Thursday, 5 January 2012

Oh Bugsy

Everyone remembers the first couple of times they went to the cinema. Don't they? The very first film I saw was Disney's The Apple Dumpling Gang, with a friend, for her birthday. The next year we queued up for Bugsy Malone.

How much did I love that film? As soon as I saw the big old car sticker on the Times & Seasons sticker sheet from Gotta Craft that's what I thought of.

I wanted to drive one of those cars. I wanted Mary Jane shoes and a cloche hat and a handbag that shut with a snap. I even thought about finding myself a gangster boyfriend. Though I was only ten at the time. Instead I used to lie in bed at night and sing myself to sleep. "I could have been anything that I wanted to be.."

Everything on the page (apart from the October Afternoon buttons) is from Glitz and Echo Park, from Gotta Craft. Sandra will be open again on Monday 9th January. She is busy adding lots of new American Crafts stock and I can't wait to have a look..


  1. There was a programme on last week that we watched that showed the cast reunited and remembering the filming of it. Was so good to watch - I used to love Scott Baio :0)

  2. We love Bugsy here too. I've lost count of the number of times we've watched it. My daughter auditioned for Tallulah when she was in Year 6. Sadly all the main parts went to Year 5, because they didn't have SATs coming up. Your LO really conjures up the era.

  3. I love how one element inspires memories---and then, for you, a wonderfully creative page!

  4. Fantastic memories and a great layout.

    The first film I remember going to see was Jungle Book with my Dad - its still his favourite film to this day

  5. Bugsy Malone is one of my favourite chidhood films and your layout is a perfect reminder of the time.

    I wanted to be Blousey Brown :)!!

  6. I LOVED that film. We did it as a school production and I was in love with one of the Bugsys. I can still remember most of the lines too. I'm feeling a bit "Roxy Robinson" at the moment... you know, "If it were raining brains, Roxy Robinson wouldn't even get wet!"

  7. I've never yet seen it all the way through, never could get into it. Strange isn't it? Love your homage though :)

  8. Your page looks great. Amazing how one little thing like the car will trigger memories. Must say that I can't remember what the first couple of movies I saw were - maybe I need a cup of tea to jog the brain. :)

  9. I can picture the theater inside and out, the large paper sacks of popcorn Mama would send with us, even where we sat but can't remember what movies we saw. Although I know we saw The Apple Dumpling Gang and Sound of Music as well as Disney's. I love that there were elements so perfect for your memory :)

  10. What a great vintage feel ... I love the look and the colours of this. I must be the only person who hasn't seen it :( but I get a real flavour!

  11. your love of the movie comes out on the page you created! what a fun memory.

  12. Great layout Sian and what a good story to tell. Bedknobs and broomsticks I think was my first film... My mum took me. Great days:)

  13. I just love this page,'s so evocative.
    I don't remember the name of the first film I saw.....but it was the one with Hayley Mills as a child and the tramp that they thought was Jesus!!

  14. A terrific photoless LO with a sweet story too! :)

  15. Great layout Sian and now you've got me singing....'my name is Tallulah..'

  16. We still watch the film whe never it's on and sing along ... I always loved and still love the fashion :) absoutly stunning page Sian

  17. i wanted to be tallulah and use a splurge gun. my first trip to the movies was a Disney too, not sure which but my dad took me every birthday to Christchurch. My to faves were Snow White and Jungle book,
    Jo xxx

  18. I can only think that I MUST have seen the film all the way through but can't remember ever sitting down to watch it! but I do remember the time it was so popular - cool memories and a great page :-) i love that you took that car as your inspiration for this great page!

  19. Love the page. Will have to add this to my must watch list. My first ever movie was 'Harry & The Hendersons' in an old theatre with wooden floors. I took my baby brother to his first movie and it was Cars 2 in 3D. Oh how things change in 25 years!

  20. I'm not sure I remember the first movie I ever saw in a theater. We didn't go ever as young children. It may have been The Poseidon Adventure, although I distinctly remember seeing Gone With the Wind at a discount movie theater that showed "classics." It was hugely long and had an intermission in the middle.
    Thanks for bringing back those memories.

  21. as usual you have the perfect subject for the paper collection... i love it!

  22. That's a lovely page and the papers are gorgeous. The first film I remember seeing was The Horseman. I went with my first boyfriend, we were all of 10 yrs.

  23. Just love that page. Pass the Page is with Alexa, so I'll be sending you a mail this weekend about the blog hop. **excited**

  24. I'm with Rinda on this one! I distinctly remember seeing The Posiedon Adventure at the drive in theater. My brother and I had a big blanket and pillows in the back of the station wagon, and the first movie in the theater was Gone with the Wind, which I still love to see on the big screen!

    I love how you can make such gorgeous layouts without photos :) Another fun story Sian!

  25. I believe the film was Snow White. I was about four and was carried out of the cinema sobbing in terror because the wicked queen scared me so much. This was way back around 1950 or so. I do remember my mother hissing through clenched teeth at my father "I told you she would be scared, you can take care of the nightmares"
    I did wonder what they were.
    A beautiful and evocative page, I love it.

  26. Going to show my age now. The very first film I saw at the Cinema was 'The Red Shoes' circa 1948/49. And, I have never forgotten it.
    I love everything about your page. The colours, the font, the bits and pieces and most of all, the story it tells.

  27. I remember going to the drive-in when we were little. The first film I recall seeing in a theatre was Gone With The Wind, at my sis-in-law's urging. Your page is very cool!

  28. Wonderful layout - those colors are fabulous. I don't remember the first time I went to the movies . . . but I remember going lots of times as a teenager.

  29. I now have that song going around & around in my head!! My first ever visit to the cinema was to see Tommy Steele in 'Finnians Rainbow'!! I loved it, even at the tender age of five!! I remember walking home, playing a game with my Dad, holding his arm & walking with my eyes closed so he could talk me around any obstacles!! He got involved talking to my Mum & forgot...I walked into a lampost!! Thanks for the memory!!! :)

  30. What a terrific page! I don't remember the movies we went to when I was young, but I do remember the preamble. We would always stop at the A&W Rootbeer place and each of us kids would get our own "baby" rootbeer mug. They probably only held 2 or 3 ounces, but they were a huge treat for us. From there, we would go to the drive-in theatre--and probably the reason I don't remember the movies is that Mom and Dad were the only ones who stayed awake long enough to watch the movie.

  31. What a great page and great memory to document! I can remember going to see Bambi and Mary Poppins with my mom and some friends. I thought our old-fashioned movie theatre was so big and luxurious, it really was like being in another world.

  32. I still love the cinema so much, but as a child it was magical. My elder cousins took me to see The Jungle Book and I remember being so embarrassed at crying when Baloo 'died' and my eldest cousin Nick smiling at me and then a little teasing when we left.

    I wanted to be Blousey too. I also have got 'I could have been...' going round in my head, which is a good thing. Thanks Sian another great story which has sparked something off.

  33. That has always been one of my favourite films

  34. Took the kids to a showing of Bugsy at the Barbican as part of their 'early 1900s' cultural education.

    The music was heard around here for weeks...


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