Sunday, 25 September 2011

Thank You

On Thursday, just around lunchtime, the postman knocked on my door with a card. Inside it said "Hoping you have a wonderful day, love from Amy". I couldn't stop smiling. What Amy didn't know (though, I'm starting to wonder - I think some of you might know me better than I know myself) was that Thursday was the big Scrap365 Blog Hop Day!

I got up that morning to find a bunch of flowers and a card from the family who knew I had been looking forward to sharing my secret with you. They wanted to wish me well. It was a wonderful day!

So, thank you to Amy and to Ruth, for her special card, and to everyone else who has left a comment or taken the time to email me their best wishes for the new magazine. It has meant a lot. It's that mutual support which makes the blogging world such a great place to be.

There is still time today to check out the Blog Hop here (or scroll down to my last post and start with me). Please do go and browse the blogs of the other designers and start looking forward to 18th November. That's the date to remember! Oh,and you could check out the facebook page here too. You'll find all the subscription information there.

And, please, have a think about what you like, what you need from a scrapbook magazine and let me know. All opinions welcome!

I just have time to remind you that it is Storytelling Sunday next week. Only three more until the end of the year..


  1. one of things I loved most in the late lamented Scrapbook Inspirations, which I don't find in other magazines, was the designers' stofies behind the latouts. Not just a copy of thr journalling or a step by step make but the reasoning and emotions of the design team. We got to know them so well.

  2. I agree with Kirsty, the DT at SBI felt like friends by the end. But, of course, you're already a friend ... and I'm wondering how I can manage another weekend soon to come and visit ...

  3. Oh my gosh how exciting (not sure how I missed this; must have been in Australia!). Many congrats Sian, and I do hope the mag will be distributed overseas. If not, I guess I will just have to subscribe, yay!

  4. I think Kirsty's right...there was a real family feeling about SI....and I felt I knew the designers well.There was also a real variety in the it had so much inspiration.

  5. Lovely tag today Sian. I love mags which include interesting projects with good instructions (I.e. Mini albums or simple book binding, etc.) I also like a mag to feature some two page layouts, layouts with multiple photos, and some clean and simple pages. Also like the occasional article on photography tips.

  6. I like magazines that remember the diversity of scrappers - not all have children; not all are in USA/UK/Northern hemisphere. And if a scrapping mag does not have a good number of cleam/simple/graphic layouts then I don't buy it

    I was disappointed that the 365 mag's homepage tells us nothing about the editorial line/style/point of view and what to expect in the magazine.

  7. so excited to see the magazine and your contributions which will be gorgeous as ever.
    so glad u had something lush from amy, its lovely to get surprises. i got the other day from the tax office...............some money back,
    jo xxxx

  8. How clever of Amy! I had a card from her that day too (as part of Ginger's Mail Art Exchange) and it was my birthday:)
    As for the magazine, I would just like diversity of scrapping styles and projects.

  9. Yay! Signed up for my subscription at the ally pally today. Cant wait. Also excited as my conkers look lovely:) and found a brill online shop ( may become b&m soon at the show) and it's local to me:D check out site, artful splodger. Told Nige you are on the DT today....he was impressed I know such talented people....need to lie down know as still giddy.

  10. That's a pretty tag, Sian! and glad you are having lots of nice support - well deserved!

  11. It's lovely to see you on the design team- your work is inspiring. I did a class with Michelle J Mogford today and we were talking about the mag being launched soon- can't wait!

  12. Signed up at Ally Pally to the mag! So pleased to see you on the DT!

  13. I love that your tag is on an easel, as it is surely a miniature work of art! Congrats again!

  14. What a wonderful surprise! Love the tag!! :)

  15. Hiya Sian :) Thanks for the comment on my blog. Just popping in to say hiya and congrats to you too!!

    Sooooo exciting :)
    nat xox

  16. It must have been hard waiting to share that great news!

    I'm thinking about what story to tell next Sunday - looking forward to it.

  17. Aawww, lovely surprise, and again huge congrats.

  18. ooh I must've missed this - well done you! i hope the mag goes well x x x

  19. I had a blast this weekend and loads of people at the reatreat had already subscribed to Scrap365 - we've been starved of paper inspiration so I'm sure that it will be a great success!!! Just made the necessary phone call myself too!

  20. HUGE Congrats on the DT spot!! I had a fb invite from MJM to join in the bloghop & haven't even dipped a toe in yet!! So it was lovely to read of your involvement...How exciting...a new mag!!! & especially exciting now I know you're involved too! I can't wait to see what your input will be...inspired I'm sure!!! Enjoy!! :)

  21. Congrats! Exciting!

  22. how exciting for you! i love the tag which is the perfect reflection of you and the beautiful things you create.

  23. I saw the sneaks at AP and I'm so excited. I've subscribed already. When do you get your copy and when do you know what bits of you will be featured? Can't wait!

  24. Lisa-jane - I think I'll be waiting until 18th November just like everyone else :)

  25. How lovely that your family brought you flowers to celebrate the new mag being announced:) and thanks for the reminder about storytelling sunday, I would have completely forgotten!

    PS my ankles are much better now, thankfully its not a daily occurrence!

  26. I am still trying to think of a story for Sunday!!!

    I don`t have much to add as everyone has mentioned what I think. Variety is good as it is nice to try something you may not normally.

  27. exciting stuff. I like magazines which balance people you 'know' and new faces on a regular basis.

    In depth articles and good sized photos of projects where you can read the journaling or it is underneath as the stories are important to me.


Thank you! I do love to know what you think