Monday, 9 May 2016

Memorandum Monday

Ah Monday: this week it looks like you might be bringing me some sunshine, the promise of a little time in the fresh air, and maybe even the possibility of a freshly barbecued spare rib.

Which makes it a little strange that my new thing for today is

a great heap of just knitted woolly sweater. I have been trying a new technique for the first time. It's one I mentioned a couple of weeks back, remember? The sock extrapolation? I had decided that if I could knit round and round on a little circular needle to make a little tube, which is a sock; then I could also knit round and round on a long circular needle to make a larger tube, which would be a sweater. So that's what I spent my weekend on and I'm surprisingly chuffed with the way it's turning out.

The pattern is by Isabell Kraemer, found on Ravelry, the wool is Drops Alpaca, and the method is a lot of fun. It starts at the neck and works down to the rib at the bottom, then I'll need to knit the sleeves (back to shorter needles) and I'll be done. With no seams to sew up at the end. Oh, the possibilities.

But,wait: you're right. Knitting isn't exactly something I've learned for the first time. So, what else is there? Well, I read an excellent blog post on intellectual copyright, or, to put it another way, pinching pictures from the internet: the best I've seen in a very long time and I can recommend it (by Louise Myers: Why You Need to Stop Pilfering Pinterest Pictures). But if that's a little heavy for this time on a Monday morning, how about something lighter? A lot lighter?

...did you know that Saturday was Naked Gardening Day? No, neither did I. See, that woolly sweater doesn't seem like such a bad idea now, does it? 

Have a good week!

So last week Deb, Ruth, Helena, Eileen, Jane, Alison, Mitra, Mary-Lou, Ladkyis, Karen, Susanne and Maggie brought us something new. Go on! Give 'em a wave! Say hello and go see what they're up to this week.


  1. oh well done on the jumper - anyting that cuts down on the sewing together front gets a big tick in my book. I did hear mention of nude gardening day and did pause to wonder where that idea came from - I wear glvoes to protect my fingers from gardeny stuff so can't think why anyone would want to expose more to the possible dangers. Have a great week

  2. I *did* kniw that about the gardenin day. And as it was foggy here the reduced visibility would certainly have helped. But I stayed indoors instead and learned that finding the words 'King Eurystheus'- to use in a SnippedTale I have in mind - is going to be tricky ...

    Have a glorious week ahead with your jumper!

  3. I never knew you could knit a jumper without seams. Still not making me want to make one, either!!! Neither go naked gardening. And I do sneak a few Pinterest photos. But only for my desktop so I can enjoy them bigger and more often. That Georgia Lane has AMAZING flowery Parisienne ones!!!! Did you know that???!!!! ;)

  4. Gorgeous color for your new sweater. I hope you'll model it for us when it's finished. Never heard of naked gardening; no interest there. The article on Pinterest is very comprehensive! I've linked back to Pinterest photos, and am hoping that that is OK. I bookmarked the article to read again. Copyright law is so complicated, yet so important.

  5. Naked Gardening Day? Now that made me laugh out loud, thanks!

  6. love the look of the sweater, I'm back on my blanket now as I need to get it finished. Had to smile at the naked gardening!

  7. Now I am sure you must have heard that you should "never shed a clout till May is out" so a woolly jumper is in and naked gardening is OUT.

  8. Of course I should add that there is some dispute as to whether that applies to the month or the tree!

  9. My goodness, you're a fast worker! One minute you're thinking about having a go at a jumper on circular needles, this week it's almost ready for wearing. Just in time for those temperatures to dip again!
    There was a bit of gardening done around here this weekend but clothes were worn at all times. I suspect that those who did take part stayed well away from holly bushes or roses!

  10. Beautiful colour of your sweater (jumper). I would say no to naked gardening as I say no to anything naked.

  11. It's lovely to find a pattern that doesn't need the dreaded sewing up. I did actually know about the naked gardening! :)

  12. Well that stopped me in my tracks! Sian gardening naked, whatever next ... And no, I don't want to know how you knew it was naked gardening day lol xx

  13. wait how did you know it was naked gardening day? I am super excited about that sweater! It looks EPIC and I love that color!

  14. for thoughts!
    Your sweater is coming along so nicely and I will check your link.
    Thanks Sian~

  15. Naked Gardening Day: now there's a very eccentric British sounding tradition if ever I heard one (had to chuckle about your comment about the jumper!)! Can't wait to see the finished jumper. Will bookmark the copyright article to read later: I always try to use copyright-free images but you can never be too careful. Here's to a lovely week, Helen

  16. Fab jumper and it looks like it knits up really quick. Yes I did know about naked gardening day - i wonder who came up with that idea LOL!! Interesting article re: photos. Have a great week!!

  17. Oh, a freshly barbecued rib sounds wonderful - hope that possibility turned into reality! Looks like the sweater is coming along nicely.

    I've been curating my Pinterest boards, taking time to be sure anything I pin links back to the original post. I've been surprised at how many pins/photos don't link back to a blog post or Instagram or anything . . . and I don't pin those. When someone says "it's from Pinterest" I always think, "No, it's from somewhere else really!"

  18. What a lovely colour - I admire your ability with that circular needle. Is it heavy to hold? You'll be glad of it at the end of next year's Naked Gardening Day!


Thank you! I do love to know what you think