Tuesday, 14 December 2010

It's Nearly A Post

As soon as I got up this morning, I knew I was going to be running behind. I'm not usually a panic merchant; but I've got one off sick, worrying about missing her Band concert on Thursday, my mum's Christmas cards to finish AND I haven't come close to waving my camera in front of my Journal Your Christmas pages.

So, I thought I didn't have a post for you, and I was pondering this when I took a quick look through my Google Reader and - Oh Happy Day! - I found this: How To Chill Out When You Forget To Post . Take a look. Honestly, it should be required reading at this time of year. Any time of year, maybe.

I'm breathing easy again now. A quick trip to the shops for some more paracetamol and some popcorn ( you always need popcorn when you are home sick and want to watch Christmas movies with your mum), and I'm sorted. Journal Your Christmas will probably return tomorrow, But, until then, remember - Chill Out When You Forget To Post.


  1. i like. i felt i was going to have a meltdown yesterday but i just sat down, wrote a list, and then worked through it. have a nice, productive and calm day! x

  2. tell the small one i am sending her a huge hug and i hope she feels better for band concert. i missed some my fair lady one year with tonsilitis
    Jo xxx

  3. which just makes me happy to be blogging without obligation - no time schedule to keep and everyone already knows not to expect a daily post from me! Hmmm - maybe that is why I have such a small band of followers? Doesn't matter! Hope the Small One enjoys her day off with Mum!

  4. Oh, yes, I will definitely check out the link you have here. I LOVE the photo and caption you have posted. Made me smile!!!

    I hope your Small One feels better soon!!! xo

  5. Keep calm indeed! Which reminds me, I should post sometime today, eh? Hmm. (And I am looking forward to seeing you over at Y&T! This is my second time through, hopefully I get something done this time!!)

  6. You have confirmed what we already knew - what a sensible woman you are.

  7. Enjoyed the post about chilling out. Enjoy your day!

  8. Isn't blogging meant to be fun rather than a chore? The same could be said for Christmas of course ... we shouldn't let ourselves get weighed down by the sheer commercialism of it all ... put the kettle on and your feet up, that's my advice!

  9. As you know, I post pretty much every day. But I've found on those rare days that I skip a post, my earlier posts get more comments!

  10. I know how you feel and will be going to your link next ;o)
    Hope The Small One is feeling a bit better soon. Emily's been off school nearly a week now but I'm hoping she's on the mend.

  11. Cute post - I, myself, believe you should never establish a regular blogging routine in the first place - where's the spontaneity in that?

  12. Poor The Small One - sending lots of get well wishes xx

    You know I'm all for blogging without obligation :-)

  13. Great post,Sian...will have a look at that link...hope the SO is soon better.

  14. Good for you, Sian! I hope The Small One is beginning to feel better - and that she doesn't have to miss her concert on Thursday.

    I was beginning to fret, as I seem to have finished all My Mum's Christmas jobs, but hardly started my own, let alone making my Cards. But DH was lovely and went shopping for me yesterday, bringing home ready-made Christmas cards and several gifts I hadn't been able to get; today I went to visit Niece No.1, who took me into town and helped me get gifts for her brother, sister and mum (my sister). All wrapped and under her tree, ready for them descending on Christmas day. Phew... only BF and her three left to organise.. and MIL's little hamper to complete with perishables, a bit closer to the Day.
    I think I might be nearly organised! Almost a Christmas... just my cards to write and post now!!
    I agree - It's only Christmas.

  15. Nice reminder! Hope she feels better soon! Take care!

  16. Sian, Thanks for the christmas card! very kind =)

    Just got thinking on the drive home from work you should start "Sian's Storytelling Sunday's" - like Christmas club but not about Christmas, the christmas clubs have inspired me to write funny tales!

  17. Sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day....! Off to have a look at your link. Get well wishes for your small one x

  18. Get Well Soon The Small One!
    You haev your priorities absolutely right. Make poorly children better first, the blogging can wait, your posts are always worth waiting for!

  19. Will definitely be checking out the link. Love the reindeer image - keep calm and carry on :)

  20. Brilliant! I need to re-read that from time to time, it really does helpnto chill you out! :)

  21. Oh that reindeer reminded me about something - am just going to email you!

    But in the meantime... I was like that a month or two back and also the same if I missed any posts of people in my favourite blogs list (you included) it got to the point I was constantly online, dinners were going late, no crafting was getting done - it took an age anyway the way my pc was playing up (Note the *was* - yup shiny new tower owner here! :P)

    Then I basically realised the same thing as mentioned in that post. No ones going anywhere, relaaaaaax. We loves ya and you are where youare needed, on the sofa with some popcorn and your bubby :)

    Big hugs x x x

  22. Don't worry ... just make sure you and small one chill out together. I hope she's well soon. Enjoy the popcorn

  23. Love this post, very fitting at this time of year. The photo is fab too. Cannot wait to see the journal and hope The Small One is feeling better.


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