Monday, 3 April 2017

Memos, Mail, Me: All Roads Lead to Home

Monday: I'll give it to you straight. I'm only talking to you in order to aid my procrastination.

I've reached the 156 stitch pick-up stage on the neckband of my large, grey man sweater project, so, please, keep me as long as you like, because that's a job I need to build towards.

It's going to be a week of jobs-from-a-list. Take the hole in the bathroom ceiling. Prime example. Clearly it can't stay there forever. Though of course the cavity, since it's no longer dripping, is certainly better than coping with the threat of the shower above heading downwards. 

Here's the weird thing: we aren't on our own. Fair homes across the land have been similarly affected. There is bathroom chaos wherever I look. We had a text from The Tall One, our boy in Studentland, Scottish Division:

We have no bathroom, it said. There was a leak and the landlady sent a plumber who took all the fixtures out of the bathroom and left. He'll be back tomorrow. But. We. Have. Nothing.

His sister texted back:

Better go buy a bucket, then

And I suspect that's what they did. For those lads were indeed left facility-less, overnight.

It's fixed now. Bucket panic over; and I took a cool twenty four hours for a little professional smugness. I'm not his landlady and I didn't have to sort that one out. No facing down students with their legs crossed for me. Twenty four hours. Then I had another text, this time from Studentland, Closer-to-home Division.

Our drains are blocked again. The bathroom is flooded. Just warning you that I'm about to phone the plumber and he'll send you the bill.

Yes, you are right. This one is all mine. That would be two out of three in the bathroom shuffle. And so I'm making a memo this Monday: Sian: think about a plumbing class. Soon-ish.

My mail? It's in the picture. A just-arrived-this-week Mother's Day gift of a personalised street sign. By next weekend everyone will be home for Easter. Now they know where to come. It's perfect.

How about you? What's new? Anything you'd like to report? Any mail worth remembering? Give us a shout! We'd love to hear about it. Last week Deb, Ruth, Helena, Jane, Barb, Mitra, Mary-Lou, Maggie, Mardi, Honore, Alexandra and Fiona shared. Go on: give 'em a wave! And have a good week!


  1. oh the agony of waiting for the plumber to finish - would be so handy to be able to do the fixing - my granddad always did because he was that kind of handyman who believed he could fix anything. Love your street sign - have a great week

  2. We had some plumbing issues a few weeks ago: a leaky kitchen faucet and the discovery of a stream(!) of water pouring from a pipe in the basement. While I had visions of tearing open walls to fix the latter, it fortunately turned out to be a very easy fix. But the kitchen faucet is still leaking...

  3. It is unbelievable to me that you managed to make a post about plumbing problems---interesting! Seems just about everybody around me right now is suffering with plumbing problems. We have a little one, but it's in the reno and hasn't really caused any trouble. I always love your stories!

  4. Cool having your own street sign. I feel your pain about having to re-do something, for you it is the stitching/knitting, for me it's the sticking/pasting.

    Not the way to start a week - plumber needs & their bills.

    Hoping for a drier week for you ...

  5. get on with picking up those stitches!!

  6. Oh my, that's quite a bit of plumbing problems for one family!! Robbie is pretty handy around the house, so when we returned from a road trip last year and the toilet would not flush at all he spent the evening replacing all the inner parts. Not the best first night home, but it was soon all fixed and working properly.

    The family street sign is such a wonderful gift!! Happy Belated Mother's Day!

  7. I shouldn't laugh, I know, but ....
    We have one of those street signs and guess where ours is? Yep, on the bathroom wall! Couldn't make it up! (I'm off to send you a photo ...)

  8. No plumbing problems here...but yesterday when Craig phoned from Germany he was running about with buckets due to a burst pipe... it's obviously been one of those weeks!! xx

  9. Plumbing is the worst! So sorry it's striking in threes! Good news is that it will be over soon!

  10. Goodness, there's not much I detest like plumbing problems. Our big renovation of bathrooms last year was a trial, but it was worth it in the end. Not only are they much more attractive, it's great to have plumbing from the current century! Hope all is repaired quickly---and permanentlyl

  11. My daughter has had more than her fair share of plumbing 'issues' at her new house (which explains why we have seen so much of them here since January!) so it is reassuring to hear that she isn't the only one!
    156 stitch pick ups? Oh no, not a job I'd be in a hurry to do either!
    Love that street sign, now, where in the house will you put it?

  12. Argh! These plumbing issues are such a pain!
    We have had our fair share (no pun intended) of water leaks over the years!
    Wishing you lots of patience for your project and prompt resolution on all fronts!

  13. You pull off a plumbing story with ease... M x

  14. How LOVELY having the mob all home for Easter! How special. As for bathrooms. Well, plumbing. We've had to have a new hot water service fitted. A week later our shower taps ceased... but couldn't be replaced, cos they were so old. So half the tiles on the bath/shower had to come off, to expose the plumbing to re-plumb for the new fitting. This is as Tom has a sore thumb still. So, no water proof board or tiles back in place. Just a piece of sheeting taped around with masking type tape. Oh, I HEAR you with the plumbing thing!!!!!!

  15. That is a great sign, what an inventive present . Now isn't that weird but if I had got round to visiting you on time on Monday I would have just said A leak? Oh dear. However it's now Wednesday and will soon be Thursday. Guess what? We have a leak from one bathroom to the other. The water from a pipe under the bath is running well dripping down the light cord. Surely that is dangerous? I tell the farmer. I could get a shock I tell him. Am I safe in the shower? I ask him. Apparently he can mend it, he doesn't need a plumber. But WHEN?

  16. What a splendid sign to have! I am sure your brood will have no trouble in homing in this week :). And I had to chuckle loudly at your splendid retelling of the almost-disasters.

  17. I am hoping that by the time you read this comment those stitches will have been picked up! Plumbing is just a nightmare :(


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