Sunday, 29 May 2011

Captured in a Card (3)

Story Champion

When I was six I told my teacher we were going to Sweden for our holidays. We weren't going anywhere and I was getting a bit fed up hearing about everyone else's plans. But I got caught out when the teacher asked my mum about our interesting holiday ...
A retro look for a story from the 70's.
Regular readers will have heard this story before, but I thought it was a good one to go with a picture of a little holiday girl looking shocked. Maybe her Mum just caught her out too.

AND it's a great reminder for me to remind you that it's Storytelling Sunday next week, 5th June


  1. fabulous card - the addition of the green circle and red button is so effective and so subtle

  2. Love this retro look ... And the little girl is perfect! I remember telling my Mum that I didn't need to take Minadex (vitamin/mineral syrup) at home because the teacher gave us a spoonful each morning at school.:)

  3. Great card Sian, love the colours, the 'story' alphas, and the little girl image. So perfect for the memory captured inside. x

  4. A great card and a lovely story. I think it's something most of us did as kids :)

  5. Gorgeous card and that little girl is just so cute. Hmmmmm Story Telling Sunday - must get my thinking cap on.

  6. yes u r a story champion. looking forward to next sunday's story,
    jo xxx

  7. A lovely card Sian, and a story that made me giggle! Haven't forgotten storytelling Sunday, haven't thought of a story yet though!

  8. Love the retro look to this one,Sian.

  9. This is lovely, Sian - you are really good at card making. Maybe its because you've come to it after scrapbook pages and you apply the same principles of design, pattern, colour etc, but on a mini scale!
    I agree with Helena about the green circle and red button - this and the lettering you chose add just the right touches, to make it look "finished". I love the little girl cut-out. She's funny!

  10. You obviously started your story-telling at a young age! Great card the alphas
    Alison xx

  11. This is so lovely - the button really adds that something extra too.

  12. I love the card and the story, I'm hoping to join in next week.

  13. lovely card Sian. Can't wait for next sunday either! xxx

  14. The perfect card for your story and although I've heard it before it still made me smile.

  15. What a lovely card - and story!
    I used to help out at the local primary school and you would be amazed at some of the fibs the children would tell you.
    Your mum must have been quite surprised to hear that she had been to Sweden ;-)

  16. so cute! i can remember when what you wanted to happen and reality were so much closer together, actually overlapping at times, like in your story. :-)

  17. Oooh! Caught out in a fib... how dreadful! *lol* Love the card - especially how you've left the main character uncoloured ... it really makes her the main focus - it's fantastic (as always)!

  18. Lovely retro card. perfect fr the story. I love the dotty background

  19. I decided I couldn't wait until next Sunday so I have put a story on my blog this week too. I love your ability to make things look complete. I do cards and they always look as though I stopped before that final touch. I am seriously thinking of making some story cards - incentive, I need incentive to make me start!

  20. Thanks for the reminder!

    Cute card ... actually, I might have a travel story to tell - I can't decide, there are a couple brewing! :-)

  21. Sian you are a natural with the card making! I do remember that story and it fits so well with this stamp! I look forward to next weeks Storytelling Sunday although I'm not certain I have one for this round I will be loving checking out everyones!

  22. great card to go with a great story xx

  23. Oh I do remember that story - cute card for it. I'll have to be thinking about a story to tell next Sunday. Have a great week.

  24. Great story,and I love the card.It's perfect for the story.x

  25. cute card - funny story! x

  26. Hee Hee Too cute. You are born to tell stories!! :) Loving this vintage card and so great to get this story documented. My eldest DD was a bit like you as a little one. She usually got caught too. ;)

  27. Your story cards are just wonderful! This story reminded me of a student who told me a very tragic tale one day. I saw her mother later in the afternoon and expressed condolences only to find out the whole tale was fiction!

  28. Brilliant! story and card. I remember telling my mum that it was a school holiday the next day, she thought I was making it up so she sent me! and I was the only one at the school gates!!!!!!!

  29. Love this! I've been saving my best Houston Memory for Storytelling Sunday (now I just have to find time to write my post).

  30. Super cute and what a great way to document your memory!!

  31. That is so cute. Love the little girl on it.


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