Thursday, 17 February 2011

February's Monthly Make

Got Tassel?

I've got my make done nice and early this month. Alright, I cheated just a little bit. Instead of trying to completely finish the green cable sweater I've been working on, I skipped to the matching hat and knitted it instead:

The pattern is from my favourite kids knitting book Designs For Kids by Lucinda Guy and the end result is meant for the head of that blonde scamp Little E:

"Whenever I see him I just want to cuddle him. But he always wriggles and he's usually sticky"

 The Small One has a point. But he's very cute and we love him to bits. So that's my make for the month. Keep an eye out over at The Felt Fairy's place - she'll be adding a linky to take you to all the other February projects. It's going to be worth a look!


  1. How fast can you knit? And how many hours are there in your day? I think you must live in an alternative universe and just drop in here from time to time! I am sure little E will love that hat - just make sure he's not too sticky when he gets his hands on that tassel...

  2. So many talents Siân - I am in awe!

  3. Can I just say here, here to the two comments above mine ... they're so right, how!!!! just tell me how can you do everything and do it so well! :) What a lovely little hat, and such lovely colours, he's going to look gorgoeus in it.

  4. I just love that hat Sian especially the little dogs with their bobbly noses. Your knitting skills are far above mine I'm always so impressed with your cable work and knitting in the round.

    Are you making Stanley next month. I'm still undecided what colour to do him.

  5. Well, you are all very kind, but there are many, many things I can't do. I can't draw to save my life - and that is something I would love to be able to do.

    Amanda - I think your knitting is amazing! Yes, I'm going to do Stanley, but I haven't decided on a colour yet either

  6. Darling hat, and adorable boy.

  7. The cable pattern in that hat is just wonderful. What an adorable boy and an equally adorable hat for him!

  8. A.DOR.ABLE!!! The hat and little E! xo

  9. A gorgeous hat....for a gorgeous little E....can't wait for the matching sweater.

  10. That is some awesome knitting! I'm just a washcloth and scarf knitter so far, trying to work my way up to my first afghan.

  11. Looks great! And woo hoo on done w/ February! I'm still working on this Month's make - felt like I had so much time but EOM is coming quickly!

  12. This hat is so sweet! What an accomplished knitter you are! :) Little E is so cute. He will look so sweet in the hat! :)

  13. Great hat...just hope it's machine washable for when he gets his sticky mits on it!!!! Isn't he just so cute, & he sounds just like a real boy should!!!

  14. They're sticky because they're made of snips and snails and puppy dog tails!
    But so adorable, and I bet he'll look great in that hat.

  15. Little E's a lucky chap to be getting that hat.

  16. What a cutie! The hat looks great. Hope you'll share a pic of the finished sweater.

  17. I am so in love with the hat and would wear it myself! What a clever girl you are xx

  18. That hat is soooo cute! I love the doggies.

  19. I always thought knitting was one of those cool talents to have under your belt, I could never make my loops evenly... Love the puppies!

  20. such a cute hat! and there are going to be plenty more cool windy days before summer for little e to wear it. :-)

  21. Gorgeous hat, love the little doggies, you find the coolest patterns Sian :D

  22. Great hat - hope he enjoys wearing it :D

  23. Cutie hat! I love that bright blue with the subdued brown. How DO you keep your cable stitches so neat?! Mine seem to get 'holey'!! LOL

  24. I agree-your knitting is so neat,and little E has such a cute face. Scamp really suits him !He will look scrummy in that hat !


Thank you! I do love to know what you think