Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Taking It Easy

It's Half Term holiday here at High in the Sky. That means haircuts, lie-ins and way, way too much project work. What's with all the homework? I think they need a break.

So we've been trying to do other things too, and I haven't had a chance for much cutting and sticking. I do have two cards I made for Midnight Rooster

using a mix of previous kits

because they all go together so well. I've cleared a bit of space on my desk and I'm starting to dream of the new CHA collections. Mmm..what did you think? Echo Park's This and That; Lilybee's Buttercup; Pink Paislee's Prairie Hill, Studio Calico's Take Note; MME's Follow Your Heart all look good from here. And October Afternoon. Of course.

There have been an overwhelmingly amazing number of entries for Storytelling Sunday this month. Over fifty! (and still time to join in if you'd like to..) Thanks to everyone who gets involved

Have a good Wednesday whatever you are up to!


  1. We're not off until next week - can't wait!
    Lovely cards - those MR kits are fab!

  2. Our half term is next week as well.
    Love the cards....and there are far too many gorgeous new ranges!!!

  3. Beautiful cards Sian!

    I love pretty much everything Studio Calico do and I really liked Echo Park's 'Note to Self' too.


  4. Love the cards Sian, and I hope your two do get a bit of a break this week :) its no fun doing school work all the time

  5. Our half-term is next week too. Love your cards, the pastels are so pretty! Have a great week x

  6. Cute cards Sian! Personally, I'm trying to ignore all those new collections until I use up more of the stuff I already have! :)

  7. Next week for us here too & I cannot wait!! It'll be haircuts & eyetests all round, but I love not having to set the alarm...I'm still uo & about but it's my choice!!!!

    I'm loving these two cards, so pretty!

    Oh...& going off at a tanget...did I dream it or do I remember seeing a sidebar button for 'Storytelling Sunday' somewhere ?! :)

  8. These cards are wonderful. I do like your style, its so clean yet so pretty.

  9. I especially like the blue and yellow - and your delicate layering. Bring on Spring and ditch the studying!

  10. You have no idea how happy I am to have discovered your blog months ago. I feel like I have a real British friend! I love your turn of a phrase! Today, I got a kick out of "lie-ins." That is just the cutest way to say what we refer to as "hangin' out." Sounds like a page title to me! I must use it! Have a fun break!

  11. very lovely cards! i desperately need to revisit my card-making... lost my touch. You've given good inspiration today! x

  12. I agree no homework over breaks! :) I love your cards, pretty!

  13. Our half term is next week and I am SO looking forward to it! I agree that a break should be a break too, no homework, just time to relax and recharge the batteries. Enjoy!

  14. Lovely cards! Yes, I LOVE all those lines too!! Not that I need them in any way. Have a good break with your children. :)

  15. We have an early close day at school today, which means DS was home at 2pm. He still has three more school days, before our half-term break.
    Haircut will be before Friday, as he's playing his guitar in a concert at a local church. I think he'd better look tidy...
    Enjoy your break and I hope The Children don't have to work too hard on their projects!

  16. Mine finish on Friday. Then the two eldest are off to Nanna's for a few days. I don't know who is looking forward to it more, them, her... or evilly... me. Honestly - they have been training in earnest for the bicker olympics! I'll miss them really ;)

    Thank you for your lovely comments over at mine, am catching up slowly but surely. It's daft how much I love that old Sylvester jumper ;)

  17. Love the first one particularly..and there are far too many new lines which I'm in love with!
    Alison xx

  18. Half term is next week here and it is also the week after Mr Ms birthday. He always takes that week off so we shall be surrounded by kids everywhere we go - sigh - The Storytelling Sunday was brilliant this time wasn't it? I had marvellous fun reading them all. I am planning next month already

  19. enjoy half term Sian - ours are off next week. I hope they don't go overboard with the homework here.

    Lovely bright cards too Sian.

  20. Your cards are lovely today Sian, enjoy the parts of the break which are project free!

  21. half term starts lunchtime tomorrow - we're off to the Science Musuem on Friday :)

  22. Why do haircuts always end up being at half term? Ours is next week, I am at work unfortunately but I know Mum and the kids are already looking forward to it...

  23. Such pretty cards :)

    Enjoy the half term,and hope they also get some fun time, which I'm sure you'll make sure they get :)

  24. These are some lovely cards Sian! I love how soft they look.

  25. Lovely cards! That pink one is so very pretty.

    Wow, 50 stories - I better go check out a few more!

  26. There are so many new wonderful paper collections aren't there! I'm going to do a bit of scrapping on Sunday, and I"m really looking forward to it.

  27. Cute cards Sian!

    I too have been crafting with scraps and scrapping with the papers I got for Christmas (use 'em whilst you love 'em) preparation for CHA collections. Loved October Afternoon as always and am desperate to get my hands on Dear Lizzy Neapolitan - did you see the little library stamp in that collection? And the pinky papers?! Oh my days! I am soooo desperate for it! Not too much longer to wait I hope! :)

  28. These are so beautiful, Sian. The colors of both are lovely and so springy! Despite the lack of snow, it's still very wintery here, and spring is already looking mighty good.

    I started a Pinterest board with my CHA desires. I've preordered some of the new Amy Tan for American Crafts, but I have my eye on some others as well.

  29. I was never a fan of homework sent to be done over a school break either! But I am a big fan of your cards. You are the queen of layering embellishments into beautiful stacks of adorable!

  30. Lovely cards! Your color palettes are stunning. I get a week off at the end of the month, and so looking forward to it!

  31. what great color combos! i love the depth of your cards. i would love a break right now but we don't get a week off until middle of march. enjoy. :-)

  32. I think school holidays should be a break from set work...a time to recharge. We are still at school but last day today. No homework for us, not usually.

    Gorgeous cards!

  33. Thx Sian for ur comment! I've hopefully rectified the problem but deleted ur comment! Aaargh! Thx again x

  34. I too think it is unfair to get loads of homework while on a Glad Emily does not have any..ha ha it would be cruel to give to a 3 year old!
    Love the pretty cards, the farmhouse paper looks gorgeous, I must play with mine instead of just looking and maybe stroking it :)

  35. Sian, your cards are certainly as lovely as your LO's! I have actually taken quite a bit of notice of CHA this year; almost wish I hadn't, there is soo much yummy stuff! I'm loving Lillybee's buttercup line too and I can't wait to get my hands on Heidi Swapp's memory box thingies, just up my street!

  36. These are just beautiful! I love them!

  37. Lovely cards Sian. Glad I came across your blog aand am now a new follower. Is that a mini easel I see? - Cute! Love Katie xx

  38. Beautiful cards! Blue and yellow always make me feel cheerful- I love how you layered the pins and that Maya Road wood die cut there.

  39. Beautiful beautiful cards! And oh yes to the CHA stuff. Loving so much but I really liked the new Dear Lizzy stuff.

  40. Beautiful looking cards Sian. Sorry I'm so late seeing them.

  41. Your cards are a treasure, Sian. As for the new kits, I have no idea what they look like, but I do like the sound of "October Afternoon"--a warmish sun, a bit of breeze, a tang in the air. I'll be curious what you do with that when the time comes.


Thank you! I do love to know what you think