Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Check. Mate.

Today I'm talking Guilty Secrets. Not the I've got a stash of sugared almonds somewhere in the house and I'm not telling anyone where to find them kind of secret. Nor even the you don't want to know what's buried under my patio kind. No: I mean the sort of thing you don't generally mention in public unless you are forced into a corner. See, for me it's board games.

SianF scrapbooking for Get It Scrapped

I simply don't enjoy them. It's not something I tend to shout about because..well..there's always a whiff of a bad loser about someone who doesn't look forward to a bit of monopoly round the fire of a winter's evening. And I'm not. A bad loser, I mean. I couldn't be, given that I was always picked last for every sports team at school, ever. Games? I shrug my shoulders at them. I have thought about it, though. What is it that makes my mood sink and the excuse making part of my brain go into overdrive every time someone says Cluedo? Maybe it's the sitting in one place, the not being able to do anything else with my hands whilst it's going on, maybe it's just that I'm not very good at waiting my turn, maybe I'm still traumatised by that Christmas we tried to play Sorry! No: I'm not going there.

Get It Scrapped asked for a page inspired by the design of a board game. I panicked, don't mind admitting it. Most of the games they suggested I hadn't even heard of (interesting point there: are favourite games different depending on where you come from?). But I let the idea sit for a couple of days and I eventually came up with a checkered design very loosely based on a chess or draughts board, and a play on words, and a whole other slew of shudder inducing situations. There was this one time, with a gorilla if I tell you about that one, half of my family will probably never speak to me again.

More board game inspired pages at Get It Scrapped


  1. I must admit to being a fan of board games when I was younger, noticeably Cluedo and Trivial Pursuit. We tend not to play them so much now, partly because The Boy Child finds them difficult. Things I'm not fond of? Card games, apart from Solitaire because I can play that by myself! Lovely design on your page ... you're inspiring me to try more 8.5x11 pages.

  2. Your confession was delightful & what a fun page you have created to go with it. I am with you, not a fan of board games or card games & in a family of competitiveness I was always the odd child out ...I would also put pranks into this category. No, give me a good book any time.

  3. Another story well-told, and another clever layout! I actually enjoy board games, but it's not anything our family has embraced. Tracy and I do play duplicate bridge every month or so with a group that's been playing together (some of us) for 43 years. I'm not a terrific bridge player, but most nights can hold my own without embarrassing myself. If I practiced some, I'm sure I'd improved, but obviously I don't care enough about it.

  4. What a great page and anecdote!
    You knew?! ;o)

  5. But if y-u did have sutured almonds hidden ..... I wonder where? Lol. Ok, I'm with you on the joke shops etc but I'll fess up, I love cluedo! I think it's the whole agatha Christy thing and of course I love the names, I mean I'd love to be called Miss Scarlett lol. A gorgeous page as always and you put such a great twist on it xx

  6. You don't mention card games? I love board games and card games BUT rules are rules. Last week I helped at a games evening at the village hall. Your kind of nightmare maybe. I was allocated as the Newmarket 'expert' . Fine. Ok the rules were slightly different to mine but the rules of the night stand and I can accept that. So then I join in Uno. I know Uno. I know the rules. At least I thought I did. I find their rules are different. Ok I accept that even though it's causing me to lose. During a quiet moment I peruse their rules. What! Hang on, these are different to how you were playing! If we had stuck to these rules I wouldn't be losing so badly! Grrrrr

  7. ugh hate them too...not sure your layout! Cool colors!

  8. I think this LO is fabulous....the design is soooo neat. LOVE the sewn squares down the side in that striking black and white. And the stitching! Just imagine, without this prompt you wouldn't have made such a stunning page. So obv board games have a place!!!! I love 'em all, but no one will play with me. I 'made' the boys have a card / game night once a week, when Tom worked late. We had nachos, or pizza etc and then played games. APPARENTLY, my boys don't like games now. Because of that! And I thought I was installing a LOVE - not a horror of them!!! But it's OK. I've started on the next generation. Lucas & I made up our own cards for 'Go Fish' last week, BAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!

  9. I am not much into board games, I like some card games but, BUUUUUT Role Playing games and I am there. I love Ars Magica and I love Live role play and I write live role play murder mysteries and.............. sorry, frothing a bit there. Still coming down after the weekend of all sorts of games at the convention I help to run

  10. You have done a great job of making something so attractive out of a subject you hate! The chequered squares are perfect. I'm not s fan of board games either (but my DS and children love them) - I think it's because there is nothing to show for it at the end of it. And I'm not bothered one iota about winning so apparently that doesn't make it fun for,the other person/people. I'm secretly delighted to be first out so I can go and make a cup of tea for everyone.

  11. This post is hilarious! Coming from a large, game-playing family, it's hard to understand a "non-game player!" You know, the camaraderie, the being together, the fun and laughter...But honestly, what you describe is exactly how I feel about sporting events! I'm much too impatient to sit for hours without being able to do something with my hands. And then there's the up and down---down't get me started! Anyway, you are just so clever! I love how you managed to turn your assignment in to such a fun and delightful post! I always enjoy your play on words too!

  12. I love a board game but I totally get where you're coming from with all of the waiting for your turn and not being able to do anything else with your hands, they can be a trap!

  13. I am so glad that there is someone else who doesn't like board games - I grew up one of four, except we were often more as my parents did emergency fostering and I had to play endless board games and card games too. I don't know why I can't stand them - I am competitive but also a very good loser. I can just about tolerate Trivial Pursuit as that is very quiz like and I love quizzes. I use to dread Christmas Day when I wanted to curl up in a corner with either a good book or get on with some crafting (I use to get lots of craft sets for presents) but oh no after lunch the dreaded words would be said 'come on Karen, go and join in with the others, they can't play that game with just three'

    I love that layout and how you made such a great story about something that you don't like

  14. Well, I like Scrabble and Yahtzee, but you can pretty much keep the rest. And I haven't played either of those in YEARS because one of my three was super competitive growing up and would pout or throw a fit if she didn't win... so we stopped playing board games. I wonder is "Snakes and Ladders" the same thing as "Chutes and Ladders" here in the U.S.? Love the layout - very clever. personally, I run from clowns.

  15. What a great post and layout! We are huge game players here. My favorite is Scrabble, but it's not chosen often by others since I'm usually the winner. :) We have a huge collection of games, which we must start playing as soon as I get the remainder of my crafty stuff into the new room and off the big table . . . otherwise I won't be able to check that item off my 50 Things list!


Thank you! I do love to know what you think