Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Helping Little E

Little E is usually a cheerful chap. He's mostly up, rarely down. But when he was on the phone last week, he told me he had three problems. Or maybe it's only one problem. One list with three things he doesn't have:
  1. A football shirt. I can sort this out with a rummage through The Tall One's  wardrobe
  2. A trampoline. When The Accountant heard about this, he was all for buying a trampoline, waiting until dark, driving to Little E's and assembling it on his front lawn in the middle of the night as a surprise. Not sure if I have completely talked him out of this yet.
  3. A tail like Higgins the three-legged cat. A tail. Now it just so happens that I have a spare tail lying around and Little E would be very welcome to have it.

But now I'm the one with the problem. The others won't let me give it to him. They say I'd be messing with his mind...

Storytelling Sunday this month - wow! We had a record 28 stories added, with the promise of at least one more to come. So there is still time to join in - or have a good read. It couldn't happen without you ♥


  1. I like the idea of a trampoline appearing in the night as if by magic! But yes, if you give him a tail it might mess with his mind. Though I suppose the magical appearance of a trampoline during the night might do the same, or at least make him very sad next time he wants something big and it doesn't turn up in his garden in the wee hours! x

  2. The trampoline appearing sounds cute but I think Jennifer is right about next time he wants something! Cute story Sian :)

  3. Oh, please, please give him the tail! I don't think it will mess with his mind ~ he'll just have loads of feline adventures for a week or two. And think of the photos you'll be able to take ...

  4. The idea for the trampoline sounds wonderful and I'd go for the tail too. Never erected a trampoline as a surprise but we did do a skateboarding ramp and grinding rail once - I'd forgotten all about that :-)

  5. I have a feeling that my brother may have a similar tail at his place .. it used to utterly confuse our two - I don't think they are mentally scarred,well I hope not, and we had a good old chuckle at watching them figure out just where the tail led!

  6. Mmm my mind is already wondering all manner of things about that tail but I think little E sounds like he could cope.

  7. I think little E would LOVE the tail....Ruth is right, it will be such fun for him for a few weeks and then he'll move on to something else!
    Alison xx

  8. i love the idea of lil E having his tail and would love to hear the 3 tail story, sounds intriguing. children r very used to imaginative play so he wouldnt be scarred for life at all.............im a Health visitor so I know ;-))
    jo xxx

  9. I think the tail is a great idea...can't see any problem with him having one.....DD1 WAS Tigger for 2 years.....frequently with a tail....and has still managed to grow into a reasonably well adjusted adult!!!!!
    Love the Accountant's idea for the trampoline as well.....but maybe on little E's birthday....when magic's allowed to happen.

  10. It takes an awful lot to mess with a child's mind, especially when it comes to fantasy. They can usually out mess us given half a chance.
    Give him the tail, let him work out the story around it. He'll thank you for that. As for the trampoline, they are a very expensive fad that take up enormous space in the garden and become lethal when wet. Tales don't do that..... I learnt a song about tails when I was a Girl Guide leader.
    If everybody had a tail/And chose it's shape and size...
    Now I simply have to find it!

  11. Oh, definitely give him the tail! I think I made myself a tail once (I think I was a teenager, too!)
    I so love Storytelling Sunday! Both writing and reading. I haven't had a chance to read all the stories yet, as I've been busy and want to really enjoy them. Should get to do that this afternoon.

  12. you must let us know if little e gets what he wishes for! i wonder why he thinks he needs a tail... hmmm.

  13. Aaah! Give him the tail!! Definitely!

  14. Oh, if only our problems were as easy to solve as this! Even the tail......

  15. I'm definitely in the pro tail gifting group, I think it will be a source of great imaginative play (and photos)

  16. Hee Hee To be young and have these as life's largest dilemmas! ;) I say give him the tail!! Imagination is a good thing and my eldest daughter always loved being the dog whenever she played house with her friends. She turned out normal.... well relatively. hee hee

  17. can I just ask does that tale come with the 2 mice attached??

  18. Yes to the tail
    No to the trampoline
    Perhaps to a hammock :P

  19. I don't see a problem with the tail, it's no different to any other item of dressing up clothing! I'd love to see his face if he did wake up to a trampoline in his front garden!

  20. What harm can having a tail do? In fact as your his lovely crafty Auntie I think you should make him some ears to go with it :)

  21. I'm decidedly in the give Little E the tail camp! It is harmless pretend fun to have a tail and I'm sure it won't cause him to reach adult-hood believing he is a feline!

    The trampoline? We had one. Rarely used after the novelty wore off and a total pain to remove once it rusted out.

  22. Another vote for giving the tail to Little E. A trampoline always made me a bit nervous, but our neighbor's children love theirs.

  23. Please auntie sian can i have the tail, but i got new problem, "I got no christmas tree" xxxxxxx

  24. Pin the tail on the......

    Oh what fun he could have!!
    Great story xx

  25. Go for the tail, definitely :) Tell the others that they're outnumbered by all us commenters! xx

  26. Give him the tail! Give him the tail! Better to be a tiny bit messed up and interesting :P

  27. Oh how funny - poor little E.

  28. Little e's a smart cookie, he can see the many benefits of having a tail :)

  29. Ooh a Tail! That would be a wonderful gift for Little E. I think he needs one... with a way to make it stay attached, so he can be all kinds of creature.
    I read a children's story to J. once, about a boy who wore a tail... it was interesting and cool. I wonder which book it was in - it would suit Little E, I think. The Tail was involved in a big adventure in the end - a great finish to the story. Must try to remember where it is... I'll let you know if I remember! Meanwhile, do give him the tail - it will let him try ideas and find stuff out! A tail is Creative, Sian!
    But I'm with Jennifer on the trampoline thing... nice as it would be, perhaps it would be better to wait until his next birthday or Christmas (wet & cold though), to put up a trampoline as a surprise? Isn't he still quite little though - so it would be a little trampoline... still quite big to put in the front garden, if it then has to be moved to the back... But it's a lovely idea though... Our trampoline was the absolute best thing we ever bought for DS - he's used it every day that he possibly could, since we bought it 3 years ago.


Thank you! I do love to know what you think