Sunday, 19 June 2011

Our "Moving" Fathers Day

It's turning out to be a very manly weekend here at High In The Sky!

The Tall One and The (Not So) Small One here - we have a story we wrote ourselves about our favourite Fathers Day ever. Have a great one today Dad (and we'll be out to wash your car in a minute..)

It was a very sunny Fathers Day afternoon and to our great despair Dad suggested going up the road to look at a new housing development. This was, and still is, one of his favourite pastimes; and, as it was Fathers Day, we knew we had to go along with him. Little did we know that this simple fathers Day outing would lead to many months of putting things in boxes and us moving house.

We were not expecting much that day, to be honest. As we trudged up the hill in the heat of the day we were anything but looking forward to what we thought would be a long hour or so. Dad would look around and say "This is nice" and that would be it. BUT even we were astounded.

We could not believe that we had objected to the trip in the first place. Both of us might even have said "I want to move here!"

Our wishes were granted, and when the paperwork was completed the long preparations began. Now that was a Fathers Day neither of us is likely to forget.

My second ever digital page, with very grateful thanks to the talented Alexa who produced the template and papers for us all to enjoy

Happy Fathers Day everyone!


  1. Sometimes when a paper scrapper gives digi scrapping a go, their style changes- not you, this lovely layout and stoy just sceams Sian, and that's a good thing.

  2. I love your story posts Sian xx

  3. Love your story Sian and as AMY would say "Welcome to the dark side!"

  4. Oh I love that story!

    Fathers Day here has een spent with my having a leisurely cuppa and talking dvd's, paint and Danny Kaye of all things with my Dad. (Am v. excited to have found one of my favourite childhood films at Amazon)

    Here all three girls have been baking Craig up a storm of goodies. They know the way to his heart is definitely through his stomach. I'm not complaining either... so far they've made huge squidgy chocolate chip cookies, lemon drizzle cake and now the wafts of cheese scones are drifting through... diet? What diet?

    Have a lovely day Sian.

  5. A lovely story and great tribute for Father's Day! And the layout is fab too. :o)

  6. Lovely story,you two.....hope today was another great Father's Day.

  7. Great page - and a fab wee story. TFS

  8. a wonderful tale about how you got from there to here! and to think it all started with a casual fathers' day drive... :-)

  9. Ha! You were astounded? I was too.
    Thanks for the story and now we all know why we didn't go for a walk today. Dad.

  10. You've obvioulsy passed on your story telling genes to the next generation. A great tale - well done.! Hope you all enjoyed a relaxing fathers day.

  11. Well, that's a great Father's Day story; TTO and T(ns)SO deserve congratulations for a tale well told (do you think you inherit your talent from someone in your family, perchance?).
    Sian also deserves congratulations for a great digi page. I love your paper pages, but that's a pretty mean digi version too!
    Love the story of how you came to move home. Hope today was a great day for Dad and the family.
    We have had a wander round the garden centre, gathering information about a possible purchase for our garden; we had nice drinks and cake in the G/C cafe and each came home with an item we like best!

  12. What a great story for father's day. Later today we're off to listen to some music b/c it's what Paul would like to do today.

  13. What a fun story very well told indeed. Thanks for sharing it with us.
    Great second digital layout Sian :) xx

  14. Great story Sian! So that's how you got to High in the Sky!! What a hubby, it sounds like everyone is happy where they are now, so good job Dad! And I am happy to see you use Alexa's generous mini kit! I downloaded everything last night and hope to make something this week, isn't it fun?!

  15. A lovely post for Father's Day and you definitely can do digi ! x

  16. I usually associate times with occassions...this is a good one xx gret story and love love your digi layout xx

  17. A great story of how you ended up 'High in the Sky'! Lovely digi page.
    ps did the car ever get washed?

  18. What a great idea - thanks for your story, TTO and TNSSO! And it was a great place to move to :)

    PS Lovely layout too, Sian! xx

    PPS Hope The Accountant had a super Father's Day! Is the car sparkling now?!

  19. what a sweet story and lovely layout. xx

  20. Lovely story and lay out Sian. That certainly was a Father's Day to remember!

  21. I love this we know how you ended up high in the sky!! Great digi still has you written all over it!! :)

  22. What a strange hobby but what a way to celebrate that year. Hope he had a great day yesterday. over here, my DH picked a kitchen gadget for himself at the Good Food show.

  23. what a way to tell you...fitting I guess :) I can understand the wonder and fascinating with new housing/construction sights. I mean they turn nothings into can you not love the creativity :) love it.

  24. Great story, nice to know how you ended up there!
    Thanks for coming back to comment on my blog when it wouldn't let you the first time. Blogger does some strange things doesn't it! x

  25. What a lovely story and a fab LO x

  26. Seeing all the wonderful digital pages on my friends' blogs is certainly motivating! Yours is great, as is the story!


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