Friday, 27 May 2016

Mardi, Me and a Sneak or Three

So apparently maintaining radio contact here has almost defeated me this week. Almost, but not quite. I'm here now, after a few of the busiest days we've had in quite some time. If you were to measure the free time I've had in socks - and I do - it would come out at roughly one heel turn and barely a stitch more. May's Sock of the Month is definitely not ready for wearing: not one nor the other.

But it has been absolutely worth the withdrawal. On Monday night we were at the City Hall for a very special Girl Guiding Award Ceremony. And on Wednesday I made my way back there for a hugely memorable meet up which has been many months in the planning.

I've been a fan of Mardi Winen's scrapbooking style - and of her lovely blog The Love Supreme - for years now, for as long as I've been reading blogs at all I've been looking forward to seeing what she has been making. We started to get to know each other a little; and when I found out that her travel plans - all the way from Australia - included a brief stop in our little city, I didn't dare hope that we might meet in person. But we made it happen!

Every day since she left home I've been following her progress on IG and watching as her cruise ship sailed closer and closer; and it was a great day indeed when we were able to pick each other out of the crowd in front of our City Hall this week. She is every bit as warm and lovely as I thought she'd be and saying goodbye was hard. We still had so much to talk about. I have no doubt that we'll stay in touch. I've been lucky enough to meet up in real life with several scrapbooking blogging friends now and it has been a real pleasure every time. That's the internet at its most powerful best. Thanks so much Mardi, for adding me to your tour list!

After waving cheerio, I wandered up the street to meet The Accountant coming out of work, which is something I haven't done for a long time, and we drove home, marvelling at the way the world turns, in time for a curry served up by our student. And then I scrapbooked..

...because it's nearly June and that means a whole new selection of kits at Gossamer Blue. So far I have a little bit of this:

and a dash of this:

and..oh,no, that's it. Sneak Three isn't quite finished. Best get on then. See you soon.


  1. It's always wonderful to meet up with blog glad you managed it.

  2. How absolutely wonderful for the two of you to meet in person. Yes Mardi is quite the creative woman - she has made some amazing hand quilted Australian pillows recently (as seen on her blog). I could not agree more with you & The Accountant, the world does turn in funny ways - I often am amazed by it.

  3. How WONDERFUL to be able to meet with Mardi! Having just done much the same with Ali and Sanna, I KNOW what an absolute THRILL it is! So glad you got to spend time together!!!

  4. I do love to hear of bloggers meeting up! City Hall would have been the perfect back drop, too!

  5. Ooooh - I'm intrigued. What was your special Girlguding award ceremony for? Loving the sneak peeks and how lovely to meet up with another blogger in real life :)

  6. One day ... That will be you and me xxx

  7. How lovely that she was able to meet up with you on her tour. Lovely picture of you both.

  8. Oh, how absolutely FUN that you've had another meet-up!! Sounds like a fabulous week, despite those socks not getting along much. :)

  9. It always makes me smile to hear of us Blogger's getting to meet up...even if it's only for an hour or two! Xx

  10. How exciting for you both to meet up after all this time. Yay for blogging friendships.

  11. How FUN for you!!! Glad it all worked out!

  12. Meeting up with blog friends is always a special occasion, especially when the distance between you is so great!

  13. It's always nice to meet someone in person. Sounds like you have been busy x

  14. It is always great to meet up with friends you've made online. I've never been disappointed and it sounds like you haven't either.

  15. Having had the delight of meeting you in person, Sian, I can imagine that Mardi was equally thrilled :). The twists and turns are indeed wonderful. I'm liking those sneak peeks too ...

  16. Awww... I am SO glad we made it happen too.... I still remember the moment I spotted you....I knew at an instant. (I also recall feeling wind blown and travel weary and like I talked waaaaaaay too much... but that's just my Mardi insecurities...haha)


Thank you! I do love to know what you think