Saturday, 6 August 2011

Five Pass The Book Confessions ..

...and an adopter.

As I get ready to hand over to Melissa, I thought it was time to confess:

1. I didn't know if it would work at all. Your enthusiasm has delighted me.

2. I didn't even know how to make a blog badge when I started. But I worked it out and it has given me a lot of pleasure to see it pop up in blog world.

3. My favourite will always be the first one, Where Women Create, which Cheri has promised will land back here soon. I'm looking forward to it.

4. I'm really hoping there will be a message or two inside for me to read.

5. This is the big one. Ssh! Don't tell. I don't actually like wrapping parcels. I'm happy to pass the books, but I can definitely pass on the the parcelling! I can never make it as neat as I'd like.

Which leaves me with July's adopter of Art Saves to announce. Before I do that I'd like to thank everyone who has joined in. Keep on passing those books round! Each one will stay out for twelve months. And I'd like to take this chance to thank Alison of Life In The Slow Lane for sending me a blog award recently.

Thanks Alison! I'd like to offer my confessions as my part of the deal and I'd love to offer the award to everyone who has received a book. How's that?

So of course that includes today's adopter of Art Saves and that is....Julie from Notes on Paper. Julie, I'll get that in the post just as soon as I can.

Stortelling Sunday tomorrow. See you there?


  1. I really enjoyed the wrapping and making of a card part, we all have our thing though don't we!
    I sincerely hope all make their way home filled with lovely messages from around the world.

  2. Have so enjoyed 'pass the book', Sian...have been very lucky with it...and still one more to arrive. Thanks for organising it...and I hate wrapping as well!!

  3. another one here who get frustrated with wrapping! Even though i haven't taken part in pass the book i've loved seeing what books were on offer and Sian a fantastic layout xx

  4. I love wrapping - but everyone moans at me for un-wrapping with equal care - especially as we don't generally re-use the wrappings!!!

    Fabulous page - love your style - and a great tribute to a very successful project. Hoping to receive my book (from Rinda) soon ... hurry up Mr Postie!

  5. got my opass the book yesterday from heather and there are lots of messages inside when it comes home to you.
    have skimmed through and i love the ideas already,
    jo xxx

  6. Thank you for being such a fabulous hostess and for choosing such inspiring books! It is so much fun now that there are a dozen books winging their way around the globe. I've managed to receive and thoroughly enjoy two of them myself!

  7. I'm so glad I received a book before you handed it over Sian, so that I could be part of this wonderful share that you started.
    I think it is a gesture from the heart and I too hope you get all the books back with wonderful messages inside.

  8. I think it was an inspired idea:) Sadly I haven't been lucky enough to win any of the lovely books, but it has been fun taking part. I love wrapping parcels and ike Jimjams my family get irritated with my careful unwrapping!

  9. What a great layout about Pass the Book - I really like that's it on notebook patterned paper, perfect. I'm so excited to be continuing the fun.

    I don't mind the wrapping, and I figure that if it doesn't look perfect when it arrives at it's destination, I'll just blame it on the post office! :>)

  10. That's a great layout to record Pass The Book. Thank you so much for being so generous to start it in the first place. I've enjoyed being a part of it and my parcel should arrive with Jacky any time now :)

  11. It's funny that for me, the best part of gift giving is actually the wrapping, but I'm assuming you mean wrapping for posting, which in that case, trust me I'm with you there lol. Now, although I've not taken part in this, what I've enjoyed is seeing how many do take part, and it's been enjoyable to see who has these books and who gets them next. It was an inspired idea :)

  12. I love wrapping parcels!! On that we differ...but I am so with you on the 'Where Women Create' front...that book was a delight!!! :)

  13. You'll definitely see me tomorrow . . . with a travel story. I love wrapping parcels, if I have the right supplies.

  14. I discovered your blog too late to even know about Pass the Book but I LOVE the idea and I really like your page here!!! You have a great style!

  15. Wishing your books eventually make a safe return home with lots of fun messages inside! :) What a terrific idea!!

  16. No.1 on your list seems to have been answered by one of my favourite quotes: 'Leap and the net will appear'. Good for you!

    And how nice to be catching your final pass! Thanks so much x

  17. Ah, how nice that Julie has won the book - I got home from holiday today, to find an e-mail telling me I'd won a digi-collage of postcards, in her giveaway; what goes around, comes around - in every sense in this case!

    I have loved this Pass the Book year. It's a fabulous idea and I am so pleased for you, that it worked out. You've been great to keep it going. I hope I do get a "turn" at some point, with one of those lovely books....
    And I really do like wrapping parcels. It gives me a great feeling, to wrap and carefully package an item, knowing that it will be opened with some excitement and pleasure, by its recipient; the packing part, at the end of the Book Making Process, is one of the best bits of my work! My dad taught me to wrap parcels nicely - he was very good at it and I still do it the way he showed me. I've developed a few "tricks" of my own too, to make a parcel special. I like to make the person who receives it feel as if they have a special gift (even if they bought a book from me - after all, it's a one-off, hand-crafted item and it is special to them!).

    I hope Julie really enjoys her book!

  18. Not joined in but do like wrapping parcels and sending off cards. DH on the other hand dislikes it and so I treasure each one I get from him :)


Thank you! I do love to know what you think