Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Fresh Sheets

Today -

a couple of journal pages from my favourite source Grace Is Overrated:

a tip: don't use a blob of Gripwax instead of blu tac to hold something on the wall because you think it'll be easier on the paint. Because you'd be wrong.

an update: I have posted out ten sets of paper bags and I have spotted two albums already - one by Jayne here and one by Mel here. And a big thank you to Deb who has sent me another lovely sewn version to try along with some of the cutest little red and green bags I've ever seen. They are pushing me over the edge - my Christmas album this year just has to involve - bags. 

That's me for today The title? I have a sick one at home this morning, and I am posting my journaling sheets. See what I did there?


  1. Yes, yes, I do see!
    From having recent experience of neededing to change sheets and many other items due to a sick child, I wish the sick one a speedy recovery, their mother a cast iron stomach ... if she is that way inclined, and I sincerely hope you are well stocked with necessary antiseptic.
    Of course, if the said illness is nothing like what was experienced here on the weekend at least you will not run out of sheets!

  2. PS I really like this format of journaling, I'm off to see what I can see on the link ... I could do with fewer words from time to time. :-)

  3. I love those journaling sheets, I have some filed away somewhere, perhaps I'll grab them. Hope the sick one improves quickly x

  4. I hope the sick one is feeling much better soon xx
    I love these journalling (mmm...one 'l' or two?) sheets and I hate the hair dresser too!

  5. Love those journalling sheets - hope the sick one recovers soon. Looking forward to my bags arriving - photos and paper have been ordered so I'm hoping to make it a half term project!

  6. Hoping for a quick recovery for the sick one and can't wait to see what you do for your Christmas album!

  7. What great journal sheets (and no need to launder them!).

    I've been seeing the paper bag albums popping up too and am getting inspired to try another one soon.

  8. Wow, these journaling sheet are really beginning to grow on me. Certainly a nice way to document life!

  9. Those are great journal pages. I did think the title related to the sheets awaiting ironing until I read on. Clever you! Hope the sick one gets better soon.

  10. Clever title..and hoping you don't have to go through many sheets over the course of the day! Love your journal pages
    Alison xx

  11. Gosh Sian....I'm amazed a sickness bug can travel from Australia to Ireland!!!!!
    I too am looking forward to the paper bag xmas album.

  12. Urgh - another blog friend with a sicky family member - I do hope the sickly one is feeling better and more importantly not passing the bug around.
    Love reading the little entries you have made on the other sheets, I love insights into other people's days!

  13. Fun journaling sheets - what are you doing with them all? In your regular albums or another?

    I no longer have a sickly family member but she gave the bug to me - just in time for my day off. I've never made a paperbag album. Even have a variety of them - I like the idea of using them for Christmas. Maybe I'll get inspired this year.

  14. You've just reminded me I need to get my hair cut too - I promised the hairdresser I would do it more regularly and here I am 3 months later- oops. I'll have to find a way of storing my kits so that I can keep them together too :0)

  15. very cute journaling sheets, do hope the sick one is feeling better and has shared no germs!

  16. I hate going to the hairdressers too. Always seems like a waste of time. Creative title and hope the sick family member gets better soon. It's that time of year.

  17. Sorry you have a sick one :(, and hoping you got the ironing finished. Love this page - such a great idea, and fun to read and admire. I'm taking it you are another fan of violet creams?

  18. Healing vibes coming your way!

  19. I love those journaling sheets x

  20. I have sent out the pages to the proof readers so I have a few days before the corrections arrive back so I can possibly photograph my paper bag album tomorrow. I am also going to catch up with the pretty paper party class tomorrow too!

  21. Oh, I love these journaling sheets too! Did I discover them through you? You're using the coloured versions though, right? I like the ones you colour yourself :) So interesting to see your answers!

    Sorry though to hear about the sickness. Which one is it? Hope they're quickly recovered xx

  22. These are such colourful and cheerful journalling sheets, Sian. Hope your sick one is better soon, and like it has been said, I can't wait to see what you do for your Christmas album. I managed to pick up a few more paper bags today so I may make an album while I am on my residential weekend.

  23. Well wishes to the sick one from me too!
    I have been to a hairdresser three times in my whole life - aged 5, 17, and about 30-ish. Never again. *lol*

  24. Oooh, you are inspiring me right now! I have been a follower of Grace is Overrated for a while because of her journaling pages but I have yet to fill one in.... I should really get started! Hope your sick one feels better soon!

  25. Wonderful stuff Sian, love the previous post too- you are always so inspiring x

  26. Hope the sick one is fully recovered by the time this comment shows up! Off to check out Grace is Overrated--though I know you've given me the link before.

  27. Ooooh a very clever title! Hope the sick one isn't poorly for long. Love the journal pages, what will you be doing with them?

  28. Sian, thank you so much for the bags! I will go back and have a look at the tutorial you posted and see what I can come up with. I like the look of those sheets by the way! Hope the sickness passes quickly and stays contained. Thanks again xx

  29. Great play on words Sian :) Hope the illness is contained to only one in the house!

  30. enjoyed your journaling sheets. Hope tso is feeling better. Good to see the other bag books being made too x

  31. Those ARE great sheets - thanks for the tip.

  32. Hi Sian -- Hope your sick one is feeling much better now. I'm at home today with a sick little one of my own and magically had a few moments to log into my reader. What a wonderful surprise to find your post. Just as Debs14 said, it's a treat to read a few insights into your day. Loved peeking in at your word associations and happy, happy birthday to your Mum! Love those paper bag albums too! :) Christie


Thank you! I do love to know what you think