Saturday, 2 April 2011

Five Signs of Spring

Five signs of Spring at High In The Sky. The pops of colour today are courtesy of the Colorsplash iphone app. It's a lot of fun for 59p.

1. Our peg bag comes out of storage because there is a chance of hanging the washing outside

2. The Tall One stacks up a big pile of textbooks and hides behind them. It's nearly exam time

3. The coats gradually come off our hook tree and are put away upstairs, and we get a look at the fresh green tree instead

4. I get the Cif out and try to clean up my plimsolls

5. There are signs of life in the basket of flowers I was given last Mother's Day

If you are celebrating tomorrow, have a good one!  But do remember to come back for Storytelling Sunday whenever you can grab a moment for a sit down and a read..


  1. Great post Sian, I love the little splashes of colout too. Especially the last picture with the yellow soles :)


  3. I love your 5 signs. The hook tree is such a lovely idea did you paint that yourself

  4. Love your peg bag and hook tree! What a great idea to see the tree as a sign of spring. :D

  5. A lovely post and great splashes of colour, I might have a play with that app myself :)

  6. What a delightful glimpse of freshness - love your tree coat hooks. I am afraid we need our coats all year round up here!

  7. Ooh I do love a list! Your hook tree is brilliant:)

    Fiona x

  8. I love the pictures and I'm going to have to try that app.


  9. Loving all these signs of Spring.

  10. funny enough i thinned out our coat stand this week, and was out shopping yesterday and saw some nice pumps! I'm loving Spring too :)

  11. Ah, we just put our winter coats away in the cupboard too! DH bought a new jacket today, to replace his old and tatty one... Spring must be here!

    I love your list, Sian - it's very original. The coat hook tree idea is fab too!

  12. the coat hook tree is getting a lot of love - deservedly so! such a clever idea. I love it! x

  13. I love that your peg bag looks like spring :) and the coat tree is a wonderful idea. xx

  14. nothing smells better than laundry that has been hung out to dry! spring here announces itself with the sounds of birds in the early morning. i am so loving it!

  15. I have a load of washing drying as I type - could not show you my peg bag as it is a disgrace - a new one is on my to do list. Love the tree coat hook thingy - very original. Enjoy your Saturday.

  16. Here's to signs of spring!! Yay for that!! Love your coat tree! Wonderful!! It is feeling like spring for us too with the snow finally melting away. :)

  17. Fun post...and I was snoopy and studied your photos and loved seeing little bits of your home. :o)

    I have to admit when I read #4 I was a bit confused so I'm happy the photo of your tennis shoes was there to give me a clue. I'm not sure what Cif is...or plimsolls either. :o)

    Have a great weekend, Sian!!! xo

  18. Love the tree! Still trying to figure out what to do for storytelling tomorrow. . .

  19. Lovely things!
    I am just feeling spring'y today!
    I love your 5 signs ;)

  20. Love your tree! I got my washing out on the line for the first time this year - all four loads of it! I do love the smell of fresh off the line washing lol

  21. You almost convince me I need an iPhone with that app. Almost. With my track record and phones maybe it's best to stick with my cheap and cheerfuls.

  22. I can relate to the textbooks - Robbie is busy finishing major papers & exams to complete his master's degree. Graduation is May 14 - YIPPEE! It's beautiful spring weather here today, we had breakfast out on the back patio.

  23. So fun Sian, love the coat tree. We never need coats over here (except when you go into the shopping malls, they are freezing!), but if we did, I would totally copy this fabby idea! I took photos of all the stuff my daughter left around the house one day, I was going to make a LO called "signs of Holly", now I really must find those photos and make that LO! Thanks for reminding me.

  24. So here's the thing, we have almost idential peg bags and Boden plimmies (I'm thinking of getting a 2nd pair, if Boden has any offers on). Your coat peg tree is awesome ~ I love it!

  25. Gorgeous snippets and snaps! And perfect for the beautiful sunnily spring-like day we've had today. I ♥ the coat tree!

  26. Isn't it nice when you get to hang the washing outside, my peg bag saw some action today :) I did look at my coats on my coat rack today and thought about moving them but maybe I'll give a few weeks yet....

  27. Off to check out the app :) How I love seeing little bits of your home and your life :)

  28. Hi there! I agree with your "signs" and love your tree! Came to you via Ispeakmelsh and had a nice little rummage through your blog. Hope you don't mind!

  29. Like the 29 people before me I absolutely love your hook tree xxx

  30. Love the post. I'm with everyone else - love that coat hook tree. Although it will be awhile before we put our jackets away even if this weekend has been promising. :) Wish we could put clothes to dry outside but have an ordinance against it right now. (:

  31. like all the others, love the coat tree! my peg bag is still buried under the stairs, and my coat definitely is not put away!! We have beautiful sunshine today but it is so chilly xxx

  32. Waiting, not so patiently, for signs of spring here!

  33. Fun post! I hope we will be feeling Spring soon! Love the tree on the wall - very cool!

  34. gorgeous photo's your house looks so fresh and wonderful :)

  35. I came to catch up here and seeing your peg bag reminded me that I had a load of washing in the machine ready to be hung up!! All done now, so I can catch up AND feel smug about housework done :-)

    Hmm. Can't add anything original to the comments above, though... How did I miss your hook tree?? It must have been covered in coats when we came! xx


Thank you! I do love to know what you think