Monday, 1 May 2017

Memos, Mail, Me: Not a Problem

Ah, Monday: on a sunny Bank Holiday we don't want to keep anyone for too long, so let's make this quick.

Quick is good because it means that I won't have time to get unreasonably annoyed by my mail fails this week. I'm keeping in mind Captain Jack Sparrow's maxim: "The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."

So, I tried, I truly did try, to come up with a funny story about how we raced to the docks on Saturday to collect a parcel before the Sorting Office closed at 12.30, and how we screeched to a halt outside said Sorting Office door and I sprinted (if it's a stretch to picture it, imagine how I felt doing it) to the desk at 12.27 only to be told my parcel was actually still in Coventry.

And I thought there might be a joke in the story of how we went home for a cheering corned beef and tomato lunchtime sandwich and the doorbell rang and the postman handed over a very small parcel of new wool, which should have been a much larger parcel because I ordered aran weight for a cosy sweater, though it turns out they sent 4 ply, so my Bank Holiday cast on was stalled.

Instead I'll admire the new grey skein I bought at the craft fair yesterday ( while I was taking time out from a spot of landlording which involved crawling under a bed someone else had been sleeping in for four years, and removing everything he had left under there..) and I'll take a minute to thank Nathalie of An Ounce of Creativity for the surprise of a beautiful card and note this week. Thank you!

So, how about you? Anything new at the weekend? Any mail? Any firsts? Why not make a memo this Monday. Last week

Maggie, Karen, Ruth, Helena, Jane, Mary-Lou, Deb, Ladkyis, Alexandra, Melissa, Eileen, Mitra, Honore and Cheri shared their news. Go on: give 'em a wave! And have a good week!


  1. I love that Jack Sparrow quote. Thank you for reminding me of it.

  2. I've never watched any of the Pirates movies but I do love that quote! And that photo makes me all sorts of happy too!

  3. oh I'm feeling your frustration at receiving 4 ply instead of arran - love the colour of it though. And said crawling and sprinting does not sound fun. have a great week

  4. I love that grey yarn. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  5. It may have been a frustrating week for the mail, but the lovely arrangement in the photo certainly brightened my day. Love black and white checks, the striking card, and the lovely gray yarn. Hope your week is a good one!

  6. Argh how frustrating indeed but that yarn and your picture look beautiful Sian!

  7. Too bad about the mail disappointments. That grey yarn is beautiful! Have a happy holiday Monday. Rob just went back to work after a month's holiday. I'm not sure what to do with myself today. LOL

  8. Ah you do weave such a charming yarn about pirates, under bed crawling & sprinting here & there ... His Mermaid Yarns - funny name but nice wool colour. Happy Week ahead.

  9. how frustrating for you. You've just reminded me of looking under my son's bed and finding a year's supply of toe nails, I collected them up and put them in his bed!

  10. What a disappointment! Though I confess I had to chuckle at the description of your frantic arrival to the post office to collect your parcel!
    Your photo, as always, is beautiful and fit for a top magazine. Have a good week and enjoy your knitting. I have picked up my crochet again so am with you in the yarn love.

  11. Waiting for post is very frustrating. My piece of post that I am told is on the way and my friends say they have already received their's hasn't come today!

  12. We're all friends, so if you want to scream, you go right ahead. Trust me, we won't mind a bit xx

  13. You tell a cracking story, Sian - as well as creating a lovely-to-the-eye still life. Hoping that aran wool arrives soon and your itchy fingers can get knitting again :). Lovely to pop in, as always ...

  14. That is a great quote! Sorry you didn't get your parcel and the wrong wool was delivered. Frustrating! Hope the week ahead is better!

  15. Now I have a vision in my mind about that sprint to the Post Office and all for nothing!
    How disappointing to find the wrong wool was despatched, maybe you could think of a small boy who may need a jumper knitted by his aunt while she's waiting for that man sized wool to be delivered?

  16. Isn't it annoying when the wrong thing arrives through the post? have reminded me that I was advised of an upcoming delivery from Amazon....must check where it has gotten's certainly not my house!!! xx

  17. How frustrating! Hope all the correct mail arrives this week.

  18. Despite all the tribulations, you kept a very sunny attitude through out! And that's a great thing and something for all of us to remember!
    Here's to a much better mail week!

  19. Oh, Sian, you have such a lovely way of turning even the little mishaps and disappointments into wonderful stories!! I do hope the packages you were hoping for have arrived by now!!

  20. It sounds like you had an annoying parcel sort of week!


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