Saturday, 16 April 2011

Five Reasons to Come Back Here Tomorrow

1. If Mel is organising it, it's sure to be fun.

2. I've heard there might be some giveaways somewhere along the way.

3. It's a great chance to catch up with lots of Blogging For Scrapboookers bloggers - maybe you'll be joining us for Beyond BFS on Monday too?

4. I'll have a new project to show you - easy enough for Easter holiday crafting

5. It's going to rain tomorrow. Stay inside, drink coffee, eat biscuits and read blogs

So, repeat after me:

A B C...1 2

Sunday 17th April 2.00pm GMT


  1. Ooo, that all sounds fun! Though I'm hoping for sun over here tomorrow - but will pop in. When you say 'easy', have you taken into account your seriously sewing-and knitting-challenged follower? :)

  2. no excuses required, will be hopping like a manic bunny through all 26 blogs,
    Jo xxx

  3. I am so looking forward to the hop tomorrow! Just finishing up my project and cannot wait to see what others have in store:)

  4. I'll be here - and I can't wait!! It's given me such a thrill to see this badge on so many blogs over the last couple of days, I might just spontaneously combust with excitement when the hop goes live....!

  5. Hi, I'm doing BBFS too, I'll be popping back other for the blog hop, sounds fun!

  6. I'll be there... it's going to be fun!

  7. they all sound like great reasons to me!

  8. Hoping to pop later to have a look. Hope it all goes well.

  9. So looking forward to joining you all x


Thank you! I do love to know what you think