Saturday, 8 January 2011

Five Quotes From The Men Round Here

I've been wanting to add a little extra weekend programming here on From High In The Sky for a while now - and I've finally got myself organised. Well, I mean I've got myself  another notebook and started making a few lists. A few lists of five. Five people, places, things or happenings. They might be anything at all; but there will be five of them. Right here. Every Saturday.

5 Quotes From The Men Round Here:

  1. "I've never seen a Christmas tree with real, live rigor mortis before"
  2.  "Working Photoshop? You need to find a photo of me sitting on the sofa and work through all the options until it looks like George Clooney sitting on a beach and then you'll know you are working Photoshop"
  3. "If they turn off the water again, we can always start spraying ourselves with hamster Dettox"
  4. "I wish you could fast forward through the boring stuff on TV and get to the exciting stuff. I mean. it's another whole hour til the cricket starts"
  5. "More trains, Auntie Sian"

It is nice to be tripping over them on the kitchen floor again. Have a great Saturday, whatever you are up to!

Postscript: Don't forget Pass The Book is still open - leave a comment if you are interested.


  1. Yay to Thomas and his trains! Love the coomment about hamster Dettox!

  2. You're going to need more than one notebook with such verbally adroit men in your life! Very cheering on a gloomy Saturday :).

  3. That cheered me up!
    If you find the magic button that turns husbands into George Clooney you really do have to post a tutorial on your blog ;-)

  4. Love the Photoshop comment. When you figure that one out, do share!

  5. Yep...please do share that one!!! I'm also slightly concerned about someone who can describe cricket as exciting!!!

  6. Love the idea of listing 5 things... and such funny quotes!!

  7. Great idea, Sian. You are so clever...and the quotes were fun to read! xo

  8. Great quotes. Please let us know when you have Photoshop working like that! LOL

  9. how funny - each so distinct and full of personality! these five quotes are a great way to remember a period of time in your life.

  10. very funny. and - ah, trains - i do miss my train set. a lot. x

  11. I really did giggle at those quotes, what a great blog entry

  12. Oooh. I love George Clooney! One of my favorite husband quotes (He's in charge of the dishes) is:
    "people who like to melt cheese on things are never the people who do the dishes."

  13. Hmmm, frequently heard male quote over here .... 'turn off that dismal rubbish' in reference to the cricket of course ;-)

  14. Love your male comments - I had to giggle at the George Clooney one - me I would like Johnny Depp on my bench please. I don't know what it is with the cricket thing - it has been on in our house every evening and I think watching paint dry would be more exciting!

  15. They sure do come up with some classics don't they ? !

  16. Hahahahaha at the cricketcomment - sounds like something Craig would say!

  17. These definitely brought some chuckles. I'm with the rest when you find out how to do that in photoshop please share. :) Love the "live rigor mortis"

  18. I second the George Clooney tutorial! Great post Sian, it did made me giggle :)

  19. lol! Are you scrapping these?

    Off to play with PSE to see if I can turn The Doctor into George Clooney.... ;-)


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