Thursday, 8 September 2011

LSNED 2011 Rides Again

I'm finding a groove with my tag making

and I've learned a thing or two along the way. Last time round, I followed the prompts. This year, I'm more or less doing my own thing. Keeping an open mind and looking for the new as we settle into the old routine.

Last night, for example, I learned that some things are worth waiting for. I finally got my shelf up. It's an old peg-rail-and-shelf-together kind of thing and I've painted it to use as a display prop, so you'll probably be seeing a bit more of it soon. There is just a peep of it in the banner photo above.

On Sunday I learned that William the Conqueror's wife was 4'2" and had at least ten children. In the eleventh century. With no pain relief. I don't know about you, but I'm impressed.

And all week I've been learning what I guess I've known all along. I'm better with cold weather clothes. I like choosing them and I like wearing them, September is good. Let's enjoy it!


  1. Goodness me, 10 children! although I'm now feeling better about my 5 ft and half an inch frame :)

    These tags are lovely Sian and I assume done with the slice. You've made me want to get mine out & play.

  2. wow 10 children at 4 ft 2'' it amazing. most women now would have a caesarian and told no more than 3!!! i love ur tags they're so beautiful. i also tend to do my own thing but inspired by shimelle's ideas and prompting i sometinmes find something i hadnt though of to write about,
    jo xxxx

  3. The tags look great and I love your eclectic learnings

  4. Love the tags,Sian.....and some interesting lessons learned!!

  5. the tags are looking wonderful Sian! Are you writing your lessons on the back?

  6. No other word for these tags, Sian, except stunning! I love every one of them. Are the tags cut at 4 inches? They're just the perfect size for a small composition!

  7. i like learning what you're learning! your tags are so captivating and inviting hanging on that line - much better than a boring textbook. :-)

  8. Sian, your tags are wonderful and I'm so glad you're doing LSNED. I'm impressed with William the Conqueror's wife, too! :>) We don't have to worry about fall clothes yet here although I have looked longingly at some of those clothes wishing for a nice cool spell.

  9. Great photo up top; I love that big cutout on the far right tag (very unusual).
    And what an interesting fact!

  10. Awesome tags, Sian! I am in love with September 2nd, soooo pretty. Can't wait to see your shelf.

  11. Loving the tags Sian!
    Alison xx

  12. beautiful tags Sian, and some great lessons - my ten children...i struggle with three!lol!

  13. Oooh, these tags are amazing - they're so lovely and detailed, and the layering is beautiful.

  14. Lovely compositions in miniature, and looking forward to bigger views of the shelf. There probably wasn't much in the way of heating back in the 11C either... I'm feeling the cold today but not had time to get out the autumn clothes - yes, September is good if I can get into it before October is here! Feeling cheered by your lovely work. :)

  15. Your tags look beautiful and I can't wait to see more of the shelf :)

  16. LSNED is looking VERY good so far....I'm still hanging in there for the 14th to pick up & join back in!!!! I am so looking forward to seeing more of the shelf & thanks for that bit of trivia...I actuallt clenched my knees when I read that...& I'm 5' 5"!!!!

  17. Your tags are truly wonderful and what a lovely way to display them! Is the little bird done on your Slice or is it a punch?

  18. oh Sian I had to pin your little tags right away - simply adorable. I have to lift this idea sometime.

  19. I'm very impressed. Your tags are gorgous, and look lovely hung as bunting.

  20. Ten children! I don't really have any words - it is not something I can comprehend in any way shape or form.

    However, one feels better when presented with that fact when they can view delightful pretties!

  21. your tags are impressive Sian :)

    10 kids at 4'2"... difficult to imagine in these times... the average female height is at least 5'4", (at least in North America) more than a foot higher. It would be interesting to know what the size of her babies were.

  22. Your tags look gorgeous Sian :) Looking forward to a closer look at your new shelf.

  23. Those tags look fantastic and you some great lessons there.

  24. Oh it's such a treat to learn what you learn. Your tags are very pretty lesson reminders.

  25. I am loving these tags! Looks like it is great fun to be creative in a different way. And learning something new every day at the same time!

  26. I have something for tags AND for banners so the fact that you combined both makes it an instant winner in my eyes! :D Keep up the good (and inspiring) work!

  27. I love your tags Sian. I am working along similar lines to you - not really following the prompts, but just really noting something new every day, just some days they seem to tie in with the prompts!

  28. I love your little tags, and what you've been learning each day :) I'm doing ok now, thanks for asking, 18 weeks gone, and second scan next Monday!

  29. They are gorgeous Sian, I can't wait to see what you do with them at the end.

  30. Your tags are beautiful. I'm enjoying reading your learnings. Thanks for the inspiration.

  31. What a lovely way to make the project Sian. Gorgeous tags.

  32. I'm better with cold weather clothes too. Layers. Love my layers. And trainer boots.

    10 children... ouch.

  33. Love your tags. I finally got a little further than scribbled notes in a diary today.

  34. Your tags are looking great. I'm bad - I haven't read any of the prompts yet - guess I should do that today - so I'm just doing my own thing with LSNED.

  35. Lol, What is it with sleepovers and bags of crisps. 9 teenage girls in a tent in the back garden last night and now a zillion empty crisp packets.

    Loving your shelf, I can just imagine how you'll be using that to capture shots of stuff you make - looks fabulous. Tags are delish of course too.

  36. My newest nephew (arrived yesterday) was 8lbs 10oz... I hope William the Conquerers wife managed smaller babies!

    Really like the tags, especially the blue flower with butterfly.


Thank you! I do love to know what you think