much for posting them. The one about Pinterest was especially interesting.


Thank you! I do love to know what you think