Yesterday afternoon I decided I needed to make Christmas cards. Everything else could wait: doing something nice suddenly seemed important. So I hopped upstairs, because I knew I had a couple of sheets of lovely red patterned paper and a little house stamp set aside from my November Gossamer Blue kits, for this very activity.
I like to do something with a house motif every year, so as soon as I spotted this little stamp I knew where it was headed. Next, I found I had some tiny leaves already stamped and cut out on my desk, so I started playing about and this is what I came up with.
I went into production:
All year I save up my scraps of white cardstock in case I need them for Christmas cards (and after Christmas I force myself to get rid of the little pieces I haven't used, so I can start collecting all over again). As I have absolutely no talent for stamping, and admire very much those who do, I often stamp and then trim so I can safely bin the rejects without also having to bin the project.
A big background stamp I can just about manage: here it is. It's been in my collection for years now, so I've lost track of where it comes from; but I thought it would work as a base for my cluster. Then, a bit of stitching for a border: you can see that I placed my beginning and ending place where I knew it would be covered by a leaf; and that, after making a first card, I decided to add two rows of stitching to the next batch.
Looking again at my first card, I thought it needed a little sparkle, so I went back to it and added some tiny, sparkly stars from Felicity Jane. Is it finished now? I'm not completely sure. But it's a start. And I still have that red patterned paper to play with..
It's a lovely and charming card! I like everything about it.
ReplyDeleteI hear you!
ReplyDeleteI love your Christmas cards Sian!
Great design!
I think we all need to get into the Christmas spirit ASAP this year!
Nothing like a bit of something creative for soothing the soul ... And your cards are so you! Quirky, stylish, with a bit of stitching of course. Feeling uplifted, just reading your post :).
ReplyDeleteYour cards are always beautiful, Sian.
ReplyDeleteWonderful cards.
ReplyDeleteCan I suggest a goal for you next year? … a YouTube channel please. You have the most amazing creative mind and I'd be glued to your channel xxx
ReplyDeleteI love this card! Great how you do them production style. I've been thinking about Christmas today.
ReplyDeleteI saw your post on Instagram and was so curious about how you were using those houses. I'm glad I found my answer here - those cards are lovely!
ReplyDeleteHappy Christmas Card Dance! Whooo hoo! You started! off to a card party myself tomorrow and I can't wait!!!
ReplyDeleteCharming card, Sian.
ReplyDeleteI always love your cards - you always come up with something very original and very 'you' and this year is no exception. It is one big Christmas cardfest here at the moment - only 9 more sleeps to my fundraiser and I am surrounded by so many half finished cards LOL!!
ReplyDeleteThese are looking simply DELISH! You did made me giggle with the stamping issues, tho!!!!! I have a MISTI.... solved it for me!!
ReplyDeleteLovely - I like the stamped background and cluster. I like stamping and trimming out to give a bit more depth too.
ReplyDeleteHave you tried stamping on a mouse mat or similar? I find that helps give a cleaner stamped image.
I'm off to make cards this afternoon, birthday and Christmas :)
ReplyDeleteThey look lovely and you are well prepared.
ReplyDeleteThat is a very cute stamp, I save supplies for Christmas cards and then always run out of time to make them!
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute card and I'd spot it as yours in a pile of cards :) I love the background stamp. I do the same with stamped images and often use the foam pads to raise them up. I really like the unused paper, look forward to seeing what you do with it!